RWI 学习报告 | 82%的学生已经升入更高等级
今年,AISL哈罗海口小学教研组总结前两年英语教学经验,引入了高质量的自然拼读教学法——牛津“Read, Write Inc.”(简称RWI课程),同时结合分层教学法,根据学生拼读水平进行分组,学生的英语水平由低到高被划分为红、绿、粉、紫、橙、黄、蓝、灰8个等级小组。
根据他们的英语能力,在这些等级之前是零基础小组,孩子们在其中学习英语的发音,然后是我们的识字和语言 (L&L) 小组,该小组学习内容与7 岁的英语母语者的水平相当。
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RWI 课程中,144人(82%)的学生取得了一个或多个级别的进步。 在一般情况下,我们预计大多数孩子会在两个周期内取得如此成果,但在哈罗小学部,大多数孩子都在一个周期内达成了两个周期才能达到的学习成果。
29% 的小学学生 (51/175) 取得了连升2级或更高 RWI 水平的进步(加速进步),进步速度高于预期。 通常,我们预计这个数字在 20% 左右。
我们在最高级别和最低级别的分组中看到了极好的进展——零基础组中的所有孩子全都升入了更高的分组,最高级别的两组孩子人数从 43 人增加到 63 人,仅 7 周内就达到了 9%的提升!
44位学生在Language & Literacy小组(最高级别),这意味着小学部大约1/5的学生水平适合学习专为 7 岁或以上以英语为母语的人设计的英语课程。
一般来说,在 12 到 16 周内,80% 的人升一个等级,20%的人升两个等级是正常的。 而我们的同学在7周内就达到了学习目标!
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This year, the Pre-Prep teaching team fully embraced the Read Write Inc (RWI) Phonics programme by Oxford University Press, which was introduced last year - a high-quality phonics programme designed to lay the foundations for children to succeed in English. The students are divided into eight levels and tagged by different colours - Red, Green, Pink, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Blue, and Grey - according to their English competence. These are preceded by sounds and ditties groups where the children learn the sounds of the English language and followed by our Literacy and Language (L&L) programme, which is pitched at the level of native English speakers aged 7 and above.
We have completed our first cycle and are delighted to announce some fantastic results!
Important Results to Share
There were 175 children on the RWI program. 144 (82%) of them made one or more levels of progress.
In normal circumstances we would expect this much progress from most children in two cycles, but in our school, most have managed it in one!
29% of children in pre-prep (51/175) have made 2 or more RWI levels of progress (accelerated progress), improving at above expected rates. Typically we would expect this number to be around 20%.
We have seen excellent progress at the top and bottom ends of our programme - all children in the Sounds group moved onto harder things (note there are several sub-groups in sounds, all children moved from lowest to highest, or exited the sounds phase altogether) and the children in our top two tiers increased from 43 to 63, representing a 9% improvement in this area in just 7 weeks!
We are excited that 44 children are now in our Language and Literacy group, meaning that approximately 1 in 5 of our children are accessing an English curriculum designed for native English speakers aged 7 years or older.
As so many children move into more challenging groups this week, we are delighted with the achievements that they are so proudly talking about and are thrilled at the way our differentiated and personalised approach is already yielding results for our children.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for working so hard to achieve these excellent results, including our teachers who have embraced the programme and worked tirelessly to deliver great results, parents who have supported the children with their reading practice at home and the children who have worked so hard to achieve their success - all indispensable for the rapid progress we have seen!
Congratulations to everyone!