环球微动态丨【Featured Class 闪光课堂】线上学习精彩依旧Remote Learning at Sias IS(PYP)
Learning and exploring are fun! At Sias IS, our teachers always have creative ideas, even when we have to learn online! Let’s check out these featured classes!
学习和探索本应该有趣,在Sias IS,我们的老师们总会有新奇创意,即使进入线上学习阶段依然如此!让我们一起进入这些特色课堂!In unit 1, fifth graders focused on theimportance of beliefs, and values in adiverse society. The lessons centeredaround learning about the author’s centraltheme, purpose and main idea. Using richtext, we were able to analyze the literarytext through questioning, partnerdiscussions, enriched activities to challengestudent thinking.To calculate this criticalthinking, we also learned about dividingwith decimals, making fundamentalconnections to our daily activities.在第一单元,五年级学生关注的是信仰和价值观在多元化社会中的重要性。课程围绕作者的中心主题、目的和主旨进行学习。利用丰富的文本,我们能够通过提问、搭档讨论、丰富的活动来分析文学作品,挑战学生的思维。为了加强这种批判性思维,我们还学习了用小数进行除法,将其与我们的日常活动联系起来。Lookingat the “Who We Are” transdisciplinarytheme, students wrote stories about theirsmall moments in a dynamic way, usingtheir voice as a call to action.
In unit 2, wehope to continue this journey into How WeExpress Ourselves in social media platforms.Look for our next advocacy campaigncentered around how social media toolscan support our learning.
在第二单元中,我们希望在社交媒体平台上继续我的探索旅程“我们如何表达自己”。我们的下一个宣传活动将围绕社交媒体工具如何支持我们的学习展开。Writing is an essential tool for communication. It not only allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, and opinions, but it also allows us to connect with others from around the world.写作是沟通的必备工具。它不仅能让我们表达我们的思想,感情和观点,还能让我们与来自世界各地的人联系起来。"Connecting with students in a different country was exactly the kind of experience I wanted for my students. So, a former colleague and I decided to start a pen pal program between her third-grade students in the U.S.A. and my third-grade students at Sias IS. When the students found out that they would be exchanging letters with a pen pal from the U.S.A., they were ecstatic! ",said Ms. Nicole Dorn, G3 Homeroom teacher.三年级班主任Nicole老师说:“与来自不同国家的学生交流,也正是我想让我的学生们获得的那种体验。因此,我和一位前同事决定在她任教的美国三年级学生和我的Sias IS三年级学生之间建立一个笔友项目。当学生们发现他们将和一个来自美国笔友互通信件时,他们真的欣喜若狂!”G3 started off by learning about different types of letters, as well as the parts that make up a letter. Then, the students were ready to jump into writing their own letters! They focused on introducing themselves and asking a few questions to learn more about their new pen pal. The students are all very eager to send out their letters and receive a response!三年级的学生学习了不同的书信类型,书信的组成部分和格式。然后,学生们就准备开始写他们自己的信了!他们在信中专注于自我介绍,为了更多地了解新笔友,他们还问了一些问题。学生们都非常渴望寄出他们的信并收到回复!Location 地址
4th Longteng Street and Chaoyang Road, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China