惠灵顿课外课程学院报名即将开启 | Wellington Academy Programme starts soon
原版教材《Lola y Leo》(共三册)
*《Lola y Leo》是一系列以活动为导向的外语教材,学生跟随老师一起唱歌、绘画、讨论、听说和角色扮演,在一系列激发其兴趣的活动中学习西班牙语。
国画是中国传统的绘画形式, 一般指用毛笔和水、墨、颜料作画于宣纸或绢帛制品上的绘画形式。按照艺术分科,国画可分为人物、山水、花鸟三大画科。学习国画,可以陶冶情操,开阔心胸,感受中国传统诗、书、画、印的独特魅力。我们国画课程的授课老师均为国画名师,他们都有着几十年的绘画经验,在社会上有着一定的知名度,并有着丰富的教学经验,会对学生进行循序渐进的指导,在培养学生绘画兴趣的同时,激发其艺术天赋,融入系统技能教学,为国画考级(中国书画等级考试)做充分的准备。
临摹经典写意山水和写意花鸟作品,系统学习传统技法。在写生练习中,提升构图布局能力、造型能力和色彩分析能力。赏析历代名作,初步了解中国绘画史。尝试在老师的指导下, 创作简单的绘画小品。
高尔夫 & 网球
Ozobot 宝莲灯编程机器人,是一款约硬币大小的神奇小球。麻雀虽小五脏俱全,它具备多种传感器,可识别颜色、距离、灯光等多项功能。学生们可以通过颜色代码的学习,在图纸上提前绘制颜色组合来告知机器人的行驶方向,从而完成任务挑战。随着学习的深入,还可以自己设计(DIY)出自己喜欢的图形、更复杂的迷宫等来邀请同学相互挑战。经过一学期的学习,学生们会掌握如何运笔、路线规划、多种颜色代码组合来实现机器人的方向、速度、跳转、特殊动作等知识。独立思考与小组合作、不怕试错,让年幼的学生更好地为后期的编程入门打下了基础。
Swipe left for English
The spring 2023 semester is approaching and registration will start from 2 January to 8 January. Wellington Academy Programme is offering a wide variety of programme options. Let’s have a look at the programme schedule and learn how to register for them.
What is Wellington Academy
The Wellington Academy Programme operates a wide variety of enrichment programmes across a number of fields, including Sports, Performing Arts, Languages, and many more. The Wellington Academy allows pupils to access programmes overseen and led by world-class coaches and teachers. The Wellington Academy Programme seeks to provide Wellington pupils and those from the greater Hangzhou community the opportunity to be taught by coaches and teachers with incredible experience and expertise. The main aim of the Wellington Academy Programme is to offer outstanding, high-quality after-school activities. By engaging in the programmes offered, pupils can learn, develop and play in a way that promotes the Wellington Identity and Values and also meets the needs of parents.
*Wellington Academy programme is a paid service that further extends the holistic offer at the College.
Musical Centre Stage
In the musical centre stage, pupils will participate in recordings and performances at the end of the semester. Outstanding actors and actresses will have an opportunity to audition for professional musicals.
This semester we will perform:
Nursery ——“The Sound of Music” adaptation
Sister Maria became a home tutor at Colonel"s home. The colonel started to manage his family seriously just like managing militaries after his wife died. However, Maria changed this family, she taught children how to play games and sing songs, also, melting Colonel’s cold heart with her music.
Primary & Secondary schools
——"Matilda" adaptation
Matilda is a famous musical published by RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company). It tells us how a little girl, Matilda, copes with her conservative parents and headmaster, working miracles through her courage and intelligence, and finally saving her and her friends’ lives.
The course content is specially designed for young children. A multi-staged teaching system centring young children has been developed according to the psychological characteristics of children of different ages and their acceptance of language learning. The curriculum includes introductory classes with children"s songs and picture books, basic classes based on phonics and extended reading, and advanced classes based on original textbooks. The curriculum design is based on the Spanish language, with subject knowledge as the background, to stimulate children"s potential language talents and help children build international cultural awareness.
Spanish courses will be divided into different classes to meet the needs of pupils. Many pupils have progressed from primary courses to advanced courses after several semesters of study and have gradually become proficient in the language.
Original textbook "Lola y Leo" (three books)
*Lola y Leo is a series of Spanish textbooks based on activities. It inspires pupils to learn the language through various enabling activities that encourage pupils to sing, draw, discuss, learn to listen and speak, and act with the teachers.
