Respectful teachers and dear students:
Good morning!
The winter break has gone by before we knew it. The end of the holiday marks the beginning of another semester.
We welcome you back to our campus. From this moment forward, we begin a brand new journey in a brand new year.
This semester will be followed by many important events.
Our schoolmates from Grade 10 will be starting to plan for their future and major. While the students of Grade 11 will be preparing for their college application. As for the Grade 12 seniors, they will graduate by the end of this semester, which means the end of their high school life.
The seeds sprout, grow, and blossom, so do we. We will come across many upcoming challenges, therefore we need to be fully ready to face them. Here are some essential aspects that students should follow:
第一,专注于学习以及学术成绩的提升。学习知识是我们在学校的首要目的,也应当排在任何附加项目之前。然而,学习不能只停留在书本知识表面,在枫叶,我们更应该具备拓展并延伸知识面的能力,初步掌握自学能力,让学习知识由点到线,由线到面。First, we should mainly focus on our academic study and our grades. Learning is our primary goal, anything else should be in second place. But as we learn, we should think deeper and explore further. The knowledge we gain shouldn’t be limited by textbooks.
第二,挖掘自身的学习热情。尽管大多数情况下,我们会以被动的态度汲取知识,但我们始终倡导同学们不断审视自我、解剖内心、敢于承认并发扬我们的兴趣所在。这可以是对物理公式的好奇,也可以是对文学作品的欣赏,更可以是对音乐活着绘画的爱好。总之,希望我们都可以有一份让自己心无旁骛的热忱。在这里,梦我所梦,得我所愿。Second, we should have a passion for studying. Although we are obligated to learn, we should still discover more about ourselves and our interests during the process. This might be a curiosity for physics, or a love for literature, as well as music and art. In brief, I hope that everyone one of us can chase our dream, and find what we want.
第三,寻找自己的兴趣爱好,充盈自己的生活。学习对我们固然重要,但我们的生活却远不止学习。在课堂之外,我们也应该找到充盈自己的爱好与特长。琴房的钢琴声,舞蹈室的舞步,操场上挥洒的汗水,都与学习同样重要。更或者,单纯是静静地将自己置身于大自然之中,远离电子设备,聆听风声雨声,也未尝不是件快事。总之,我们要懂得完善自己的生活与人格。Third, find an interest to enrich ourselves. Learning is essential, but there’s more to life than just textbooks. Outside of the classroom, we can find ourselves within the melody of piano, the whisper of nature, or on a path of discovery in science. During the process, we improve ourseleves and our life.
Last but not least, I hope that at school and in our lives, we will always keep in mind of the morals and rules, for we should be a rightful person, before doing rightful things.
School is a place for aspiration and inspiration. This is the beginning of a new semester, let us all embrace it and enjoy it. Here, I wish everyone a bright future.