快看:从阅读小说到模拟法庭:与现实接轨的教育如何发生?All Rise... The
最近,MYP中学英语语言与文学课程的学生在阅读娜塔莉·巴比特(Natalie Babbit)的经典小说《永远的狄家(Tuck Everlasting)》时,发出了一个疑问——“每个犯罪的人都应该受到惩罚吗?”
“Should everyone who commits a crime be punished?”The MYP English Language and Literature students faced this dilemma after reading Natalie Babbit’s classic novelTuck Everlasting.
Set in the 1800s, this fantasy novel allows students to consider realistic themes such as the circle of life, greediness, and right vs wrong in a more objective way. To help students better understand the reality and inquiry more deeply, they are led into a mock trial...
Using our research skills, we found out about jury trials in other countries where the outcome of a case is decided not by a judge but by a group of law-abiding citizens.We found out further that ordinary people are much easier to persuade than judges because they tend to listen to a compelling story and make a decision based on who they believe should win under the circumstances.
The picture above shows one of the pages of the mock trial script created by students combining the plot of the book and other mock trial samples.
Armed with a sample mock trial script, we learned about the trial process and people’s specific roles in a court case. We divided into prosecution and defense groups and then learned how to write argumentative speeches. We worked on crafting effective questions that could support a guilty or not guilty verdict.
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Having students engage in situations that exist in the real world is one way for TWIS to enact its mission to equip them with the necessary skills to navigate the world. These are evident in the confessions… rather the reflections of the participants:
“扮演“辩方证人”的学生May说:“我学会了如何对问题进行换位思考,因为小说人物Mae Tuck的案件是一个非常具有挑战性的课题。以前我认为Mae是无罪的,但我从来没有想过为什么和如何去论证,也没有想过她可能是有罪的。我认为这次的经历可以帮助我在未来的辩论中表现得更出色。”
May as Witness for the Defense:“ I learned how to think of things from different perspectives because Mae Tuck’s case is a very challenging subject. Before I would have thought that Mae was not guilty, but I had never thought of why and how to prove it, or the possibility that she could be guilty. I think that this can help me to become better at debates in the future.”
Alice as Witness for the Prosecution: “I learned how to collaborate and communicate with my teammates. We discussed finding a conclusion or do some decisions during the editing of the script and summarized all our ideas together. Next time, I think I can prepare and research more to have more evidence for the defense and feel more confident and comfortable during the mock trial.”
Chael as Witness for the Prosecution: “I learned that I may not be a bad forensic scientist in the future because I know that I am a good observer and I take notes on things that are important. Next time I would print out the medical report I prepared because in the mock trial I forgot to print it which could be submitted as evidence.”
Yanyan as Bailiff and Clerk: “I learnt that being a court clerk isn"t easy because they have to jot down notes, state everyone’s name and profession and so much more. Next time we should think of the questions with much thought and consider the consequences more to win a case.”
Nathan as Defense Lawyer: “I learned three things from this activity. First, how to examine the evidence and draw a conclusion. Second, by using strong arguments you can change people’s perceptions. Third, how to deliver convincing statements and ask questions that benefit my case.”
Luna as Witness for the Defense: “I had to be ready to face questions that the prosecution could ask me. The way to answer can either benefit my team or the opposing team so I tried to add emotions when answering questions so the jury would believe and trust me.”
Gabriel as the Prosecuting Attorney: “I learned how trials typically work, and all its aspects including the jury, clerk and sentencing. I learned that under pressure or on stage I can get nervous and forget what I need to say so I would need to spend more time on making sure I knew my lines by heart.”
”特别鸣谢 Special Thanks to
Ms. Ann and Mr. Jason