焦点要闻:BMH初中部——为跨入世界顶级高中奠定基础 | BMH Junior High School

2023-02-20 14:07:11

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我们的博观中学BMHJunior High School使 命


升 学

博观学生能够从9年级开始在英国柏朗思学校或具有类似课程的高中里获得学位。9年级和10年级可以选修9个或10个IGCSE科目,然后在11年级或12年级完成3或4个A levels科目考试,或 IB 文凭考试,同时不断地全面构建他们的简历。







为了让学生在英语中学的 IGCSE 考试中取得成功,我们调整了初中课程,系统涵盖数学、生物、化学、物理和信息技术课程的IGCSE内容。此外,我们循序渐进地越来越多地用英语教授这些科目,让学生能够更从容地面对考察英语书面和对话能力的IGCSE考试。

中 文


英 语

依托于完善的英语教学课程系统,初中的英语课程会全方面培养学生听说读写的能力,以便他们在高中开始他们的IGCSE课程时达到必要的CEFR 水平,以适应全日制英语学习。

音 体 美

艺术、戏剧、音乐和体育采用双语教学,涵盖国内义务教育课程,同时融入 IGCSE 元素。如果学生希望在 9 年级和 10 年级时学习这些科目的 IGCSE,这些课程将为他们做好准备。







学生可以加入学校合唱团、辩论队、篮球队、足球队、高尔夫球队和网球队,参加LAMDA和 ABRSM 表演艺术考试,并参加数学袋鼠和 STEAM 比赛。在丰富的课程中完善他们的性格发展,并积累个人申请材料。







我们的博观中学BMHJunior High School


Our mission in Senior 7, 8 and 9 is to build on the strong academic bilingual base built in Prep School and help students prepare for and secure a place in their senior school of choice whether this is a bilingual or international school, overseas or in China. Allow me to expand on this below.

Senior School Destination

We hope BMH students will aspire to secure a place to study in Bromsgrove School UK from grade 9 onwards or a senior school with a similar programme. Here they will continuously build their CVs/Resumes holistically whilst completing 9 or 10 IGCSEs during grade 9 and 10 then 3 or 4 A’ levels, or the IB Diploma, during grades 11 or 12. This will enable them to secure a place at their English medium university of choice whether in UK, USA or elsewhere.

Senior School of

Choice Admission Requirements

BMH students can apply for admission to Bromsgrove School UK during Prep 6, Senior 7 or Senior 8 to secure a place in advance to study there from grade 9. Successful admission is offered to students of good character, academic ability, CAT4 test scores who have strong English and Mathematics. BMH reports, the Headmaster"s reference and performance in the English, Maths, CAT4 and interview aspects of the Bromsgrove School Admissions process all need to be good in order to secure admission.

How BMH Junior High School

Helps Students Secure

Their Senior School of Choice

01The CurriculumMaths, Science and IT

In order to prepare students for success in IGCSEs in English medium senior schools, we have adjusted our junior high school curriculum so that students systematically cover IGCSE content in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and IT.

Furthermore, we teach these subjects increasingly in English in order to raise students’ ability in English and ability to successfully complete IGCSE examinations which are written in and to be responded to in English.


Chinese continues to adhere to the Chinese compulsory curriculum and is taught by well qualified and experienced specialist Chinese teachers. Since this is considerably more advanced than IGCSE Chinese as a First Language, we can be confident that BMH students will be able to secure very good grades in IGCSE Chinese if they choose to study this in grade 9 and 10 at their chosen senior school.


Our rigorous English programme continues to build on each student"sprogress so they reach the necessary CEFR level to study full time in English by the time they start their IGCSE programmes in their senior school of choice.

Arts and PE

Art, Drama, Music and PE are taught bilingually and follow programmes which cover the compulsory curriculum of China whilst blending in IGCSE elements which prepare them to study IGCSEs in these subjects should the student wish to do so when they are in grade 9 and 10.


Cambridge Style Assessment

Throughout Senior 7, 8 and 9, students are assessed regularly using Cambridge IGCSE style assessment questions and parents are given feedback on the Cambridge IGCSE grades their children are on track for based on their performance against Cambridge Assessment International Education criteria.

DoE Assessment

We also sit DoE Assessments at the end of each term throughout Senior 7, 8 and 9. These provide a further measure of how well BMH students have mastered the more demanding compulsory education content in Chinese, English, Maths, Morality, Geography and History. As these are not our main focus, we do not spend the time local schools spend preparing for these examinations as this would take away from our teaching and learning and student progress. Nevertheless, the DoE exams do provide a useful motivation to students as well as feedback which we also share with parents.


CCA Programme

In Senior 7, 8 and 9 the BMH Co-Curricular Programme continues to provide students with the opportunity to extend and enrich their interest and abilities in the Arts, Sports and Academics and thereby build their holistic character and resume.

Students are strongly encouraged to join the school choir, debating team, basketball, football, golf and tennis teams, to sit LAMDA and ABRSM performing arts examinations and to participate in Maths Kangaroo and STEAM competitions.


BMH Boarding School

Students in Senior 7, 8 and 9 who are looking to move to a boarding school for their senior schooling should seriously consider boarding at BMH for the year before they go to their senior school (or sooner) in order to adjust to boarding school life and to benefit from extra opportunities boarding provides for student learning and holistic development.


Headmaster’s Reference

The Cambridge grades are the ones which feature in the BMH reports and contribute to the Headmaster"s reference since these give the best all round measure of each student"s progress against Cambridge IGCSE criteria which are understood and trusted by the senior schools to which our students aspire to apply. Of course, if a student applies to a Chinese medium school then their performance in the Local Compulsory Curriculum Examinations can bolster their application and would be used if helpful.


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