焦点快报!名校背后,桃李芬芳 | 美达菲资深升学指导专访
Yes, standing on the shoulders of giants can let us see the most beautiful scenery far away, also can bring us closer to success. If the beautiful ivory tower is compared to the distant landscape, then the professional admission guidance is like the shoulders of giants, he can enable applicants to go beyond their own level of height to gain the recognition of elite schools.上海美达菲学校校内升学指导中心,秉承以学生为中心的理念,从学生入学开始即进行职业生涯规划、升学指导、校内校外活动、各类学科竞赛指导、协助学生完成海外大学申请、直到顺利就读大学,开启新的人生旅程!多年来不断刷新纪录的升学成绩和累计高达百万元的奖学金,不仅彰显了我校办学实力和学生优异的综合能力,同时也离不开升学指导部门多年来的精心谋划和数年如一日的细心引导和付出。
The on-campus Guidance Center of Shanghai MacDuffieSchool adheres to the student-centered philosophy. From the beginning of students" admission, we provide career planning, guidance on admission, on-campus and off-campus activities, and guidance on various subject competitions. We assist students to complete overseas university application, until they successfully enter the university and start a new life journey!Over the years, the record of admission and the accumulated scholarship of up to one million yuan not only shows the strength of our school and the excellent comprehensive ability of the students, but also cannot be achieved without the careful planning and careful guidance of the admission guidance department for many years.MACDUFFIE美达菲升学指导老师彭琰|Nora
Good at: Applications from USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Macao and Commonwealth countries5年海外留学工作经验,精通英法双语,对海外学习、生活有着深切的感受。9年美加留学从业经验,助力数百名学生斩获名校offer,圆梦世界名校多次走访海外院校,与各大高校招生办深入探讨关于录取的秘密。多年探索,初心不改,对留学行业满怀热忱,极具耐心,擅长挖掘学生亮点。
5 years of overseas study and work experience, proficient in English and French, havingdeep feelings for overseas study and life. With 9 years of experience in studying abroad in the United States and Canada, I helped hundreds of students get offers from famous universities and realized their dreams. World famous universities visited overseas colleges and universities for many times, and discussed the secrets of admission with the admission offices of various universities and colleges in depth. After years of exploration, I have never changed my original intention. I am full of enthusiasm for the overseas study industry. I am very patient and good at exploring students" highlights.录取案例:哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、剑桥大学、纽约大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、加州大学圣巴巴拉分校、波士顿大学、布兰迪斯大学、多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学、悉尼大学、墨尔本大学等世界名校。
Admission cases: ColumbiaUniversity,Cornell University,University of Cambridge,New York University,University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Santa Barbara, Boston University, Brandeis University, University of Toronto, McGill University, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne and other world-renowned universities.王安忆|Emily
Good at: Commonwealth applications
天津外国语大学教育学学士、伦敦国王学院教育管理硕士。拥有丰富的英联邦国家大学申请指导经验及剑桥国际考试协调经验。善于与学科老师配合,指导A Level方向的学生使用UCAS系统,全方位为学生提供学习、职业生涯规划、标准化考试、课程选择及竞赛等方面的建议,助力学生成功步入理想的大学。
Bachelor of Education from Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Master of Education Administration from King"s College London. Rich experience in university application guidance in Commonwealth countries and Cambridge International examination coordination. I am good at working with subject teachers to guide students at A Level to use the UCAS system, and provide students with comprehensive advice on study, career planning, standardized tests, course selection and competition, so as to help students successfully enter the ideal university.录取案例:剑桥大学、帝国理工大学、纽约大学、伦敦政治经济学院、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校、俄亥俄州立大学、谢菲尔德大学、诺丁汉等世界名校。Admission cases:University of Cambridge,Imperial College London,New York University,LSE,UIUC,OSU,University of Sheiffield,University of Nottinghamand other world-renowned universities.
