环球今日讯!Thanks ISNS! Wish you a Happy New Year 2023!|感谢ISNS!祝大家2023年新年快乐
2022 Fundraising Month Summary
As 2022 draws to a close, we can"t help but be grateful for everything we"ve done together. Our community members are passionate about taking positive action and having a lasting impact on society at large.
The Meaningof
supporting a volunteer teacher
How Important
to support a volunteer teacher
We are proud of you ISNS, our students, parents and teachers.
We have raised nearly $140K RMB for the fundraising month 2022. Because of your support and generosity,Captivating International“Support a Volunteer Teacher program”now have 30 volunteer teachers at 6 different schools in remote and mountainous regions. They are growing together in their respective schools and building strong foundations for valuable education. This directly impacts 1236 students! Furthermore, over 10 girls from the“One More Year”program will receive their scholarships to stay in school for one more year and, maybe another, and another, inspiring confidence, enhancing dignity and empowering their future with better choices.
Thank you letter
from Captivating
As we are celebrating 20 years of ISNS as an educational institution, we witness service being at the heart of ISNS Community for many years. Thank you for all you’ve done to help us grow. You make each day count and we can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish in the year to come!
Have a very happy and healthy New Year holiday and wishing you all the best for 2023.
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随着 2022 年接近尾声,我们不禁要感谢我们一起所做的一切。我们的社区成员热衷于采取积极行动并对整个社会产生持久影响。
我们为 ISNS、我们的学生、家长和老师感到骄傲。
今年的筹款月我们筹集了近14万人民币。由于您的支持和慷慨,Captivating International“支持志愿者教师计划”现在在偏远和山区的 6 所不同学校拥有30名志愿者教师。他们在各自的学校共同成长,为有价值的教育打下坚实的基础。这直接影响了1236名学生!此外,来自“再学一年”计划的10多名女孩将获得属于他们的奖学金,可以再上学一年,也许还会继续上学,从而激发信心、增强尊严并为她们的未来提供更好的选择。
来自 深圳市慈善会
在我们庆祝 ISNS 作为教育机构成立 20周年之际,我们见证了多年来慈善服务一直是 ISNS 社区的核心。感谢您为帮助我们成长所做的一切。您让每一天都变得有意义,我们迫不及待地想看看来年我们将取得的成就!
祝您度过一个愉快健康的新年假期,并祝您 2023 年一切顺利。