数学挑战赛来袭!感受解开数学题的乐趣与美妙| MATHEMATICS KANGAROO 2023 当前独家

2023-04-18 11:14:56

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在参加比赛之前,数学组的老师们已经在CCA时间为孩子们进行辅导。在一周前,数学组的老师们就精心准备了院舍杯 "袋鼠竞赛"模拟赛,为真正的数学竞赛做好准备。在这次比赛中,一些BMH的学生表现出了良好的能力,在本周一的升旗仪式上由校长沃尔博士和数学组组长伍兹老师为他们颁发了奖状。







P4 张念念曾馨蓉陈星儿

P2 郭明诚



P6 陈郭禹江张博林

P5 何晓瑜黄居闲

P4 毛元贞钟安瑜杨圳豪

P3 梁雅诗赵佳芮杨浩宇

P2 张熠煊香梓扬张恩灏高心妍尚永健

P1 钟安屹朱俊宇陈宸乐

On Saturday 15th April a prime number of BMH"s finest students(59)engaged in the cathartic pleasure and challenge of the Mathematics Kangaroo.These papers are very well constructed and designed so as to stretch candidates"problem solving abilities to the full.The papers start with 10 moderate questions worth 3 marks each then progress to the foothills of 10 trickier questions.Suitably warmed up,the students now must brace themselves for the eversteepening ascent which the final 4 to 10 questions present.

Here are a few excerpts from the Prep 5/6 paper and the Senior 7/8 paper.Have a go as a family and see what youcan do.

A week earlier we held the House Maths Kangaroo Competition by way of training for the real thing.A number of BMH students showed very good ability in this competition.

Achieving 70-80%and a Mathematics Kangaroo Bronze Certificate were:

S7 Doron Tao

P6 Oscar Chen/Bryan Zhang

P5 Ella Ho/Joe Huang

P4 Jane Mao/Evy Zhong/Henry Yang

P3 Rancy Liang/Carey Zhao/Jack Yang

P2 Adam zhang/Aiden Heung/Bruce Zhang/Dora Gao/Victor Shang

P1 Eddie Zhong/Jimmy Chu/Shero Chen

Achieving 80-90%and a Mathematics Kangaroo Silver Certificate were:

P4 Elle zhang/Sarah Zeng/Lisa Chen

P2 Jason Guo

And,last but not least,achieving 90-100%and a Mathematics Kangaroo Certificate were:

S7 Rani Uchida

P5 Haven Yuan/Summer Zhu

P3 Danny Wang/Melina Zhang

P2 Phoebe Ho

A huge round of applause to all who participated and particularly to those who achieved bronze,silver or gold certificates.


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