热资讯!CISK Fundraiser

2023-02-16 17:14:56

Children are natural-bornhelpers.When charity and giving areincorporated into the curriculum and school life, students feel a sense of responsibility to support and involve themselves.



As part of Grades 7 and 8’s exploration of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, they were moved to ask teachers how they could help children who struggle to have their basic rights met.


So they decided to start a fundraiser to purchase basic goodsforchildren who come from families suffering hardshipsdue to over-stretchedfamily budgetsor because of physical disabilities.


CISK contactedtwelve families with children ranging in age from 6-17. We learned about their situations, their hobbies, and their clothing sizes and then we started planning.


From November 28th toDecember 15th, 2022, our Grades 7 and 8 studentsheld fundraisers during recess for one day per group. While fostering a spirit of love and altruism, the students learned interesting things about starting their own businesses when deciding what to sell and why, concepts such as “supply and demand”, “markup”, “profit margin” and “overstock”. They had to figure out how to have students and teachers pay and how to advertise their sales so theirproducts would sell out.


After nearly one month of their combinedefforts and activities, our project has managed to raisea total ofRMB7650.40 . On January 17th 2023,the 7th and 8th-grade students were pleased to deliverthe clothes, toys, and basic necessities purchased for the families to the Charity School. If any parents or companies would like to make further donations, please callus.Thank you for your kindness! All donations are gratefully received.


Philanthropic activities build ourempathy and enhance interpersonal communication and understanding, which is an emotional capacity we need as members of society.At the same time, these activities are crucial to developinga sense of citizenship – in terms of individual engagement, participation in collective school activities, and generatingabroader sense of social responsibility. Well done, students!



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