当前热点-莱克顿·鲤山艺术中心 | 未来艺术家的起点

2022-10-17 16:56:55



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The LUCTON · CARPHILL Art Centre has been in the process of being established since 2021, was officially founded in August 2022.

This is the starting point for future artists, and the LUCTON · CARPHILL Art Centre offers BTEC Art and Design programmes, an exclusive art high school curriculum with a wide range of art and design programmes, providing professional study and progression pathways for students planning to study abroad in the Art, as well as programmes for general education students to improve their aesthetic skills and artistic background,meeting the needs of students pursuing further studies in the field of art and design.

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BTEC(Business & Technology Education Council)为英国商业与技术教育委员会简称,是将实践学习与学科理论内容相结合的课程体系,完成课程后可取得相应的专业资格证书。

与A Level课程体系相同,学生也可以通过BTEC课程体系所获文凭申请高等教育。该课程体系涉及16个行业领域,包括艺术和设计,商业,媒体,建筑,旅游等行业的超2000种课程。这些课程有不同的级别,从入门级(基础学习)一直到BTEC Level 7的专业资格(相当于研究生学习)。近两年,由于疫情,英国取消了A level与GCSE考试,由于BTEC不需要联考,证书颁发如期举行。

简而言之,A Level为学术类考试认证,BTEC则为对特定方向,如艺术与设计方向感兴趣的学生提供专业考试认证,两者具有同等学习效力。


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BTEC (Business & Technology Education Council) is a system of programmes that combines practical learning with subject and theory content and leads to a professional qualification on completion of the programmes.

Alongside A Level, BTEC is the most widely-recognized qualification to higher education. There are over 2,000 BTEC qualifications across 16 sectors, including art and design, business, media, architecture, tourism and more. They are available from entry level through to professional qualifications at BTEC Level 7 (equivalent to postgraduate study). In recent two years, A Level and GCSEs have been cancelled in the UK due to the epidemic, but BTEC have been held as scheduled.

In short, the A Level is an academic exam accreditation and the BTEC provides professional exam accreditation for students interested in specific sectors, such as art and design, and both have equal study validity.

BTEC is recognized by over 200 universities worldwide and students can apply for undergraduate programmes in the UK and the US with the BTEC Diploma. The LUCTON · CARPHILL Art Centre offers the BTEC full-time Art High School programmes and the Art Background Enhancement Programmes to help young students who are interested in pursuing a career in art and design to progress to world top art institutions.

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学生完成艺术高中全日制课程项目可获BTEC Level 3 Extended证书,即全日制艺术高中文凭。学生由11年级起入读三年,通过BTEC艺术与设计高中课程,搭配A Level英文科目的学习,并同时获得艺术留学作品集。学生80%的时间用于艺术与设计专业课程的深度学习,无需再学习学术文化科目。三年的学习中涵盖国际艺术高中的系统训练、专业方向选择、作品集辅导、艺术留学专属升学指导。

BTEC Level 3 Extended (全日制艺术高中文凭)注重系统的实践能力训练,被众多艺术与设计学院认可,让学生可以获得直接申请英国大学本科的申请资格,同时也可用于申请美国和欧洲的艺术与设计院校。

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Completion of the full-time Art High School programmes lead to the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma, which is a full-time Art High School Diploma. Students are enrolled for three years from Y11 onwards and study through the full-time Art High School programmes paired with A Level English subject. Students spend 80% of their time studying the Art and Design specialism in depth, with no further subjects required. The three years of study cover systematic training in international art high schools, choice of major, portfolio coaching and exclusive guidance on art study abroad.The BTEC Level 3 Extended focuses on systematic practical training and is recognized by a wide range of art and design colleges, allowing students to qualify for direct application to undergraduate universities in the UK, as well as for application to art and design colleges in the USA and Europe.

