FPIK Go Into "The World "| Be The Little Master of The Community 快讯

2023-03-22 11:06:31




Reggio Education focuses on the children, believes that children have 100 languages, and they have the ability to understand the world around them, to think about the world, to search, to discover, to express.

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As the age of the child increases, the "world" in the child"s heart also gradually expands, from home to the community, from the community to the world. Children move from one environment to another, and they like to learn about and explore the new environment.

Families are small communities. Communities have tens of thousands of families. Children are not only masters of their homes, schools, but also masters of their communities.

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从幼儿园开始,我们培养儿童主人翁意识。在汇景社区“邻里聚汇 景彩fun承”汉服广绣体验日暨融情站重新开放仪式中,孩子们为大家展现《You Are My Sunshine》歌曲表演,给莅临汇景社区的叔叔阿姨、爷爷奶奶们感受到孩子的活力、社区的活力。


From kindergarten onwards, we cultivate children"s sense of ownership. In Huijing Community "Neighborhood Gathering Huijing wonder fun" Hanfu experience Day and the reopening ceremony of Rongqing station, the children performed the song "you are my sun shine" for uncles, aunts, grandparents who came to Huijing community felt the vitality of the children and the vitality of the community. After the performance, the children were recognized and thanked by the community staff and the community"s grandparents, uncles and aunts.

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Then the children went into the community to listen to the beautiful Chinese zither music and read two picture books together with Eddie in the reading area. The children enjoyed the environment and storybooks provided by the community, and all of children were devoted himself to read picture books.

There was child said how wonderful it would be to come to the community to read books every day. Some children said it would be nice if they reading area can be bigger. Other children said it would be nice to have a sign told us that these are children"s books and those are books for adults. These ideas are the product of children"s exploration and thinking of the environment.

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Let the child into a new environment, to more understanding of the new environment, but also for the child buried a seed of what I can do for the environment. I believe that next time, children will have more thoughts, ideas and creativity to add more wonderful ideas to the community.

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家有2 ~ 6岁幼儿的家庭(父母)



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