As one of our first Fettesian Events, the staff and students of FCG celebrated World Mental Health Awareness Day last week alongside our sister school in the UK.
At Fettes, we know that happy children thrive. In line with the ethos of Fettes College in the UK, at FCG we are committed to delivering high-quality pastoral care in order that our students feel safe and supported, which gives them the confidence to take on challenges in the classroom and other areas of life. A key part of feeling happy is good mental health but we know that many people in today’s society can find this difficult. As a school, it is our responsibility to raise awareness of the importance of mental being, remove any stigmas that may be associated with mental health illness, and give our students the tools they need to achieve good mental wellbeing.
在上周五(10 月14日),我们在小学、初中和高中举办了一系列丰富的活动,其中涵盖了学习、生活、体育、艺术及拓展课程。这些全校性的活动发挥了积极的影响。
On Friday 14 we held a series of events across the school – for all PS/MS/SS grades and covering all disciplines including Learning, Life, Sports, the Arts and Co-Curricular. It was a truly whole-school event and therefore had the maximum positive impact.
学习 Learning::
In the classroom school during Tutor Time MS/SS students watched a video about teen mental health then discussed various coping strategies to help support good mental health such as keeping a diary, having a gratitude jar and talking to friends. In PS, students learnt that both mental and physical health are equally important aspects of being well. They drew stick figures to express their own state of health which created a safe way for the children to be able to share any concerns.
生活 Life:
In Boarding our students discussed strategies to promote healthy eating and sleep routines which are so important for mental wellbeing.
The Arts & Co-Curricular:
At lunchtime our specialist staff provided guided activities to promote active body and mind. Students of all ages could choose between soothing meditation, mindful colouring, chess (both Chinese and western Chess) and table-tennis. It was fantastic to see our students so productively engaged and strengthening friendships across the school.
体育 Sports:
身体锻炼对身心健康发展至关重要。我们绕着占地200 亩的校园进行赛跑来庆祝一天的结束。所有一年级的学生也参加了此次比赛,努力地为他们的学院赢得了积分,从中收获了愉悦与个人成就感。英国斐特思公学自1878年以来每年进行障碍跑活动,斐特思的师生受到了这段历史的启发,为此项传统活动注入了新的元素,如沿路设有清爽的喷水装置辅助降温.....当然,这在苏格兰是不需要用到的,因为那里的天气远没有广州炎热!
We celebrated the end of the day with a fantastic whole-school run around our magnificent campus. All students from G1 competed, earning points for their House and achieving a great sense of physical wellbeing and personal satisfaction. Being physical active is essential for good mental wellbeing. This whole-school run was inspired by the annual Steeplechase, a traditional run at Fettes College that has taken place every year since 1878! Our students were inspired by this rich history but were excited to add their own elements including the cooling water sprays which were wonderfully refreshing….. and certainly not needed in Scotland where the weather is far less hot!
We are enormously proud of all our students and the positive spirit with which they have embraced these first Fettes Events. We are already excited about what’s next in the Fettesian Events Calendar. Watch this space!!!
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