Good at:North America, the British Commonwealth and Asia.毕业于世界前20的英国爱丁堡大学,并且获得教育学硕士。洪老师拥有10年国际学校升学指导从业经验,是北美,英联邦,以及亚洲英语授课国家的升学规划的专家。洪老师对理工,文史,商科,艺术等专业领域有深刻见解,每年都会参观访问世界各地与名校招 生官沟通。洪老师对招生政策、录取要求和偏好有精准把握,善于根据学生背景打造个性选校 规划和文书写作方案。至今已辅导了800多名学生成功进入世界名校。
Yixiao Hong got her Master degree in Education from University of Edinburgh which ranked top 20 in the world. With nearly 10 years" working experience in college counseling, Mrs Hong is an expect in university admission advising and planning in USA, Canada, UK and other countries which provide English-teaching courses.Mrs Hong is quite familar with different subjects fields including Science and Engineering, Humanity and social science, Business, Arts and etc. Each year, Mrs Hong will visit universities around the world to discuss the updated admission policy with the university admission officers. Since from now, she has already helped more than 800 students admitted by the world famous universities.
录取案例:拥有斯坦福、哥大、杜克、UC伯克利、UCLA、约翰霍普金斯、埃默里大学、卡内基梅隆、纽约大学,密歇根大学、UBC 、多伦多大学、香港大学、牛津大学,UCL等名校申请的辉煌记录。
Admission cases: Including Stanford University, Columbia University, Duke University, UC- Berkeley, UC-LA, Johns Hopkins University, Emory University, New York University, CMU , University of Michigan, UBC, University ofToronto, University of Hong Kong, Oxford University, UCL and etc.
Good at: Undergraduate and graduate applications in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong.毕业于华东师范大学,11年教育行业经验,10年以上留学和校内升导工作经验,多次访问院校与招生官交流,熟悉各大院校的学校特色,招生政策和录取要求。对美国,加拿大,英国,澳大利亚,新西兰和香港等地本科和研究生留学有丰富的经验。
Graduated from East China Normal University, 11 years of experience in education industry, more than 10 years of experience in studying abroad and on-campus promotion work, visited colleges and universities for many times to communicate with admissions officers, familiar with the characteristics of colleges and universities, enrollment policies and requirements. Extensive undergraduate and postgraduate study experience in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong.录取案例:多名毕业生斩获美国前三十,英国G5 和澳洲G8等大学录取。
Admission cases:Many graduates have been admitted to top 30 universities in the United States, G5 in the United Kingdom and G8 in Australia.今天来自美达菲升学部彭琰和王安忆老师的专访,将让大家更深入的了解上海美达菲学校的升学指导工作。Today"s interview with Peng Yan and Wang Anyi, two senior advisors of the Admission Department, will give you a deeper understanding of the admission guidance work of Shanghai MacDuffieSchool.
Although it is not yet the peak season for the admission results, our early applicants have already been accepted by many world-renowned universities, such as New York University, the University of Melbourne, the University of Hong Kong, the University of Bristol and so on. In addition, we have received two interview invitations from Cambridge University in succession, One of the Cambridge pre-admission offers,which is a great harvest. I believe we will receive a steady stream of good offers in the future.As the COVID-19 pandemic reduces the impact on overseas study, universities are becoming more demanding of international students, while parents are no longer tied to a single country or major. In addition, many students are thinking about applying for interdisciplinary majors to improve their competitiveness in the future.截止到今日,本届毕业生的Offer数依旧可观,不过在申请院校及录取成果上,相较于去年有很积极的改变。我们的学生有了申请英美顶尖院校的实力,其中不乏拿到剑桥大学面邀和预录取Offer、纽约大学无条件录取及香港大学录取的学生。
Up to now, the Offer numbers of this year"s graduates arestill considerable, but there are positive changes compared with those of last year in terms of applying for universities and admission results. Our students now have the ability to apply to the top universities in the UK and US, with offers from Cambridge University andPre-admission, unconditional offers from New York University and offers from the University of Hong Kong.Q
As the admission teacher of our school, our aim is to make the most suitable overseas study plan for each student. Through daily communication with students and parents, to understand children"s interests and advantages, family expectations and ideas, and then combined with the application conditions and employment prospects of colleges and universities in various countries and majors to provide students with appropriate colleges and universities, we have made a detailed schedule, to help students step by step efforts to their dream school.一般还是从孩子的性格、爱好和对不同学科的热情程度,对留学目的地国家的了解等方面综合起来判断孩子适合什么样的教育系统,适合什么样的教育环境,再去根据实际情况给他们做出升学规划。当孩子对未来比较迷茫的时候,我们也会在指导课上给同学进行不同国家的课程、目标国家的大学以及文化、不同专业的录取要求等方面的介绍,让同学们对自己未来要做的事更有概念一些。