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莱克顿·鲤山艺术中心9月开展的一场Workshop 体验课程

非艺术留学的学生也可以选择参加艺术背景提升课程,完成该课程可获BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary证书,即艺术高中附属文凭,可作为Y10、Y11学生的课余学习项目。项目采用BTEC艺术与设计高中阶段附属课程,学生同时在校全日制学习A Level各类科目,利用课余时间通过附属课程获得艺术素养、审美能力、创意实践能力与符合国际高等教育目标可转移技能的训练。课程所获证书等同于一门A Level科目成绩,学生在IGCSE阶段即可完成。

BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary(艺术高中附属文凭)作为背景提升课程,让通识教育学生在进行留学申请时,起到证明创意能力、动手能力与可转移技能训练的作用,契合国外高校在学生选拔时候的高等教育倡导标准。

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The BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma, an Art High School Subsidiary Diploma, is awarded on completion of the Art Background Enhancement Programmes and can be used as an after-school study in Y10 and Y11. Students will be required to continue studying A Level subjects on a basis at school. The programmes allow students to spend their time outside of school gaining artistic literacy, aesthetic skills, creative practice and transferable skills in line with international higher education objectives. The programmes lead to a Diploma equivalent to a A Level subject grade and can be completed at IGCSE.The BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary serves as a background enhancement programmes for general education students to demonstrate creative, hands-on and transferable skills training when applying for study abroad, in line with the higher education advocacy criteria for student selection by overseas universities.

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Workshop 体验课程 | 解构图



喜欢创造和动手实践的学生常常发现他们更喜欢BTEC的教学方法和评估模式。因为这些方法可以让他们在学习每个单元结束时跟踪他们的成绩表现。它提供了一种实用的、专业的学习方式,能与GCSE、A Level一起(或代替它们)作为国外大学入学的评估依据。

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BTEC Art and Design programmes are suitable for students who enjoy hands-on work and do not need to pass the JCQ during their studies. Students are taught in a project-based approach, with research and creative work marked daily by the school"s teachers, and their results are recognized by the Qualifications Alliance. Students spend the majority of their time studying an art subject of interest, without the need to take further cultural programmes, requiring only a combination of English subjects and passing a language test prior to study abroad.It provides a practical, professional approach to learning that can be used alongside (or instead of) GCSEs and A Levels as a basis for assessment for entry to universities abroad.

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The programmes ensure that students are equipped with a comprehensive range of subject skills while allowing sufficient time to specialize in art expertise and a wide range of specialist options in terms of progression to higher education.

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BTEC艺术与设计课程助力学生前往世界顶尖艺术院校,获得BTEC Level 3 Extended证书的学生可直接申请英国、美国、加拿大等国家,包括牛津大学、爱丁堡大学、伦敦艺术大学、中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院等院校在内的本科阶段(美国大学大二)。罗素集团大学,如埃克塞特大学、利兹大学和曼彻斯特大学等,也都接受BTEC证书。

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The BTEC Art and Design programmes help student entry in the world"s leading art institutions. Students who have obtained the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma can apply directly to undergraduate programmes in the UK, USA and Canada, including the University of Oxford, University of Edinburgh, University of the Arts London and Central Saint Martin College of Art and Design (sophomore year at US universities). Russell Group universities, such as the University of Exeter, the University of Leeds and the University of Manchester, also accept BTEC Diploma.

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We begin by gradually narrowing down the scope of future development, with systematic training and courses to clarify the student"s future professional choices. We then assist students in strengthening their professional foundation and completing the portfolio and progression steps required to apply to institutions.

The LUCTON · CARPHILL Art Centre teachers will provide bespoke guidance to students in their specialism alongside the completion of the BTEC programmes.

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这样的艺术升学方式也可以在较短时间找到专业定位,配合在莱克顿校内学习所需的A Level英语学习,免去课外作品集辅导的时间与金钱花费,配以一站式升学服务,高效完成升学准备,最终成功进入专业与排名理想的艺术类或综合类院校。

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This approach to art studies also allows students to find a professional niche in a shorter period of time, with the A Level English subjects study required to study on campus at Lucton, eliminating the time and money spent on extra-curricular portfolio tutorials, and with a one-stop study service to efficiently complete their preparation for art studies and ultimately gain admission to a professional and ranked art or general education institution.

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The LUCTON · CARPHILL Art Centre believes that creativity is the link between dreams, reality and the future, and that putting creativity into practice is an important means of developing wireless possibilities for the future. We encourage students to seek out learning methods and collaborative approaches that work for them, to remain curious and discerning, and to embrace the diversity of things. We promote the educational integration of society, academia and the Art. We foster a sense of social responsibility and holistic awareness in our students and encourage the development of academic and artistic abilities together. This has always been our vision and our intention in teaching.

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