【天天快播报】用眼睛阅读世界,用心灵阅读未来| FCG Book Week
Fettes College Guangzhou
Reading is a journey of the mind
阅读《棕色的熊,棕色的熊,你在看什么?》,2 岁的孩子认识了各种动物及其特征;
阅读《夏洛的网》,8 岁的孩子懂得了纯洁的友谊;
阅读《红星照耀中国》,14 岁的孩子懂得了坚强不屈的民族精神;
阅读《从存在到演化》,17 岁的孩子懂得了不可逆性与时空结构……
By reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?", 2-year-olds learn about animals and their features.
By reading "Guess How Much I Love You", 4-year-olds learn about the expression of love.
By reading "Charlotte"s Web", 8-year-olds learn about pure friendship.
By reading "To Kill a Mockingbird", 12-year-olds learn that prejudice is worse than ignorance.
By reading "Red Star Over China", 14-year-olds develop strong and unyielding national feelings.
By reading "From Existence to Evolution", 17-year-olds learn about irreversibility and the structure of time and space...
The breadth of reading can change the length of life’s course. The depth of reading can determine the power of thought. At Fettes College Guangzhou, we place a great emphasis on fostering students" bilingual reading ability and reading habits. From the Early Years of Education, FCG students are encouraged to develop a love of reading that will transform them into lifelong learners with profound knowledge and an open mind.
A strong sense of curiosity and discovery filled the atmosphere during FCG Book Week. Reading activities were organised in students" Chinese and English lessons, as well as in events outside of the classroom. Across Fettes College Guangzhou, reading activities spanned the schools and elicited interactions between students and teachers. By socialising through reading, we can help to cultivate reading into a lifelong interest.
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Students drew bookmarks together after lunch.
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Senior students share books or picture books in English with junior students
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▲学院比赛-Book Quiz,学生们用阅读知识为自己所属的学院赢得积分
House Competition - Book Quiz. Students earn House Points for their House.
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At the FCG Book Fair, students choose their favourite books.
About FCG Libraries
图书馆是孩子们自由翱翔知识海洋的起源地,也是高年级学子深入探究和开展学术研究的藏宝室。因此我们十分重视校内图书馆的建设及师资配置。目前我校拥有3 个独立图书馆,分为幼儿园、小学、中学图书馆。
A library is a place where learners begin to explore, but it is also a place for in-depth discovery and research. Therefore, significant importance is given to the design of on-campus libraries and the allocation of teachers. Currently, Fettes College Guangzhou has three independent libraries: the Early Years School Library, the Primary School Library, and the Middle School Library.
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● 幼儿园大部分藏书均从国外引进,内容设计精美绝伦,视、听、触觉都能获得锻炼。
● 小学及中学图书馆设有国内读本与国外读本专区,书籍种类丰富,涵盖哲学、文学、物理、化学、生物、社科、天文学、计算机、艺术、烹饪等。馆内环境舒适优雅,还配备了多台iMac 供学生资料查阅。此外,图书馆定期举办主题活动,深受学生喜欢。
● The Early Years School Library"s collections are imported from abroad, and the content is exquisitely designed.
● Primary and Secondary School Libraries have special divs for domestic and international books, with a wide variety of books, covering philosophy, literature, physics, chemistry, biology, social sciences, astronomy, computers, art, and cooking. The library is designed to be comfortable for students and is equipped with multiple iMacs for students to use for research. Themed events are regularly hosted in the library which always prove to be very popular with students.
作为一所提供高品质教学资源的国际化学校,我们对图书馆员有着较高的要求。Cathy 老师毕业于广东外语外贸大学,获得IBDP 科目老师知识论类别三和图书馆员类别二的认证。她有着丰富的 IB 学校图书馆管理经验,能定期策划阅读活动,协助老师进行教学工作,支持教学探究计划,运用IB的教学方法(ATT),促进学生的学习方法(ATL),如信息检索能力,媒体素养、信息素养、学术诚信等。
As a globally minded school that provides high-quality education, we have high requirements for librarians. Ms. Cathy Liu graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and obtained the IBDP Subject Teacher Theory of Knowledge Category III and Librarian Category II certification. She has extensive experience in IB school library management. Ms. Cathy Liu regularly plans reading activities, assists teachers in teaching work, supports teaching inquiry programs, applies IB Teaching Methods (Approaches to Teaching), and assists students" learning methods (Approaches to Learning), such as information retrieval, media literacy, information literacy and academic integrity.
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The students study in the libraries on weekdays.
为期一周的读书周已圆满结束,下周我们又将玩什么?下周 House Drawing Competition 将带你走进斐特思的艺术世界!
The week-long Book Week has ended successfully. What will we do next week?Next week"s House Drawing Competition will take you into the art world of FCG!
在 FCG,我们的目标之一是培养具有好奇心和创造力的学生,他们通过大量的学习而终生受益。
At FCG one of our goals is to develop students that curious and creative with a lot of learning to last a lifetime.