与多领域专业人士面对面,畅谈鼓舞人心的故事与行业经验!The Conversation with Entrepreneurs

2023-02-27 14:03:26




The IB curriculum at TWIS has always emphasized the importance of learning within a global context so that students can see the connection between what they are learning and the real world.

For example, every month, a successful DP and university student or an industry expert will be invited to the TWIS campus to share their experiences and answer questions on a wide range of topics, which can help our students see more possibilities of the real world. While in the PYP, students also have the opportunity to interact with professionals from different fields as they are inquiring in different interdisciplinary units which helps them grasp how the authentic world functions.

选择一条合适的职业发展道路绝非易事,对于高中生而言尤甚。成长于法国的丹麦数字技术创业家塞萨尔·赫尔兹(César Hertz)对此亦深有体会。最近,他莅临东华文泽学校,与我们的MYP中学生和DP大学预科学生进行了一场深度的交流,并分享了关于大学专业选择和职业生涯发展的见解。在这篇采访中,他讲述了自己的个人经历——从大学的专业选择到自主创业的历程。

Choosing the right career path can be a daunting task, especially for high school students. César Hertz, a French-Danish digital entrepreneur, knows this first-hand. In a recent interview with a group of TWIS MYP and DP students, he shared his insights on what students should consider when deciding on a university and a career. Here, he talks about his personal journey, from choosing his university course to starting his own business.


Click to watch some of the clips of the talk!


Choosing a Path



According to César, the most challenging part of the decision-making process is selecting a university course on one’s own. The pressure from parents, teachers, and friends can make it difficult to choose the path that is right for you. His advice is to choose what you want, not what others want. It is better to live your own life with less than to live the life others want for you.

When César was asked how he decided on his university course, he explained that he was interested in sales and marketing, having helped his Danish father market salmon in France with great success. This passion led him to study sales and marketing in Lyon, his city of birth.


César"s University Experience:


César studied for a Master of Entrepreneurship & Development, and his thesis focused on "How to lead digital transformation through KPIs?" During his university experience, César completed seven internships in different countries, such as Peru, China, India, Singapore, and Belgium. One of his most memorable experiences was working in northern China ten years ago. César says internships can give students a chance to test whether they like a particular job or not. They also help students gain valuable work experience and develop important skills for college and careers.


Starting a Business


César started his own business because he wanted to be able to decide his work process himself. He learned from others’ experiences that time and talent can be wasted easily. The hardest part of running a business is the uncertainty and instability, but it"s worth it when you see the results. His ability to perform problem-solving with his laptop and travel anywhere with an internet connection is what inspired César to choose computer science as a career.


The Importance of Learning Different Languages


According to César, learning different languages opens doors to doing business. Clients are more likely to trust you if you speak their language. César speaks French, English, and Spanish, and has acquired a good level of Chinese through perseverance and enthusiasm to speak to Chinese native speakers.


Final Advice


César encourages students to take risks and not to be afraid of failure. He advises that the ones who really love you will still care for you, regardless of your successes or failures. The ones who stay with you even in your lowest moments are the ones who really care for you and accept you for what you are. Learning to lose, in addition to likely being life’s most critical soft skill, is easier to acquire in your twenties.





César has worked on several projects as a digital entrepreneur, including freelancing projects in China, building a social network for real estate professionals called Redilink, a peer-to-peer crowd-gifting service called Chipedin, and an indoor environmental quality management system called Pureliving. He also worked as a digital business manager in Belgium, where he developed a network of 20 innovative Belgian SMEs taking advantage of the digital transformation to top their own global and disrupted market.

César"s story is an inspiring one. Despite numerous educational and professional setbacks, from independently launching his own business to becoming a successful digital entrepreneur, his journey is full of lessons and insights for young students who are making choices about it.


In the world of toy manufacturing, the process of creating a new product can be both exciting and challenging. From ideation to production, there are numerous factors that need to be considered in order to create a successful and marketable toy. As part of their preparation for the PYP Exhibition on "How We Organize Ourselves", the PYP 5 studentshad the opportunity to learn from an expert in the field – Charlie"s dad, who runs a toy manufacturing business.


During his visit, Charlie’s dad shared his company"s approach to creating a new toy prototype. He explained that the process begins by focusing on what he calls the "2 Ds" - the clients" demands and desires. Once they understand what the clients want, they move on to the "4 Cs" - cost, cosmetic, customer, and competitor. By taking all of these factors into account, his company is able to create a toy prototype that is both appealing and profitable.


One key aspect of the toy manufacturing process is the packaging. Charlie’s dad explained that his company operates in 56 different countries, and they need to create different packaging for various languages. The production of the toys also depends on the materials being used, such as wood or metal. Each material has its own unique properties, which affect the design and production process.


To help the students better understand the process of creating a toy, Charlie’s dad shared a video showing a 3D drawing for design. Once the design is complete, they move on to creating a prototype. This sample allows them to test the toy, identify any mistakes, and make corrections before moving on to mass production.


To create the final product, Charlie’s dad"s company uses a combination of plastic pellets and color pigment. These are mixed together and then fed into an injection mold. The mold is then filled with water to cool it down, and the staff assembles the parts of the toy. Once the toy is complete, a catalog is prepared to send along with the goods.


Throughout the presentation, Charlie’s dad emphasized the importance of safety in toy production. His company uses a specific type of plastic, called ABS, which is specifically designed to make toys. This plastic is non-toxic and does not contain any harmful chemicals, ensuring that the toys are safe for children to play with.


In conclusion, Charlie’s dad"s visit to the fifth-grade class provided valuable insight into the world of toy manufacturing. By learning about the process of creating a toy prototype, the students gained a deeper understanding of how to organize themselves to create a successful product. With the knowledge they gained from this experience, the students are well-equipped to take on their PYP5 Exhibition with a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of the manufacturing industry.


Click to watch some of the clips of the talk!

特别鸣谢Special Thanks to

Mr. Jason.


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