实时:AIC Talks | 用艺术的眼光感知生活中的美
本学期的AIC Talks「齐物达观」知识讲坛系列首讲, 由AIC艺术老师Chau Keen老师担任主讲嘉宾,ChauKeen老师以日本茶道为引,介绍了日本茶圣千利休所提出的侘び概念--如何在我们的生活中发现美?
The first AIC Talks knowledge forum series of this semester was lectured by AIC art teacher Chau Keen. With the Japanese tea ceremony as a guide, Chau Keen introduced the concept of "Wabi" proposed by Japanese tea sage Sen Rikyu.How to find beauty in our livesunder the thought of wabi?
Chau Keen Zhou
Teacher of Visual Art
Chau Keen毕业于伦敦艺术大学University of the Arts London。热衷于教学摄影并且在深圳开展摄影工作坊。在英国伦敦艺术大学深造期间,Chau keen忙于参展各种视觉艺术展和与时尚设计师展开合作, 也是伦敦传媒学院的摄影学科学生代表,帮助改善学校课程结构。他还指导学生在插图、摄影和时尚造型等方面学习视觉艺术。Chau Keen想通过老师的职务唤起学生感受日常之美的能力。
ChauKeen graduated from the University of the Arts London. He is keen on teaching Photography and holding workshops of Photography in Shenzhen. In UAL, ChauKeen was busy with several visual art exhibitions and cooperation with fashion designers. While he was studying in London College of Communication, he was the student representative of Photography and helped improve the course structure. In the meantime, ChauKeen mentored students in various pathways of visual arts, such as Illustration, Photography and Fashion Styling. ChauKeen wants to arouse students’ ability of finding beauty in ordinary life and helping students achieve their potential in Arts .
本次AIC talks由来自IG2 的 Amy JIABI同学担任主持 。Amy为在座的同学们介绍了ChauKeen老师的学术背景, 与对艺术的热枕。
Amy JIABI from IG2 presided over the AIC talks. Amy introduced the academic background of ChauKeen and his passion for art to the students.
How to find beauty in our livesunderthe thought of wabi?
Matcha originated from China, flourished in Japan. The Japanese tea ceremony is a life etiquette with tea as a medium, and it is also considered a way of self-cultivation.
Sen Rikyu advocates that the tea ceremony should not rely on expensive or mundane pretty teacups or teapots. He loved old bamboo tea spoons with the beauty of age. Because in Zen philosophy, everything is not eternal, imperfect and incomplete. All objects will be engraved with traces of time. Sen Rikyu believes that these inadvertent traces reveal unique wisdom and are sublimated in the hands of the user.
Wabi refers to the imperfection of appearance. Wabi tea was created by Sen Rikyu, which combines the aesthetics of spirits with the beauty pursued by tea.The character "Wabi" means “a person in the room", and the shabby room is separated from the secular world, bringing a sense of loneliness and tranquility.Generally, wabi is more of a subjective reception aesthetic.
ChauKeen老师让学生与老师们了解、欣赏、感知什么是生活中的美, 探索生活的过程其实就是探索艺术的奥秘, 艺术来源于生活,学会欣赏艺术,能帮助我们发现生活中的美。
ChauKeen let the audience to understand, appreciate and perceive what is beauty in life. The process of exploring life is actually to explore the mysteries of art. Art comes from life. Learning to appreciate art can help us find beauty in life.
AIC通过长期开展齐物达观知识讲坛的活动,让学生增长见识、思考问题,培养学生的思辨能力和批判性思维, 期待学生们在一次次的学习中不断进步、通达明理,激励学生掀起学术新风, 将“终身学习”的观念贯彻落实。
Through the AIC Talks, will let students increase their knowledge, cultivate their thinking skills and critical thinking. Motivated students to set off a new academic trend, and get used to "lifelong learning". Thanks for Chaukeenbring us a fabulous talk,The Talk was hugely enjoyable.
我们也期待下一期AIC Talks
The Talk was hugely enjoyable, and we look forward to the next Talk will be addressing the school.