世界即时看!莱克顿Fun肆奇妙夜 | 2022第五届篝火之夜·万圣节活动

2022-11-08 19:06:48







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This is the fifith year that Lucton has held Bonfire Night · Hallowwen. Students, families and teachers have been invited to the campus celebrating together at campus, sharing a home-school moment.

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Lucton hopes that Luctonians can truly immerse themselves in the world culture while holding Chinese heart. Therefore we held Bonfire Night & Halloween event every year. The school combines the mysterious traditional British festival with the students" favorite Halloween, forming one of the most popular festivals in Lucton.It is not only a traditional festival, but also a big family party to enjoy an excellent time together for the Luctonians.

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PART 1Costume



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Every corner was prepared with unexpected arrangements, haystacks, reeds and cattails blowing into the wind, pumpkin colonies with eerie smiles emitting bursts of laughter, ambient sunset lights creating the best place to hit the ground running, huge free spray painting space for everyone to use their imagination to paint, and four-metre high super dreamy pumpkins, parachuted into Lucton.

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Students were able to dress up as their most desired characters and teachers were able to change their seriousness. Everyone dressed up in their Halloween costumes and walked around the campus, creating an extraordinarily exciting and festive scene.

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PART 2School Market



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The Friends of Lucton, who are full of creativity and efficient execution, played roles of Disney styled dolls and organised five stalls for parents at the school fair. In addition, this year"s Student Fair "stalls", co-ordinated by the Student Leadership Team, continued to be a great success, with students stopping by to see what they could do.

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A perfect Halloween fair is with witches and soothsayers. So please tell us, what will happen to our studies? All kinds of exquisite handmade ornaments "captured" the hearts of many girls; flowers in bud were also bought to express their feelings; everyone gathered around the circle stall to try and win a gift; the ladies at the face painting stall used their dexterous hands to paint ......

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As night fell slowly, stalls made by teachers, students and parents were set up one by one on the grass of the campus, decorated with lights, banners and flowers, making it bustling and lively. Pumpkin lanterns and maple leaves hang from the stalls, and small lights dot the dark night, floating slightly in the wind, reflecting the bright smiles of the market"s "little bosses".

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PART 3Role Playing


莱克顿教学楼内灯光昏暗,灯管忽明忽暗,到处弥漫着恐怖的气氛。原本活力与阳光齐放的教学楼,俨然成了惊悚鬼屋,学生们使用各种鲜艳的颜料涂抹白布,蜘蛛丝,警戒线等等提示着大家胆小勿入。“Trick or Treat”,一切都昭示着恐怖之夜即将袭来。

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The building is dimly lit, the lights flicker on and off, and there is an atmosphere of terror everywhere. The building, which was once full of energy and sunshine, was transformed into a haunted house, with students using all sorts of brightly coloured paints to paint white cloths, spider silk, caution lines and other cues to keep everyone away. "Trick or Treat", everything signalled that a night of terror was about to strike.

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Screaming one after another in the building, the students who experienced it all exclaimed that they were addicted and even wanted to do it again! Return to Lucton and let the sun shine again after the dawn!

For your safety and to provide a better experience, the Haunted House is open to a limited number of students, hoping to give them a more immersive experience of the scary atmosphere and "intimate" interaction with the NPCs.

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PART 4Potluck Party



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At the beginning of the potluck party, parents and students brought their own "special dishes" to the table.The delicious dishes of all colours and aromas made the potluck party a wonderful event.

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Including boneless chicken feet with lemon, shrimp with plums, Peking duck, baked chicken wings with cumin, stewed pork with dried plums, homemade seafood pizza, chiffonade cheesecake ....... We can all feel the taste of home coming from that food, a taste that each and every one of us can"t wait to taste. It carried the affection and attachment of each family, and brought together the warmth of the Lucton family at this moment.

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PART 5Fireworks



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As the night fell, with the first fireworks rushing into the night sky, everyone"s faces looking up into the night sky reflected the colourful firelight, refracting in their eyes the glow of the fireworks, framing the most beautiful moments. As the fireworks burst into bloom, students and teachers, met and saw their dear ones all around them, all looked up to the sky and cupped their ears in unison, smiling widely and reaping the rewards of a wonderful night.

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KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK…在参与组织策划的学生会成员的共同努力下,节日在轻松欢乐的氛围中走向了尾声,老师与同学们纷纷在巨型南瓜和涂鸦喷绘布前合影留念,将彼此的笑容定格,留下珍贵难忘的万回忆。虽已然落幕,而我们的热情还将延续到方方面面,玩要开心,学要专心。狂欢之后莱克顿学子又将投入“学海”,作为未来要走出国门、走向世界的莘莘学子,希望既要传承中国传统文化,培育中国情怀的同时,也要了解西方文化的内涵与精华,开阔国际视野,成为学贯中西、博闻强识的未来杰出世界公民。

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KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK... The festival came to an end in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, with teachers and students posing for photos in front of the giant pumpkins and graffiti spray-painted canvas, framing each other"s smiles and leaving behind precious and unforgettable memories.

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