【世界播资讯】What is Individuals and Societies like at ISNS | ISNS人文社会学学科详解
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and Societies
At ISNS, Individuals and Societies (I&S) is a multi-disciplinary subject that students take in MYP and DP. We plan teaching and learning in a fun and engaging way to ensure that our students from G6 all the way to G12 are fostered their inquiry and investigation skills, as well as critical thinking, and communication skills.
This week, we interviewed our Individuals and Societies (I&S) Head of Department Mr. St Germain to find out about the DP I&S subject and how it cultivates those important skills.
Framework andcurriculum plan
Individuals and Societies (I&S) incorporates disciplines traditionally studied under the general term “the humanities” (such as history and philosophy), as well as disciplines in the social sciences (such as economics, business management, geography, and sociology).
In MYP Grade 6, 7, and 8 student study diverse topics that fall within the humanities and social sciences. The focus is on creating units that allow students to engage with exciting, stimulating and personally relevant topics and issues. The units are designed to build students’ inquiry and investigation skills as these are a strong focus of Individuals and Societies.
As the students progress through Lower MYP, the tasks and the assessments of the units become increasingly more complex and encompass a strong focus on real-world examples that allow students to build their research and analysis skills.
In Grade 9 I&S, we start to offer courses to prepare students for the DP program, including units in Business Management, Economics, and Geography. These are intended to introduce students to some of the I&S courses we offer in the Diploma Program and help them build knowledge and skills that will help them succeed in the DP.
In Grade 10, I&S focuses on History as this is a requirement of New Brunswick curriculum and allows students to further develop their inquiry, critical thinking, and communication skills in preparation for the DP.
The DP subjects we offer:
Business Management
How to ensure the connection is there from LMYP to UMYP to DP?
In MYP we develop units specifically in order to develop the student"s knowledge critical thinking, communication, and research skills. These skills that we focus on developing in the MYP help students transition into the I & S subjects at DP. It also helps students across all their DP subjects because it helps them with the Investigation skills for their internal assessments and the research skills that they develop help them with their Extended Essays in the DP program.
How does teaching and learning focus on for DP?
In DP I & S inquiry is at the heart of everything we do. For example in economics there are nine key concepts that the students need to understand and they apply those concepts to everything. They learn in the course, theory models, and tools that they apply and then they have to connect them to different key concepts. Another major important thing for students is integrating real-world examples into their learning.
Nine key concepts
A Typical Unit
A typical unit in DP economics would be currency exchange.
We start the unit by doing some basic knowledge building where the students learn how the factors affect currency exchange and learn how to diagram those things.
After that, they research a real-world example and see how the depreciation of a currency affects an economy.
Once the students have built sufficient knowledge and they have real-world examples, they"ll be given some practice papers from past exams, which include real case studies and students can apply their knowledge and practice to prepare for these external exams they"ll have at the end of the year.
The final wrap-up is a large inquiry task where students have to research two countries and the relationship between their currency and determine the impacts that the changes in the currency have on their two countries" trading relationship.
Tips for Learning I&S
“The most important thing a student can do before entering I & S in the DP is to be aware of current events. It means watching the news, reading newspapers and magazines and very importantly outside their own country and making sure they are aware of global issues and things that are affecting the world right now. ”
本周,我们采访了人文社会学科组长 (I&S) St Germain 老师,了解高中预科 I&S 学科及其如何培养这些重要技能。
人文社会学 (I&S) 包括传统上在通用术语“人文学科”下研究的学科(如历史和哲学),以及社会科学学科(如经济学、商业管理、地理学和社会学)。
MYP 6-8年级
在中学 6、7 和 8年级(MYP),学生学习关于人文和社会科学的各种主题。重点是创建单元,让学生参与令人兴奋和个人相关的主题和问题。这些单元旨在培养学生的探究和调查技能,因为这些是人文社会学的重点。
DP 9-10年级
在9年级 I&S课,我们开始提供相应的科目为学生准备DP课程,包括商业管理、经济学和地理单元。这些旨在向学生介绍我们在文凭课程中提供的一些人文和社会的课程,帮助他们建立知识和技能,在高中预科 (DP)学习中取得成功。
在 DP的 I & S课上,探究是我们所做一切的核心。比如经济学,学生需要理解九个关键概念,并将这些概念应用到所有事物中。他们在课程中学习他们应用的理论模型和工具,然后需要将它们与不同的关键概念联系起来。对学生来说,另一件重要的事情是将真实世界的例子融入到学习中。