Generally, we judge what kind of education system and environment children are suitable for based on their personality, hobbies, enthusiasm for different subjects, and understanding of the destination country, etc., and then make the admission plan for them according to the actual situation. When the children are confused about the future, we will introduce the courses of different countries, the universities of the target countries, the culture and the admission requirements of different majors to the students in the guidance class, so that the students can have a better idea of what they will do in the future.Q
The first thing is to make a plan. The second thing is to adapt to changes. In the final analysis, the application requirements will be changed in three aspects: academic performance, language standardization, and soft background improvement. The early bird gets the best! So learn well, language to reach the standard early, but also as early as possible to consult with the college teacher and make a good plan, step by step, a turnip a pit. No matter how the situation changes, you can take it in stride.近几年的英美澳加及香港等不同国家以及地区的申请要求甚至录取要求都较往年变得更加有挑战性,竞争力也更加激烈。由于前几年新冠的影响,大多数大陆地区原本想要申请英美的学生,也把目光投向了香港、澳门、新加坡等国家和地区。不过不管申请什么国家或地区的大学,成绩和语言都是立身的根本,在保持良好的成绩外,积极参加各项自己感兴趣的活动和竞赛,会为他们在未来挑选大学时争取更多的自由度。
In recent years, the application requirements and even admission requirements of different countries and regions such as the UK, the US, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong have become more challenging and competitive than those in previous years. Due to the impact of COVID-19 in the past few years, most students from the mainland who originally wanted to apply to the UK and the US have turned their eyes to Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore and other countries and regions. However, no matter which country or region they apply for the university, grades and language are the foundation of standing. Besides maintaining good grades, they will actively participate in various activities and competitions that they are interested in, which will give them more freedom in choosing universities in the future.Q
As an international school, MacDuffiehas been adhering to the six core values of "community", "integrity", "respect", "creativity", "leadership" and "excellence". So a variety of colorful activities are never absent. For example, various performances at the annual freshmen welcome party, "holding a bazaar" where all grades gather their wisdom, and encouraging students to spontaneously set up interest clubs and study groups are the continuous development and innovation of our school under the continuation of this educational tradition. Objective To cultivate students" collective sense of honor, belonging and leadership. We want our students to be confident, independent and self-reliant even after they study abroad.我们学校每学年都会安排20+的社团活动,以及各项赛事活动。其中社团都是学生们自主开设,自行寻找社团老师进行活动的。竞赛等其他活动学校也会提前通知给学生和家长,并安排额外的竞赛辅导帮助同学们在竞赛中取得好成绩。
Our school arranges more than 20 club activities and competitions every school year. Among them, students set up clubs independently and find club teachers for activities by themselves. Students and parents will also be notified in advance of other events such as competitions, and extra coaching will be arranged to help students do well in competitions.Q
One thing I always emphasize to students is that the essay materials are like your resume. They are a microcosm of the first half of your life. How to show their strengths, personality, professional understanding, future planning, a stroke of the pen must not be careless, it is never an overnight thing. In contrast, from the very beginning of my planning for students, I will emphasize that students record their participation in every activity, every competition, every new project and understanding of new knowledge. I have achieved myself by recording every bit of life and being grateful, and how to show it through writing is the best content condensed by the sparks of my communication with students for many times.不管哪个国家的文书,目标都是围绕自己展开的。平时在升学指导课上,我们会让同学们总结一下不同时期自己做过哪些事,也会让同学们围绕自己的个人特质进行一些论述和描写。目的是为了让同学们更了解自己的长处、兴趣以及让他们对自己的未来进行一些设想。除此之外,针对于高年级临近申请的同学,我们会对学生进行深度的了解,让他们自己回忆高中的生活做过哪些事,有些时候他们会恍然大悟,原来自己做了这么多事都跟申请息息相关。
No matter which country"s document, the target is all about oneself. Usually in the college guidance class, we will ask students to summarize what they have done in different periods, and also ask students to discuss and describe their personal characteristics. The purpose is to let students know more about their strengths, interests and let them have some ideas about their future. In addition, for seniors who are about to apply, we will have a deep understanding of the students and ask them to recall what they have done in high school. Sometimes they will suddenly realize that all the things they have done are closely related to the application.
