校长说|恭喜宏润博源2023届升学成绩斐然Congratulations, SHBS Class of 2023-焦点信息
SHBS is proud to celebrate the many and diverse accomplishments of the Class of 2023, with an impressive range of college admission offers from around the world that builds upon an already stellar record since the School opened five years ago. These students’ achievements embody the creativity, initiative, and purposefulness of our community, which works together to support each individual’s unique talents and aspirations.
What is success?
This question drives us in a process of discovery that eschews conventional competition and creates space for original, authentic discovery. SHBS inspires self-awareness that empowers students’ confidence and their ability to share their growth in meaningful ways—to distinguish themselves in the stories they’re able to tell about their unique experiences, their individual perceptiveness, and the ways they’ve built relationships that are mutually enriching.
对这个问题的思考促使我们在探索和发现的过程中摒弃传统的竞争,为原创的、真实的发现创造空间。宏润博源能够激发和培养学生的自我意识,增强学生的自信心和能力,赋能他们以有意义的方式分享自己的成长—他们独特的经历和故事,观点和看法,以及与他人建立互相滋养的关系的方式都会将他们变得与众不同。In the college advising process, SHBS stands out in how it develops students’ knowledge and understanding of higher education, and their ability to translate their own ambitions in compelling ways—ways that demonstrate an understanding of and connection to their ideal colleges and universities. We allow every student to realize their advantages so that they will have the best and most suitable opportunities possible—be it at a top public research university, an exceptional liberal arts college, an elite Ivy League institution, or a leading arts and design school—and whether in the UK, Canada, US, Japan, Australia, Europe, or elsewhere.
在升学指导的过程中,宏润博源会提升学生对高等教育的认识和理解,以及用有说服力的方式展现自己的渴望和抱负的能力:他们能够展现出对理想大学的深刻认识和理解,以及自己与大学的适配性。我们会帮助每位同学认识到自己的特点和优势,让他们获得最好和最合适的机会--无论是顶尖的公立研究型大学、卓越的文理学院、精英的常春藤盟校,还是领先的艺术和设计学院--无论是在英国、加拿大、美国、日本、澳大利亚、欧洲,还是其它国家和地区。Here again, questions drive students’ exploration: rather than fall into the traps created by mindlessly following rankings, SHBS students discern what kind of environment will best enrich their future growth—and how they’ll contribute to their new communities. Students have regular and in-depth meetings to discuss their interests, and the college advising team facilitates numerous group activities and forums for students to learn about higher educational institutions and build early connections that lay a foundation for their applications. From dozens of information sessions, panel discussions, and workshops, students gain the capacity to articulate thoughtfully their own why, and to share that in impressive, novel, and inspiring ways. They’re able to craft a realistic, balanced list of schools to which they’ll apply, capitalizing on their advantages and making well-informed, strategic decisions. Students are also provided with extensive support to help with their own writing—finding a voice that will stand out in their personal statements, essays, and other supplemental materials.
SHBS also invests in providing the best application support possible. We continually work with teachers to help them craft thoughtful and engaging letters of recommendation that capture students’ academic progress in narratives that resonate with college admissions teams. We focus on capturing students’ personalities and performance in honest ways that provide a full impression of who they are as individuals. In turn, SHBS continually engages professional forums and networks for university admissions, advocating for our students and sharing what makes our community unique. This involvement and long-developed expertise further amplifies our school’s place in the international education landscape.
Indeed, SHBS does stand apart in the opportunities it provides: in additional to a robust selection of extracurricular clubs and activities, the School continually seeks to broaden students’ horizons in ways that help them put their own knowledge in context while pushing them to reach beyond their circumstances. Programs like Building Shanghai, a week-long learning experience in which students ask original questions and undertake extensive research off campus, connect them to real-world problems and opportunities. Similarly, our travel and leadership programs within China, and also in India, Italy, and the United States, further broadens students’ horizons and allows them to develop a truly global perspective. Paired with the breadth and depth of our standard academic curriculum, students are able to strengthen a much broader set of skills that amplify and differentiate their scholarly achievement.
Every one of the offers received by SHBS students comes with its own story, a wonderful and varied reflection of who a student has become, and the great potential they have for the future. Every one of those stories has an authenticity and honesty rooted in our community—in the broad diversity of strengths and capabilities that come together to create genuine education.
宏润博源每一份录取通知书都有自己的故事,反映出每位学子过去的经历,现在成为了怎样的人,以及未来的巨大潜力。每一个故事都是真实和真诚的,这也是根植于我们整个社区血脉里的文化-- 广泛且多样性的力量和能力汇聚在一起,共同创造出真正且真实的教育。
The leadership, the curiosity, the missteps and victories, the empathy and emotion and empowerment, all help our students stand apart as they strive to become their best selves—to continually discover and determine what the best means for them. Rather than succumbing to grades or prizes or awards or scores of conventional points of comparison, students earn a more meaningful, intrinsic understanding of success that provides them with the tools to flourish. That difference does indeed put SHBS graduates in a class by themselves—they can show so much of who they are in such compelling ways—and leads to these fantastic admission offers.
Congratulations to again to the SHBS Class of 2023, and to our entire community for this wonderful recognition.
文 | Chris Moses
翻译 | Irene
排版 | Jang