全球快消息!ISASC Mid-term Summary 爱莎科学城期中总结 | 心系学生,立说立行

2022-11-07 16:50:48

ISASC Radio Station 校园广播站

Mid-term Summary


As we enter November, the overall drop in temperature is a reminder that we are approaching the end of the year. In the two months since the start of the school year, the school has been focused on the growth of our students, with a lot of effort put into academic guidance and enhancement, student leadership development and school ethos, as well as creating a united, collaborative and opportunity-filled "whole person learning community" through closer and more enriching home-school interactions and student activities.



Boarding Prep Time寄宿生晚自习

Since the beginning of this semester, the Senior Leadership Team and faculty team, led by Mr Paul, the Head of School,have been providing comprehensive tutorials to boarding students on a rotating basis during their evening prep time every night,answering their academic queries and thus helping them to consolidate what they have learnt in class recently.


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Parent College家长课堂

This school year, a series of parent classes will be organised by the school"s senior management team with extensive experience in education, as well as teachers in the frontline of teaching and further education, focusing on "hot topics in education" and topics of relevance to the school. The classes are designed for parents of students of different ages. To date, a total of 13 parent classes have been held, with more than 60 planned for the school year. This model of sharing information and promoting mutual learning between home and school has been very well received by parents and staff.


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ISASC Student Council 第一届学生会成立

This academic year, the school established its first Student Council. Through a combination of student performance from the previous academic year and voting among students, a total of 18 students were elected to the Student Council, consisting of two Captains, fourprefects that represent each of the ISASC pillars, and 12 Grade representatives (two each from G6 to G10, plus two from the A Levels programme). The Student Council will start their tenure as student leaders by discussing how they will get feedback from their peers, how we can make better use of our shared spaces around school and discussing how they can work with school senior leaders in whole school areas like food, marketing, and academics.

本学年,学校成立了第一届学生会,通过综合上学年学生表现,以及学生之间的投票选举,最终共18名学生入选学生会,由2名队长、4名支柱领袖(分别代表学校四大支柱的学术、艺术、体育和社区服务),以及12名年级代表(G6至G10各2名,外加A Levels项目2名)组成。他们将在未来持续地收集身边学生对校园建设的反馈,例如如何更好地利用校园中的共享空间,以及如何在餐饮、市场营销和学术方面与学校管理团队进行更高效地交流与合作等。

2022-2023Student Council 学生会成员一览

ISASC Student Council 第一届学生会成立

↑Click to view the review article 点击查看相关回顾


English Week 英语周

During our first ever English Week, students of all grades across the school have enjoyed a wide range of interesting and exciting activities, all designed to inspire students to continue increasing and improving their use of English. This included the teachers and senior leaders reading stories in the library during break and lunch times. Even more importantly, English Week is meant to be a celebration of the multilingual nature of our community, and our students’ ability to use English as an important tool to communicate and build relationships even with those who come from completely different countries, cultures, and backgrounds.


English Week 英语周 | 掌握连接与拥抱世界的语言工具

↑Click to view the review article 点击查看相关回顾


Rigorous School Ethos 严谨校风建设

The school has always believed that a rigorous school ethos is like an invisible bond that regulates students" learning and school life.Through communication with parents (e.g. Family Handbook, parent-teacher conferences and parent colleges on relevant topics), parents are encouraged to participate in the discipline of their students. For example, the school requires students to wear the school uniform, to follow the mobile phone policy, to participate actively and conscientiously in learning and school life, to treat everyone in the community with respect and kindness, and to pay close attention to bullying, discrimination, violence and other behaviour that interferes with teaching and learning and is detrimental to the physical and mental development of students, and to take serious action if it occurs.




The path to education is one of hope and challenge. Through close communication and collaboration with all parents, ISASC hopes to provide positive support to all students, create a harmonious learning environment for them, help them grow in a healthy manner and acquire core skills to meet the challenges of the world in the future. We also hope that parents will become more actively involved in our home school activities in the future, and welcome their "input" to build a better school community together!



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