During this busy application season, the stories and backgrounds of every student I interact with are very vivid. Each student has his or her own shining point. For example, before submitting the application, some students communicated with me about writing documents and kept improving them with unique and independent ideas. For example, there was a student who was confused about his major, but he communicated with me repeatedly about his interests and hobbies. After I got to know his academic ability, he was happy at that moment when I gave him professional advice. For example, we prepare students for interviews, practice and give them pertinent advice. Vivid details are memorable experiences.当同学们找到自己的目标时,往往能激发出无限的动力和激情,这时候的他们是无敌的,没有困难能够打倒他们。
When students find their own goals, often can inspire unlimited motivation and passion, at this time they are invincible, no difficulty can beat them.Q
How big the dream is, how much you have to pay.主动性是申请的利器。主动去做院校调查,了解申请规则,知道录取要求等等是申请过程中不可或缺的。这不仅仅能培养同学的能力,也可以提升同学们对自己的责任感。在申请中主动性较高的学生,往往都能取得不错的申请成果。
Initiative is a powerful tool in application. Taking the initiative to do college research, understand the rules, requirements, etc., is essential to the application process. This can not only cultivate students" ability, but also enhance their sense of responsibility for themselves. Students with high initiative in application often get good application results.Q
Don"t try to take shortcuts all the time. You"ll miss too many wonderful sights. Down-to-earth, sincere to themselves, can withstand the wind and waves, do their own "lone brave".选择走留学这条道路的大家都是勇敢的,因为这意味着你们之后的学习生活不会仅仅去在意成绩单上的分数,也会提前开始思考自己的兴趣、爱好、天赋、未来等等围绕自身的问题,这也许会带来一些烦恼,但是无疑也会帮助你们全方面的成长,成为更好的自己。我希望你们每天都能做最好的自己。
Those who choose to study abroad are brave, because it means that you will not only care about the score on the report card, but also start to think about your interests, hobbies, talents, future and other issues around yourself in the future. This may bring some troubles, but it will undoubtedly help you grow in all aspects and become a better yourself. I want you to be the best you can be every day.MACDUFFIE关于上海美达菲升学指导部上海美达菲学校升学指导部由美达菲升学指导委员会直接管理,该委员会由美达菲集团升学部、美国美达菲学校升学指导部及上海美达菲升学指导中心联合成立,主旨是共享海内外资源,定期进行升学资讯更新,职业规划课程研发优化等,专注于帮助学生申请海外名校。
Shanghai MacDuffieSchool Admission Guidance Department is under the direct management of MacDuffieSchool Admission Guidance Committee, which is jointly established by MacDuffieGroup Admission Department, MacDuffieSchool Admission Guidance Department and Shanghai MacDuffieSchool Admission Guidance Center. The committee aims to share resources at home and abroad, update college information regularly, develop and optimize career planning courses, etc., and focus on helping students apply for overseas universities.
At present, the Guidance Department has many experienced guidance teachers, all graduated from well-known universities at home and abroad, such as Cambridge University, Vanderbilt University, King"s College London, South China Normal University, etc. 10% of the teachers have a doctor"s degree, 90% have a master"s degree, the ratio of Chinese and foreign teachers is 3:1. The team has rich experience in applying for overseas study, familiar with the admission requirements and procedures of overseas universities, and provides professional consultation and counseling services for students. Escort students applying for prestigious overseas universities.
In addition, Shanghai MacDuffieSchool has arranged detailed and thorough admission planning services for students. From the first day of study at Shanghai MacDuffieSchool, a counselor will be appointed to lead the class and have one-to-one interviews with students and parents. Academic and activity planning guidance; conduct weekly career planning courses; and for students to develop the most in line with their interests and development needs of personalized college programs. Follow up with students "one on one" throughout the application process until the college application is successfully completed.
Therefore, relying on the United States MacDuffiepersonalized college guidance services, our students receive offers from famous universities and successfully enter their ideal universitiesevery year. In 2022, the students of MacDuffiealso achieved quite good admission results and gave themselves a satisfactory answer paper, which is widely spread in the UK, the United States, Canada and Japan from different directions.近10%学生进入美国藤校/英国G5大学
Nearly 10% of students attend Ivy League/G5 universities in the United KingdomNearly 60% of the students are enrolled in the world"s TOP50 universities100% of students are enrolled in the world"s TOP100 universities·