We prepare our studentsto be
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EYFS课程体系(全称为Early Years Foundation Stage)是世界上最具权威的婴幼儿早期教育标准之一,同时它也是英国有史以来规模最大的早期教育跟踪和效果评估项目之一。
Seven areas of learning
Four principles
EYFS课程体系与IB PYP课程体系在理念方面也有着许多共同之处,例如两者都强调玩中学。同时两者都是一个包容性强的体系:EYFS课程体系同时承载了蒙氏、华德福、瑞吉欧等体系精髓,而IB PYP课程体系作为一整套全面的教学框架能与不同国家的课程体系相融合。
首先,EYFS课程体系主要针对0-5岁儿童,而IB PYP课程体系则能覆盖3-12岁儿童,以及后续针对12-18岁的IB MYP及IB DP课程体系。学生可以在IB体系的框架下螺旋上升地不断学习与探索,支持学生可持续发展地成长。
因此中山市阿丁莱幼儿园在课程构建之初,便属意将EYFS课程体系及IB PYP体系相融合,各取其优势及核心。
例如短暂的艺术(Transient Arts),老师利用相框或者相框纸,再搭配低结构材料(自由零件)、自然材料,鼓励学生自由发挥并体现各自的想象力与创造力;
又例如圆圈时间(Circle Time),以小组形式围坐在地毯上,开展一次内容丰富并以互相尊重为前提的互动交流:可以是歌曲、童谣和律动的鉴赏、绘本故事分享,又或是针对当天趣闻的交谈,在一个轻松愉悦的氛围中,幼儿可以最大限度地集中注意力,学习新的知识与规则。
在中山市阿丁莱幼儿园,EYFS课程体系也是继IB PYP课程体系及中国儿童学习与发展指南后的又一教学支柱。趣味性强而富有挑战性的游戏丰富了幼儿的活动,多元、相互关联的模块更是在重视幼儿兴趣发展的同时,帮助他们在人生早期奠定高质量的成长基础!
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is one of the world"s most authoritative early years standards and one of the largest early years tracking and impact assessment programmes ever undertaken in the UK.
As a continuum of development and learning for children aged 0-5 years, the EYFS curriculum has been the first choice of all the world"s leading public and private nurseries, especially in the UK.
The EYFS is the culmination of 12 years, over £15 million and 7,000 experts, academics and teachers working in partnership with the UK Department for Education. It has been described by the UK government as "the best choice for parents and the best start for young children", and it has a strong focus on the individual development of the child, with no effort spared to help young children pursue a "life-affirming" education.
Learn About EYFS
The EYFS encompasses the seven areas of learning and the philosophy of the curriculum is based on Montessori education, incorporating other educational theories and adhering to four principles.
Seven areas of learning
Four principles
The EYFS and the IB PYP also have a lot in common;for example, they both emphasise learning through play, andthey are both inclusive systems (the EYFS carries the essence of the Montessori, Waldorf and Reggio systems, while the IB is compatible with the Chinese National Developmental Guidelines for 3-6 year-olds and other national curriculum standards).
So, what are the advantages of each of these two curriculum systems that are worth integrating and adopting?
Firstly, the EYFS curriculum is aimed at children aged 0-5 years, while the IB PYP curriculum covers children aged 3-12 years and the subsequent IB MYP and IB DP curriculums for 12-18 years. Students can learn and explore in a spiral within the framework of the IB system, supporting their sustainable development.
The EYFS curriculum, based on more than 20 of the world"s most advanced early education theories, research and practices, is a holistic system of support and care for infants and toddlers at an early age.
Therefore, from the very beginning of the curriculum development, we intended to integrate the EYFS and the IB PYP, taking the advantages and core of each.
EYFS at Our
EYFS focuses on the seven domains of children"s development; therefore,we conduct highly targeted early childhood and parent interviews well in advance of the children"s enrolment. The main aim is to understand the child"s current development, their foundations in the seven domains, their home environment,and the educational programme they are currently following.
In the areas of communication, language and literacy, and physical development, Chinese and foreign teachers use enjoyable and challenging games as part of their classes.
For example, Transient arts is a game that uses frames or framed paper with low-structure materials (free parts) and natural materials to bring out the imagination and creativity of children;
Circle time, for example, is a time for groups of people to sit around a carpet and have a rich and respectful interaction: it could be an appreciation of songs, rhymes, rhythms, sharing a picture book story, or talking about current anecdotes in a relaxed atmosphere where children can maximise their attention span and learn new skills and rules.
The infusion of EYFS is also completed by Chinese and international teachers in the areas of personal, social,and emotional development.
For example, in the personal development area, the teachers give the children more "trial and error" opportunities by encouraging them to put on their own clothes and shoes, which gradually develops their independence, self-confidence,and self-awareness.
While in the social area, the relaxed and harmonious atmosphere created by the teachers becomes a "steppingstone" for the children to build interpersonal relationships.
In the emotional development area, to addressseparation anxiety at the beginning of the school year, the teachers begin to provide the children with the utmost care, supporting them in their emotional expression through positive discipline such as reassurance, imitation, and encouragementto establish a link with them that provides a sense of security and attachment.
Evaluation Systems
EYFS requires early educators to provide a comprehensive summary of infants" and toddlers" learning outcomes at 2 and 5 years of age using observational and process assessments respectively.
Two-year-oldprogress check
Between the ages of 2 and 3, teachers are required to provide a written overview of the child"s development in the foundation areas. Evaluationfocuses on areas where the child is developing well, and others where additional support may be needed. In particular, the process highlightsareas where children may be showing signs of developmental delay and describesthe intended coping activities and strategies to be used.
Evaluation of the Five-Year-Old Profile Pack
In the final term,when the child reaches the age of five, the teachers also carry out a comprehensive and integrated evaluation of each level of development corresponding to the early learning goals and a description of the child"s effective learning characteristics.
In addition to this, Ardingly College Zhongshan(Kindergarten) has built strongfoundationon whichto optimise its assessment methods. The three-way-conference isa way of assessingprogress; parents, students and teachers have a joint discussion to take stock of the current state of learning and set goals for the next stage of development.
Within the seven areas of assessment, we have blended subject-specific assessment information. Teachers can measure children"s growth and progress in a variety of ways including observation, record keeping,and assessment detail sheets through relevant play tasks. Also new is the Unit Summary Assessment, a thematic assessment at the end of each unit of enquiry, which allows teachers to gain more meaningful feedback by summarising challenging tasks that are multidisciplinary and relevant to students" learning and lives.
Nobel Prize winner in physics, Kapitza once said, "The most important things in life are learned in kindergarten!" The EYFS, which completely covers this period, has a philosophy of education and guidance on teaching practices that will undoubtedly have a profound impact on children"s lives.
At Ardingly College Zhongshan(Kindergarten), the EYFS is also a pillar of teaching and learning following the IB PYP and the Chinese Children"s Guide to Learning and Development. Fun and challenging games enrich the children"s activities, and the diverse and interconnected modules help them to build a quality foundation for growth in the early years of their lives, while emphasising the development of their interests!