Chinese Traditional Painting
Chinese traditional painting generally refers to the style of painting on rice paper or silk products with brushes, water, ink and pigments. According to art divisions, Chinese traditional painting can be divided into three major categories - figures, landscapes, and flowers and birds. Learning Chinese traditional painting can cultivate one’s sentiments, and broaden one"s mind, allowing pupils experience the unique charm of traditional Chinese poetry, calligraphy, painting and stamping. Our Chinese traditional painting teachers all have decades of painting experience and are well-known in the field with rich teaching experience. They will provide pupils with step-by-step instruction to stimulate their artistic talent while fostering their interest in painting and integrating systematic skill instruction, which can help them better prepare for attending CCPT (Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Level Examination).
Beginner Level
Practicing the painting of flowers and birds, pupils will consolidate the mastery of brushwork, ink, and the properties of Chinese paints. Through training, pupils will learn about the characteristics of plants and animals and practice the ability to shape and compose them. Pupils will study the theoretical knowledge of Chinese traditional painting layouts and inscriptions and seals.
Intermediate Level
Pupils will systematically learn traditional painting techniques by copying classic masterpieces of landscapes and flowers and birds. Also, pupils will improve their skills in composition and layout, modelling, and colour analysis in the painting exercise. Moreover, pupils will be taught to create simple sketches after appreciating the masterpieces from past dynasties and learning the history of Chinese traditional painting.
Ballet is one of the most famous classical dances in the world. It helps pupils improve physical coordination and musicianship.
Our curriculum will focus on pupils’ basic skills and the practice of ground movements. Teaching strategies are adjusted for pupils with precious ballet experiences to further stretch their skills by incorporating dance movements for them to admire the beauty of ballet performance. They will perform a ballet dance as their learning objective.
Karate & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
In the karate course, pupils will learn different fighting stances to consolidate their core strength. Once they learn how to keep a stable stance, pupils will further learn attacking and kicking techniques, and some simple combinations of movements. Learning various types of footwork switching and movement, target aiming, free hand grouping, etc., pupils can master basic self-defence skills and strengthen their bodies.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is mainly based on ground fighting technique training. The warm-up training will be integrated with fun and educational tumbling and crawling training, which can improve children"s body agility and flexibility. At the end of the warm-up, the teacher will explain the ground self-defence and submission techniques. Through practical games, pupils will build a solid athletic foundation and body strength, boosting self-confidence.
At the end of the semester, there will be an assessment exam and belt awarding ceremony after assessing each pupil"s mastery of karate and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Archery is a technical sport. Our pupils will get the chance and sign up for the City Archery League after learning under the guidance of their teachers.
Clay sculpture
Making clay sculptures by hand can help pupils develop their capability of action, thinking, creating, and hand-eye coordination, promoting their brain development. Children can make their products with fingers, imagination, and creative minds. This course will use Eco-friendly ultralight clay, which is a prevailing material that can be used in integrated creation. When children focus on the making process, their ability to create and appreciate art will be improved under an artistic, fun, and creative atmosphere.
In each session, the teacher will lead the pupils to complete a small piece of artwork such as cars, paintings of landscapes, or flowers.
Golf & Tennis
In addition to normal lessons, golf and tennis also offer unique private lessons.
Fitness Development
Comprehensive and balanced sports training is crucial to children in the Early Year period. Scientific sports training can increase children"s interest and enthusiasm in sports, thus benefiting them to develop lifelong habits. In this programme, pupils will try BOSU ball training, battling ropes training, interval aerobic training, balance and coordination training, strength development stretching and joint flexibility training.
Ozobot Coding
Ozobot is a magical little ball about the size of a coin. Although small, it is equipped with a variety of sensors that can recognise colour, distance and light. Through the learning of colour codes, pupils can draw colour combinations on paper to inform the robot of the travelling direction, and complete the task challenge. As they learn more, pupils can also DIY their favourite graphics and more complex mazes, then invite their classmates to challenge each other.
After a semester of learning, pupils have acquired knowledge of drawing, route planning, and multiple colour code combinations to achieve the robot"s direction, speed, jumps, and special movements. This class has cultivated pupils’ independent thinking and teamwork ability, encouraging learning through trial and error, which lays a solid foundation for young pupils to learn programming in the future.
Other courses