焦点快看:【100 Days of School】在学校的第100天

2023-02-22 17:57:01



The 100th day at school was a normal and special day. For students, the 100th day in school is their independent school exploration and the journey of learning with teachers and peers. On this day, teachers celebrated the 100th day in different ways based on each grade"s learning progress and units of inquiry.

KG celebrates 100 Days of School!


This days falls in the second week of our unit on living things. While finding out the characteristics of living things, KG learn how to survive in the cold. To stay warm outside, living thing move. Try out 100 exercises to build heat, stay warm, and have fun. We also discover that plants reproduce by their seeds. Can you count out 100 strawberry seeds so we can grow more plants?


100 Dots for 100 Days of School!


G2A class read the book The Dotby Peter H. Reynolds. In this book, students realized that the main character applied the Learner Profile “Risk-Taker” by trying something new and being brave.


We then made a connection with Wassily Kandinsky’s painting Squares with Concentric Circlesand learned what concentric means.Students then expressed themselves by being risk-takers and painting concentric circles/dots. On the dots, they wrote how they were being risk-takers. We put our dots on our Tree of Learning that now has 100 dots of learning!



Write 100 words, Stack 100 blocks, or do 100 math problems...How did you celebrate your 100th day at school?


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