MIS Music Concert | 跨越百年时空的对话 曼校师生在古典音乐中感悟春天的旋律

2023-03-27 10:16:13

MIS Creative Arts in Spring


On Friday 17thMarch, MIS was proud to host a wonderful concert featuring MIS students and staff. The standard of performance was excellent, and the repertoire included works from Mozart, Brahms, Chopin, Chen Gang, Beethoven, Baker, culminating in outstanding rendition of the Flute and voice.

Message from Fred Zhang

Head of Creative Arts

I am very proud of all the performers from the Seniors School who have demonstrated perseverance, courage, and commitment to their musical instrument. Since the beginning of term, our performers have been undertaking weekly instrumental lessons, and performance opportunities inside the school: such as Buskers Corner, the MIS Chinese New Year Concert and at the weekly Seniors Assembly. Outside of the school, students have performed at the Shahe Golf Club and will be performing on the 14thApril at the Nanshan Cultural and Sports Center Theatre, one of Shenzhen’s premier concert venues. Lastly, next term, we look forward to staging the epic, Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

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Putting Spring in the Picture

Over the past number of week, MIS students have been busy expressing the theme of ‘Spring’ in their artwork. They can use any material or style including watercolour, sketching, sculpture, digital art or graphic art to convey this organic concept. The entire MIS student community have been encouraged to take part, from Early Years to Year 13. Ten Winners will be presented with their awards at our MIS Concert on 14thApril 2023. As ever, it has been wonderful to see the children engaged in producing age appropriate thoughtful, insightful and engaging pieces of artwork.

The Poetry Writing Challenge:

Spring Emerges

Not to be outdone, our young writers have been writing perceptive and emotive poems about the meaning of Spring. Organized by our thriving English and EAL Department, it is encouraging to see the academic rigour of our students conveyed through the medium of the written verse. There will be 3 placed Winners and 7 Excellence Prizes will be awarded at our forthcoming MIS concert. In many ways, our young poets are artists with ‘words’ and their verses are a continuation of the opening lines which read:

The world awakens from its wintry slumber.

As the first blooms of spring emerges.

"Close to Poetry in Spring"Poetry Activities

“Poetry, also called verse, a form of literature that uses aesthetic and often rhythmic qualities of language− such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre − to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of,a prosaic ostensible meaning."

Let"s get close to poetry in spring and create it together! There are various prizes!Rules:

1F Library: Feel the Poetry

Children only need to read aloud and feel the poems on the display board.

2F Library: Poetry Collage

Cut out sentences or words from newspaper and paste them on a piece of paper to form a poem.

3F Library: Poetry Connection

Write down the corresponding vocabulary according to the requirements on the display board and con-nect them into a poem.

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An authentic British Education places a great emphasis on the importance of the Creative Arts and we thank Mr. Fred Zhang (Head of Creative Arts) and his gifted team for giving MIS students an array of ‘creative’ opportunities in which they can discover and develop their many talents.




Fred Zhang的分享

我为所有初中部的表演者感到骄傲,他们在乐器练习和表演的过程中展现出了毅力、勇气和全力以赴的意志品质。自新学期开始,我们的小演奏家们每周都会参加器乐课,并在校内进行表演:如街头艺人角、曼校新春音乐会以及每周的集会;在校外,学生们还参加了沙河高尔夫俱乐部的表演。并将于4月14日在深圳首屈一指的音乐会场地之一南山文化体育中心剧院进行表演。最后我想说, 非常期待他们在下学期表演史诗般的安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的《歌剧魅影》。













“诗歌是灵魂的独舞,是开在内心深处一朵摇曳生姿的小花” ,人人皆可为诗人。

1 楼图书馆: 感受诗歌


2 楼图书馆: 拼贴诗


3 楼图书馆: 连一首诗



真正的英国教育非常重视创意艺术,感谢Mr. Fred Zhang(创意艺术总监)和他才华横溢的团队,为曼校学生提供了大量的“创意”机会,来发掘他们的天赋,展示他们的艺术才华。



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