世界快看:国际母语日|作为国际学校,TWIS校园里究竟存在多少种语言?International Mother Language Day

2023-03-10 16:07:36




Tungwah Wenzel International School (TWIS) recently hosted an assembly to commemorate International Mother Language Day, an annual event celebrated globally on February 21st. The assembly was led by Kelly from MYP 2 and Jessie from MYP 3 and highlighted the significance of preserving one"s mother tongue while also learning other languages.

The event featured a range of performances and presentations, including a unit on Bilingualism and Multilingualism that was studied as part of the English language acquisition course. Students from various grades showcased their talents and knowledge, contributing to a vibrant and informative assembly.


Click to see the language environment at TWIS!


TWIS is a community rich in cultural diversity. On International Mother Language Day, we invite students and teachers from all over the world to showcase their mother languages. Are you curious about how many languages exist on the TWIS campus? Come here and find out more!


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在国际母语日庆祝大会上,PYP小学三年级学生以一首阿塞拜疆民谣歌曲《Jip Jip Jujalareem》表演拉开庆典的帷幕。随后,英语语言习得课程第三阶段的学生带来了一场名为《失去母语》的话剧表演,着重强调了守护语言多样性的重要性。

The assembly began with PYP 3 students" impressive rendition of an Azerbaijani folk song called "Jip Jip Jujalareem". ELA Phase 3 students then presented a role-play titled "Losing One"s Mother Tongue" to underscore the importance of maintaining linguistic diversity.


Moreover, ELA students analyzed and shared famous quotes about language to understand the significance of multilingualism. PYP 2 students then dazzled the audience with a djembe drum performance, named "everyone gathers together in peace" by the Bambara people in Mali.

MYP中学四年级的学生展示了一个关于说另一种语言会如何改变我们思考方式的互动游戏。我们的法语课学生唱响了一首经典的法语歌曲 《Comment te dire adieu(如何对你说再见)》。

MYP 4 students presented an interactive game on how speaking another language changes the way we think, followed by French students introducing a classic French song called "Comment te dire adieu", meaning "How to Say Goodbye to You" in English.


The International Mother Language Day assembly concluded by recognizing individuals who showed exceptional dedication to language learning. Christine was acknowledged for her outstanding creativity and open-mindedness when it comes to language acquisition, while MYP3 Nathan and DP1 Logan were recognized for their unwavering commitment to learning and preserving their mother tongue.


Overall, the assembly celebrated the power of language to connect individuals to their cultures, communities, and families, highlighting the importance of bilingualism and multilingualism. The event served as a reminder to preserve our mother tongue while embracing the richness of other languages.


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