全球速读:PROSPECTUS | 誉德莱教育简章 2022-23正式公布!
PROSPECTUS | 誉德莱教育简章
Established in 2003UISZ provides an co-educational international English language learning environment catering to students from aged 3 onwards who represent over 20 nationalities
The School consists of 35 full-time teaching faculty, including Student Service Coordinators, a College Counselor and a Learning Support Coordinator . Faculty members represent over 14 countries, including Belarus, France, Philippines, Korea, Kyrgyz Republic, Canada, China, Romania, USA, UK, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, India. Over half of the faculty members have Masters Degrees or above .
PYP 小学课程
It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside.
PYP是培养终身学习者的起步阶段。它以关爱为本,通过深思熟虑的方法培养 “全面发展的”儿童,从一开始就赋予学习者的学习的自主性。
MYP 中学课程
At UISZ, we provide the best possible education for our students. The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), for students in Year 6 to 10, is designed as an inclusive programme that links clearly with our Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP). The MYP is at the forefront of education.
在广州增城誉德莱外籍人员子女学校,我们尽可能地向学生提供最好的教育。6到10年级的国际文凭中学课程(MYP)是一个包容性很强的课程,该课程和我们的国际文凭小学课程(PYP)及国际文凭大学预科课程(DP) 一脉相承,走在教育的前沿。
DP 大学预科文凭课程
The IB Diploma Programme (DP) at UISZ is a two-year post-16 programme of study considered excellent preparation for university and vocational pursuits worldwide. It is an academically challenging programme and internationally recognised for its ability to help prepare students to succeed at university.
HKDSE 香港中学文凭课程
Utahloy International School Zengcheng (UISZ) is in an advantageous position to develop a comprehensive curriculum based on the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) to be launched in the first semester of 2022.
Utahloy International School Zengcheng (UISZ) was established in 2003 under the aegis of the Utahloy Education Foundation (UEF).
UISZ is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS), and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). In addition, the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) authorized UISZ as an IB World School to offer three programmes – Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Diploma Programme (DP). UISZ is a Hong Kong UNESCO (HKUNESCO) experimental school and a member of the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS).
UISZ已获得国际学校协会(CIS)和西部院校协会(WASC)认证。此外,国际文凭组织(IBO)授权UISZ作为国际文凭(IB)世界学校提供三个课程:国际文凭小学课程(PYP)、国际文凭中 课程(MYP)和国际文凭大学预科课程(DP)。同时,UISZ是香港联合国教科文组织(HKUNESCO)的实验学校,也是中蒙国际学校协会(ACAMIS)的成员。
Our alumni make an impact around the world by progressing on to an incredibly diverse range of higher education institutions, with the vast majority securing their university of first choice.
Boarding Introduction 寄宿简介
INSPIREd is UISZ’s diversified residential program. Built on the key idea that ‘better people make better boarders’, its core principle, underpinned by the school’s mission statement and IB learner profile, is the education of the whole person in all dimensions.
Boarding Options 寄宿选择
5-Day Boarding
7-Day Boarding
Flexible Boarding(for parents travelling,?sports seasons and field trips)
The Utahloy Alumni Association (UAA) was founded in 2015. The original objectives of the UAA are to strengthen the bond between the Utahloy graduates from around the world, embrace the Utahloy spirit, and serve the community.
Utahloy 校友会 (UAA) 成立于 2015 年。UAA 的最初目标是加强来自世界各地的 Utahloy 毕业生之间的联系,拥抱 Utahloy 精神,并为社区服务。
From now on, you will be able to access the most up-to-date information on all our latest events, development highlights, and much more on the UAA website. In addition, we will bring you the best networking opportunities in both personal and career-related areas.
从现在开始,您将能够在 UAA 网站上访问有关我们所有最新活动、发展亮点等的最新信息。此外,我们将为您带来个人和职业相关领域的最佳交流机会。
The Utahloy Alumni Association (UAA) was founded in 2015. The original objectives of the UAA are to strengthen the bond between the Utahloy graduates from around the world, embrace the Utahloy spirit, and serve the community.
Utahloy 校友会 (UAA) 成立于 2015 年。UAA 的最初目标是加强来自世界各地的 Utahloy 毕业生之间的联系,拥抱 Utahloy 精神,并为社区服务。
From now on, you will be able to access the most up-to-date information on all our latest events, development highlights, and much more on the UAA website. In addition, we will bring you the best networking opportunities in both personal and career-related areas.
从现在开始,您将能够在 UAA 网站上访问有关我们所有最新活动、发展亮点等的最新信息。此外,我们将为您带来个人和职业相关领域的最佳交流机会。
To develop and strengthen ties between our Alumni and UEF by providing various tangible benefits, including career services, networking opportunities, special events and workshops, and the opportunity to connect with and inspire students and graduates; and to engage Alumni with future goals, in order ensure that each individual feels welcomed and valued as a member of the Utahloy community.
通过提供各种有形的好处,包括职业服务、社交机会、特别活动和研讨会,以及与学生和毕业生建立联系和激励他们的机会,发展和加强我们的校友与 UEF 之间的联系;并让校友参与未来的目标,以确保每个人都感受到作为 Utahloy 社区成员的欢迎和重视。