世界今亮点!Mandarin Class Online 中文在线课堂
2022-12-13 16:56:50
To betterunderstand the IB learner profile through online learning, a variety of activities are set up in mandarin classes.
As Communicators, PreK students played games with the teacher in the park.G1 and G2 students recited poems emotionally to express their love of nature!作为交流者,幼儿园的小朋友和老师一起进行户外游戏;一二年级有感情地朗诵诗歌,表达对大自然的喜爱之情。As Inquirers, G4 students applied the KWL form to study, they asked, discussed, and answered questions.作为探究者,四年级把KWL表格运用到了学习中,提出并解决问题。As Knowledgeable students, G3 and G5 students practiced writing poems and reading, and enjoyed sharing with others.作为博学者,三年级和五年级坚持练字和读书,享受分享的快乐。As Thinkers, G4 students learned to use thinking in practice. They wrote down their questions and feelings when reading extracurricular books with comments and tried to solve the problems independently.作为独立思考者,四年级学以致用,用批注写下自己读课外书时的疑问和感受,并尝试独立解决所提问题。AsCaringstudents, they expressed their love to the people around them on Thanksgiving Day.作为关心他人的人,学生们通过感恩节作品秀,表达自己的感恩之情。责任编辑:346