学院制 House System | 弘毅 博学 求真 至善

2022-10-31 18:51:08

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In ISA Liwan, we have at heart to broadcast a strong family atmosphere and create a second home for our community. All new members are thus allocated to a house in which they are enticed through multiple activities to build strong friendships, empathy, collaboration skills, and much more….Our unique house system supports our pastoral program through our different curriculum strands.

It also fosters a strong network between students and staff as they have to cooperate to make their house win in some competitions.The house system making truly resonates our “one team one dream” spirit and having the youngest and the oldest students, the teaching staff and admin staff work together to shine.

What is the House System?


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In ISA Liwan we also believe in academic excellence. We know that to achieve their best students need to be balanced and acquire the soft skills to make them future leaders, innovators and long life learners. For this reason, we have built a system of houses to develop this holistic education through activities and competitions. The house will support sportsmanship, intellectual and cultural engagement, community spirit and social welfare throughout the school. It also helps students to develop a their sense of identity with their own house spirit and school.



Four Houses in ISA Liwan


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The whole school community has been assigned to four houses which are added together to create our Chinese motto: we need to have the Chinese characters here which could partially translated by Endeavour, Knowledge, Truth, and Benevolence, but have deeper meaning in Chinese culture.

Endeavour is to be tenacious, but it also means to have high aspirations and ambitions.

Knowledge is to be broad-minded, whose spirit includes being knowledgeable in both theoretical things on books and practical aspects.

Truth is to seek the real truth. It means to thrive to go beyond the appearance and go deep into our reflection to try to grasp the complexity of our word.

Benevolence has many different meanings, both in terms of doing things perfectly and being good to others.

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These four values together form the ISA Liwan"s school motto guide our students to be open-minded, analytical, courageous, resilient and caring. While learning to expand their knowledge they are meant to develop their lateral thinking, creativity and charisma to enable them to be the change and make the difference and contribute to better our community, the society and maybe one day the world.

In order to help students better understand the spirit of their own houses and echoe the Chinese Motto, these houses are named in English by their symbols: Bamboo, Butterfly, Mountain, and Silk where each house encapsulate the whole Chinese motto but highlight slight more one of its characteristics.

Bamboo House


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The symbol of the Bamboo comes from the Parable of the Chinese Bamboo Tree. In Chinese culture, bamboo signifies tenacity, modesty and perseverance. Bamboos take a long time to grow because they develop their roots first. This time when nothing seems to happen is however crucial as it helps the bamboo to build on stability and enables its future flexibility. Bamboo eventually shine for being one the most elegant and hardest to break plants.

When students feel they are not growing, they should remember that they should look beyond the appearance and realise that they are also growing roots. Students should use the image of the bamboo to practice endeavor to grow commendable.

Butterfly House


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The symbol of the Butterfly comes from Zhuangzi’s poem about dreaming about being a butterfly. In this poem, knowledge is represented as something complex to grasp, as reality and imagination often interweave and is changing with time.The butterfly is a symbol of beauty, but before it becomes a butterfly one should never forget that it is just an uggly caterpillar. This process of breaking through the cocoon into a butterfly is often used as a metaphor for the process of acquiring knowledge.

Being knowledgeable is just like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. ISA Liwan believes that students will one day become knowledgeable people, just like butterflies, and shine with their own beauty and light.

Mountain House


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山来自中国的一句谚语:“ 看山是山,看山不是山,看山还是山”。这句话包含了深层的哲学道理:我们对世界的感知往往是仓促的、主观的,我们对万物的认识只能通过实践逐步深化。除此之外,中国还有一则寓言故事:愚公移山。愚公移山是从搬小石子开始的。真理是不容易达到的,人们必须努力,透过现象发现本质。


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The symbol of mountain comes from the Chinese saying "I see the mountain, I don’t see the mountain, and I see the mountain" . This sentence contains a deep philosophical truth: how we perceive the world is often rushed, subjective, and our understanding of all things can only be gradually deepened by practice. The symbol of mountain was also inspired by a saying from Laozi "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones". which highlight the endurance to go beyond the surface. These two examples should inspire in students’ quest to look for the truth.

Our school is highly committed to bring the best out of themselves, so this example should be used a model for students to have the courage to carry on making small steps to see beyond what seems impossible and never give up looking for some truth.

Silk House


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Silk stands for the Silk Roads, and the story of Zheng He"s Voyage. Zheng He was an ancient Chinese explorer of the Ming Dynasty. His expeditions were about sharing the beauty and prosperity of China with the world and developing friendships with other countries. They never lead to an invasion and was always a peaceful and rich in cultural exchange. Zheng He left a long lasting mark as a ambassador of China’talents.

ISA Liwan hopes that every student will have the same spirit as Zheng He or Silk, showing the tolerance and kindness towards others and other cultures, respecting and embracing different cultures and bring high the beauty of their home and host countries.

Token System in Houses


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In ISA Liwan we aim to educate future caring well balanced leaders. For this reason, the house system support our academic and non-academic curriculum. Students have then the daily opportunities to be rewarded for doing good actions to improve themselves and support others.

In Early years, the way they earn points for their houses is simple and meaningful. Whether it"s by picking up litter from the ground, asking questions or giving their opinion in class, or anything they do on are modeling the IB learner profile they have the opportunity to earn the house points. The house system is thus embedded in their daily routine. Once they gain the points, teachers will immediately reward good behaviors in offering token (small color coins) representing the student’s house. The students will then be able to make the walk of pride to put his/her token into the matching house box and have the feeling that his good behavior has a butterfly effect on the whole community.

Token System


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In primary and secondary, students will also have daily opportunities to get house points through behaviors and competitions. Students don’t receive physical points but digital token. This enables the whole community to promptly praise students for their good actions and enable the homeroom teachers to have a weekly celebration of their students’ success. During the 4 weeks since the beginning of the year, students have also already been involved in numerous competitions, such as designing the house symbols, practicing the approach to learning techniques, practicing their sportsmanship and collaboration skills in sport inter grade competitions and so on. These enable students to engage in healthy competition between houses and thus better help them develop.

Students design their own house symbols


Some Activities of the House System


Sports Activities 多种多样的体育活动

Using Creativity on International Dot Day


Primary School Cohesion 小学凝聚力活动

The house system allows students to feel both a sense of honor and a sense of belonging to their own houses. Through this system, students are given the opportunity to develop their social and personal skills, become more confident in dealing with difficulties, and shine in the future.



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