世界观焦点:MACDUFFIE喜报 | AMC竞赛+10,JCCO竞赛+7,解锁名校加分项!
In college applications, international competitions are important waysto demonstrate one"s academic interest and strength. I would like to share with you the happy news about the awards of competitions that Shanghai MacDuffieStudentsparticipated in. Look forward to the students to continue to surpass themselves, the pursuit of excellence, and create new achievements!
The results of international competitions are not only a strong bonus for students to apply for college, but also a proof of the school"s admission and faculty strength.
— 获奖名单 —全球卓越奖高玉欣何梓源
全球优秀奖高玉欣 肖学谦
超高含金量AMC竞赛AMC全称American Mathematical Competition,美国数学竞赛。
AMC stands for American Mathematical Competition.As the most credible mathematical test with the largest scale, the highest reliability, validity and differentiation in the world, AMC competition has become an important basis for many famous domestic universities and foreign universities to judge students" mathematical ability. A committee formed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and Princeton University is in charge of developing test plans, preparing test questions, and marking test papers.✦参赛者年龄从小学覆盖到高中;
Participants range in age from elementary school to high school;More than 300,000 students from 6,000 schools in 30 countries and regions participate every year;Set up global awards and school team awards;Top performers advance to AIME.参加AMC对留学申请的帮助:
The competition has high gold content and international influence. The results of the competition are the reference for extra points in the United States, Hong Kong and Singapore. Top foreign universities pay attention to student competition results, such as MIT, Yale, Carnegie Mellon University, Brown University, required to fill in the AMC and AIME scores.02竞赛培训帮助学生提升数学应用能力通过训练和比赛,培养用数学方法解决实际问题、在团结合作中发挥集体力量攻关的意识和能力,提高问题的阐述分析、模型的假设和建立、计算结果及讨论、撰写专业学术论文的能力,为日后研究性学习做铺垫。
Through training and competition, the students can cultivate their awareness and ability to solve practical problems with mathematical methods, and give full play to the collective power to solve problems in unity and cooperation, and improve their ability to elaborate and analyze problems, hypothesis and build models, calculate results, discuss and write professional academic papers, laying the groundwork for future research study.03展现学生基于英语的综合素质展现和锻炼在数学、英语等诸多方面的能力,对未来相关大学专业的选择有提前认识。
Show and practice the ability in mathematics, English and other aspects, have a good understanding of the future choice of college major.
— 获奖名单 —全球银奖肖学谦
全球优秀奖方意静 钱戌洋
全国银奖伍愿臻 方意静
超高学术性JCCO竞赛JCCO全称The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad,加拿大化学测评(初级)。
JCCO The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad. Jcco The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad.The JCCO Competition is organized by the Canadian Chemical Olympiad and is one of the most authoritative academic chemical tests in Canada. At the same time, JCCO is also preparing for the Canadian Chemical Assessment (Advanced) (CCC). We hope that more students can participate in this program and develop their interest in chemistry.✦针对8-11年级中学生开展的化学竞赛;
Chemistry competition for high school students in grades 8-11;The most influential primary chemical assessment activities in North America;Chinese and English test papers are easy for Chinese students to take part in;Stimulate students" interest in chemistry study and exercise chemistry thinking.参加JCCO对留学申请的帮助:
JCCO pays attention to the examination of students" logical thinking in chemistry, and is widely recognized in academic and professional aspects. It is valued as an important certificate when students apply for universities in Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, China and other countries and regions.With the introduction of the Canadian Chemical Assessment (JCCO), more junior chemistry lovers can experience the charm of chemistry and the top chemistry academic activities in Canada.后疫情时代,留学申请的热度不降反增,申请难度也日益增大,许多同学都不再局限于提高标化成绩,转而增加各类高含金量的国际竞赛,其中AMC、JCCO等竞赛就是能够提高大家申请海外名校的加分项目。
In the post-epidemic era, the popularity of overseas study application is not decreasing, but increasing the difficulty of application. Many students are no longer limited to improving their standard scores, but have turned to various high-value international competitions, among which AMC, JCCO and other competitions are bonus programs that can improve their application for overseas universities.除了数学领域的AMC、化学领域的JCCO,在2022年上海美达菲学校还斩获多项国际竞赛大奖,在物理、生物、商科、计算机、科学等多个学科的主流国际竞赛中收获了一份份亮眼的成绩单。
In addition to AMC in mathematics and JCCO in Chemistry, in 2022, Shanghai MacDuffie School has also won many international competition awards, and achieved excellent results in many mainstream international competitions in physics, biology, business, computer, science and other disciplines.每一份成绩的取得,离不开美达菲学校“个性化教学”的培养模式以及在竞赛过程中老师的专业辅导。相信在未来比赛中,美达菲学子能够百尺竿头更进一步,取得更优异的成绩!
Each result is inseparable from the "personalized teaching" training model of MacDuffieSchool and the professional guidance of teachers during the competition. I believe that in the future competitions, students of MacDuffie will make further progress and achieve better results!(截至目前上海美达菲2023届毕业生面邀/Offer汇总)