每日消息!Meet With Our Student 雏鹰说 | 7年爱莎学习旅程,见证一个女孩的成长蜕变

2023-01-18 11:06:34

Meet with ISASC Student

雏鹰说 | 讲述爱莎成长故事


At ISA Science City, there is a girl who joined ISA from G1 and attended ISA Tianhe School from G1-G4; in 2020, she joined ISA Science City in G5 and became part of the founding student.

At ISA Science City School, there is a girl who joined ISA from Grade 1 and attended ISA Tianhe School from Grade 1-4.In 2020, she joined ISA Science City in Grade 5 and became part of the founding student.


From a young child learning English word by word with teachers, to a young girl who is now able to switch between bilingual communication, who scored 105 on her first TOEFL test, who has achieved both academic andspeciality, and who was elected as the first grade representative of the Student Council. Not only her parents, but also the school, as a place of education, has seen this girl grow up.

From a young child learning English word by word with teachers, to a young girl who is now able to switch between bilingual communication, who scored 105 on her first TOEFL test, who has achieved bothinacademic andspecialist subjects, and who was elected as the first-grade representative of the Student Council. Not only her parents, but also the school, has seen this girl grow up.


Her name is Suri and she grew up in a native Chinese speaking family environment and has been with ISA for almost 7 years. Today, we have invited Suri to share her recent experience of taking the TOEFL exam and how she balances her studies with her hobbies. Let"s take a closer look at Suri"s story!


Suri Song

G7 Student 七年级在读生



Hello Suri, tell us briefly about yourself.


Suri:Hello everyone, my name is Suri, from Grade 7C, ISA Science City. I live with my mom, my dad and my younger sister Shera, who’s nowstudying Grade4in the same school with me. During my leisure time, I enjoy doing things related to my hands, such as crafts and calligraphy. I havedanced ballet for around 8 years.


Suri performed ballet at school




The TOEFL results were recently released and we learned that you got a pretty good score. We would like to congratulate you and ask you how you feel about your score this time.


Suri:This Toefl test is a test at the end of my first stage plan, which is to get from 100 to 105. And now I’ve accomplished this, I am planning the next step, to get 110 plus in the following months.


Suri studying in class




We know that you grew up in a native Chinese speaking family, so as a Grade 7 student, you got a score of 105 on your first TOEFL exam, so your English level is actually beyond most of your peers, can you share how you got this score?


Suri:I think that I will talk about my experience in three aspects.First, you have to accept Toefl test as something positive, not somethingofsuffering. It is a periodical exam to test your ability and help you improve. Only when you accept thisthing and try hard to participate in Toefl learning, can you performto the best ofyour ability.Secondly, Toefl test lasts for four hours with only ten minutes break. So I had exercises every week to keep me fit in order to release my best ability even at the end of the test. I had swimming and ballet classes every week, and that helped me.


The last step is to actually prepare for the Toefl test. It is divided into four parts: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Since I had learnt in ISA ever since grade one, under this English and IB environment, listening and writing wasn’t very hard for me. During the hours in school, I also trained my speaking ability by talking with teachers and friends. For reading, I had read some non-fiction articles, such as the Reading Explorers, and non-fiction books, including the book Sapiens. So I had experienced non-fiction readings before I work on my Toefl test. Yet because I had some background information, sometimes I will add in my own understanding and knowledge while reading, which is a problem I will try to solve in the next stage.


Suri shared as a student representative in a roundtable discussion




We know that not only are you a strong English learner, but you are also a keen learner of Chinese, and you have won awards at the International Chinese Festival two years in a row. In addition to this, you have performed on the school stage in ballet several times and are also the G7 student representative for the first Student Council set up this academic year ...... wewould like to ask you how you balance your time?


Suri:Many people may think that having many things to do will affect you enjoying a lfve. Yet I think if you have some tasks due in a period of time, it actually pushes you to get things done more efficiently. Take myself as an example. I am kind ofaperfectionist. If I only have one poster to do during a day, I can spenda lot oftime and strength to finish it as best as I can. But if I have multiple tasks to finish, I will sort out the priorities in the poster, is the drawing more important or the writing more important. If I know that the teacher will mainly assess on the writing, I will work harder on the writing, while spendingless time of the drawing. In these cases, I spent less time and strength, and still got a good grade.


The first Student Council was formed and Suri spoke on stage




Since you joined ISA in G1, which teacher do you remember most or like the most? What impact has he/she had on you?


Suri:My favourite teacher is Miss Fannie Li from ISA Tianhe. She had taught me Chinese before, and is now the Chinese Language Coordinator. I think the first reason why I have special relationship with her, is because she had taught me for a long time. In ISA, students normally change their teachers once a year. Under this kind of situation, we can meet more teachers, but may not be able to build a very strong relationship for a long time afterwards. Luckily, Miss Fannie had taught me for three years, and during that time and to nowadays, we have a close relationship. She said jokingly, that she sees me as her “daughter” in school. Because of this teacher, I had build a strong basis for Chinese subject.

加入爱莎近7年,我最喜欢的老师是曾经在爱莎天河学校教过我中文的Fannie老师,现在她已经是天河学校的中文教学协调员。我想,我对她印象深刻的第一大原因在于她教了我很长时间。要知道,在爱莎,学生通常一年换一次老师 (尤其PYP阶段,当学生升上一个年级,主班教师通常都会更换),在这种情况下,我们可以能认识更多的老师,但在之后的很长一段时间里,可能无法建立起非常长期且紧密的关系。幸运的是,Fannie老师教了我三年,即使在我加入爱莎科学城后,我们依旧保持着联系。Fannie老师甚至还开玩笑地说,她把我看作是她在学校的 “女儿”。也是因为她,我为中文学科打下了坚实的基础。

Suri with Fannie (left) & Chinese homework in Grade 4 (right)

Suri与爱莎中文老师Fannie (左) & 四年级时的中文作业 (右)



What do you hope to be in the future?


Suri:First of all, I had not decided what area of study I am particularly interested in or want to dive deeper in. Thus I wish I will study hard now.In addition, I want myself to be a happy person, not only the happiness gained materially, such as getting some snacks and watching TV, but also the sense of achievement after accomplishing a big task will make one really happy in their heart.


Suri presented research at PYPX




Your family is very happy in the eyes of everyone! Is there anything you would like to say to your mum, dad and younger sister?


Suri:I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents. They had helped me form some good habits used in daily life, and they always accompany me on studies and have fun together. They see me as a friend, rather than a child who have to obey, so I feel comfortable to discuss things with them. For my sister, I would like to thank her for being so cute and make the whole family happy. I also noticed that she have talents in singing, and wish she will continue working hard on it.


Suri"s sister, parents (top) & family photo (bottom)

Suri的妹妹、父母 (上) & 全家福 (下)


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