每日简讯:Undergraduate Admission Talk of Hong Kong Chu Hai College

2023-02-20 14:55:50

陈致校长是国际知名的文史及汉学研究学者。从事多领域的学术研究,涵盖中国经典、早期文化与历史、古代诗歌、出土文献与古文字(金文与简帛文字),以及明清学术思想史。香港人文学院院士、香港浸会大学、UIC、澳门大学讲座教授。《饶宗颐国学院院刊》、Old World: Journal of Ancient Africa & Euro-Asia 创刊主编。南京大学文学院、复旦大学哲学系、湖南大学岳麓书院兼职教授;伦敦大学亚非学院A.C.Graham 讲座学者。

Prof. CHEN is an internationally renowned scholar and researcher in Chinese Studies. His diversified interests in Chinese Studies include classical studies and early Chinese culture and history, historical writings, traditional Chinese poetry, excavated documents and paleography: bronze inscriptions and bamboo and silk writings, and intellectual history of the Ming and Qing dynasty.


In addition to his remarkable scholarship, Prof. CHEN is also an experienced university administrator. Apart from being the Head of Department of Chinese in HKBU between 2010 and 2013, Prof. CHEN was Acting Dean of the Faculty of Arts between 2015 and 2017, held the Directorship of Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Human Institute between 2011 and 2014. Between 2012 and 2014, Prof. CHEN was appointed Founding Acting Director of Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology and became the Director from 2014 to present. Starting from 2018, Prof. CHEN served as the Board Director of Wuhan College. Prof. CHEN had joined Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College in 2018 as the Vice President (Academic) and was promoted to Provost in 2020.







(5)留港本硕连读首选 留港就业资源丰富


(7)香港黄金地段 邻近深圳

Theme: Undergraduate Admission Talk of Hong Kong Chuhai College


(1) The oldest private institution of higher education in Hong Kong

(2) Generous Scholarship: Hong Kong locals, up to 100% scholarships, provide d with living allowances

(3) Internationally accredited degree programmes

(4) Accommodation: two-bed room/three-bed room

(5) Abundant resources for further studies and employment in Hong Kong

(6) International and professional faculty

(7) Convenient traffic, close to Shenzhen




Presentation Time:

2023.02.24 (Friday) 10:00 am-11:00 am (please enter 15 minutes in advance)

All students and parents are welcome to attend on time.


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