焦点关注:“内外兼修”——BMH国际化小学等你一探究竟!| BMH Preparatory School
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使 命MISSION01我们在小学1至6年级的任务是培养具有良好品格的双语学生,使他们具有优秀的学术能力,拥有广泛的兴趣,并且终身热爱学习。在6年级结束时,BMH的学生将有能力继续升读博观初中或其他国内优异的中学。
02升 学Junior High School Destination
课 程 安 排Curriculum03小学的课程涵盖了国内义务教育课程体系,使用的是21世纪最佳教学法,并使用中文和英语作为教学语言。教学团队将必修课程的内容、教辅和其他教育资源与各学科优选西方教学资源相结合。
英 语小学1-6年级的英语课是由经验丰富的外籍教师以小班制进行教授,以提供更多的个性化关注和更好的差异化教学。英语教学使用的是英国国家课程和最佳的21世纪语言习得法。基于最佳的英语教学和学习实践,我们从幼儿园一直到9年级都遵循非常连贯和严格的英语课程。
英语学科根据中欧语言框架 (CEFR) 进行评估的,家长可以了解到在该评估系统中孩子的英语掌握情况(也能够映射到其他评估等级,如雅思等级)。我们的课堂也会充分利用信息技术来增强和扩展教学。
数 学数学学科由双语中籍和外籍教师共同授课。从四年级起我们采用分级教学,更利于因材施教。中外籍教师之间紧密配合,融合北师大数学教材的课程编排和西方数学资源和教法。
语 文汉语教学由热爱中国语言、文学和文化的双语教师,采用高效教学法和学习策略进行教学。汉语组教师都非常了解国内义务教育课程的教授,并且大多拥有海外教学经验。
04德 育Pastoral Care
测 评Assessment05BMH小学教学涵盖国内义务教育课程,并使用西方教学资源和教学法,学生学习成果也会进行全方位评估。每学期学生会定期参加学校组织的剑桥国际课程测试与龙华区统考。
06寄 宿Boarding
MISSION使命01Our Mission in Prep 1-6 is to build bilingual students of good character who have strong academic ability, holistic interests and a lifelong love of learning. By the end of Prep 6 BMH students should be able to progress to BMH Junior High School or to a Chinese medium school. Allow me to expand below.
02Junior High School
We hope BMH students will continue to aspire to progress to BMH Junior High School for Senior 7, 8 and 9 and then an English medium Senior School such as, preferably, Bromsgrove School UK to pursue IGCSEs, A levels and English medium University admission.
For students who wish to move on to boarding schools overseas or other schools in China at the end of Prep 6, we are happy to assist with references and any extra preparation that may be needed such as CAT4 practice.
Curriculum课程安排03Our curriculum covers all of the content of the compulsory curriculum of China but is studied using the best 21st Century pedagogical approaches and taught using Chinese and English as the medium of instruction.Teaching teams take great care to blend the content of the compulsory curriculum and supporting textbook and other resources with the best of western teaching resources available for each subject.
IT, role play, group work, practical work, inquiry, investigation and project based learning, all play a role in helping to ensure teaching and learning is active, visible and engaging.
In English Prep 1-6 are taught by experienced expatriate English specialist teachers in smaller ability groups in order to provide more individual attention and better-differentiated teaching. A very coherent and rigorous English programme is followed from Pre School all the way to Senior 9 based on the best English teaching and learning practice. English is assessed on the Central European Framework for Languages (CEFR) which means parents can see how their child’s mastery of English is progressing on that scale (which also maps to other scales such as the IELTS scale). Good use is made of IT to augment and extend teaching and learning.
In mathematics each class has some of their lessons taught in Chinese by bilingual mathematics teachers and some of the lessons in English by experienced expatriate mathematics teachers. From Prep 4 onwards we set by ability in order to provide more individualised and differentiated teaching. Teachers work closely together to blend the best of the very rigorous Beijing Normal University Maths Scheme with western mathematics resources and approaches.
Chinese is taught by well qualified and specialist Chinese teachers who teach the compulsory Chinese curriculum of China taking care to blend in best pedagogical practices from East and West.
Science and Inquiry
Science and Inquiry are taught in both Chinese and English by both bilingual and expatriate teachers. Student curiosity, engagement and agency are promoted through practical work, investigation, research, presentation, production and performance. This helps raise enjoyment and develop communication and thinking skills. Engagement is very importantin inquiry andwestrive tobuild excursions and visits by experts intotheprogramme.
Art, Drama, Music, PE
These subjects are taught in English and Chinese and often link with Inquiry with an emphasis on the creative process as well as the acquisition and development of necessary knowledge and skills. Links with MH Maker, LAMDA, ABRSM, Performing Arts companies, MH Eco Park and PGA help us to provide a greater range of opportunities for students.
04Pastoral Care德 育
Students in Prep 1-6 are taught most subjects in classes of 24 students or less and are nurtured in their homeroom classes by a Chinese bilingual and an expatriate English speaking banzhuren.
All parents are members of the homeroom parent teacher association, which aids home school collaboration. The school doctor, nurse and counselor, Senior teacher and Deputy Head Pastoral all collaborate to ensure children are well looked after.
Assessment测 评05Cambridge Style Assessment
Throughout Prep 1-6, students are assessed regularly using Cambridge Pathway style assessment questions and parents are given feedback on the Cambridge IGCSE grades their children are on track for based on their performance against Cambridge Assessment International Education criteria.
DoE Assessment
We also sit DoE Assessments at the end of each term throughout Prep 1-6. These provide a further measure of how well BMH students have mastered the more demanding compulsory education content in Chinese, English, Maths, Morality and Science. Feedback on these DoE Assessments is also included in the End of Term Exam Reports.
From Prep 4 upwards, BMH students are warmly encouraged to join our weekly boarding where we are able to further support their academic and holistic development.