AIC国际妇女节主题作品展示, 致敬了不起的「她」|每日观察

2023-03-16 17:59:53



· 妇女节知识展 ·

为庆祝国际妇女节,AIC各学科组的教师们在3月8日当天组织不同年级的学生, 举办了一次作品成果展,展示了妇女在不同领域中发挥的重要作用。

On March 8, the AIC teachers from different departments organized students of different grades to held a work exhibition to celebrate the 3.8 International Women"s Day, which showed the important role women play in different fields of knowledge.

我们的学术团队通过这次展览, 让观众了解到妇女在整个历史和当今社会中的重要性,妇女在不同领域作出的贡献,然而她们仍在一个不平等的社会中面临挑战。在这个展览上, 学生们通过制作海报、角色扮演、即场演讲的形式, 为我们展示了来自不同国家和背景的勇敢女性, 她们在不同的领域获得了认可,如何成为下一代青年男女的榜样。

This event was aimed at celebrating International Women"s Day. The students and staff wanted to remind the community about the important role women have played in the different fields and highlight their contributions as pioneers. The students showed to the audience how brave women from different countries and backgrounds achieved recognition, and how they became an example for all of us. It was also a platform for students and staff to talk about the challenges they still face in different fields of knowledge.


Through this activity, students were provided with the opportunity to improve their abilities of communication, research, self- management and collaboration.


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