环球今热点:CISK公益讲座| 本周五15:30 全球化的未来世界
Dear Parents,
At 15:30 tomorrow afternoon, we will be holding a public lecture on campus, delivered by our vice principal Dr. Brice Bomo, on the topic of:
明天15:30我们将继续在校园举行CISK公益讲座,CISK副校长 Dr.Brice Bomo博士,将会给家长们分享:
The Future is Global
Time and Venue: 15:30 Friday, October 21, Room 109, main BLDG
讲座时间地点:10月21日 周五 15:30 109教室
Language: Mandarin and English
For any parents who are interested
CISK hopes to do our best to find the best way to help children and inject more resources into their growth. It also hopes that rich public education lectures can shorten the distance between the school and parents, help with the development of the school and parents, and make each other the best educational partners! We look forward to seeing you on campus!
CISK 2023 SpringEnrollment Plan
CISK 2023年春季招生计划
Target Grade
Pre-Nursery to Grade 11
Target Students
1. Child (with foreign passport) of Foreign nationals with legal residents permit.
2. Residents of Hong Kong, Macau & Taiwan.
3. Child of Chinese with legal foreign residents permit and/or child of high level oversea talents (eligible to apply).
1. 合法居留的外籍人员的随行子女(外籍)
2. 合法居留的港澳台居民的子女