天天报道:The Power of Tapping into Student Interests|深度挖掘学生的学习兴趣
In Chapter 7 of Purposeful Play, teachers explored the power of tapping into student interests. Our Early Years educators strive to understand students’ passions and interests in order to design meaningful and engaging learning experiences for our young learners. They challenge themselves to adopt a play mindset to cultivate empathy and help take students’ learning further through observation and questioning.
Our EY teachers adapt their versatile classrooms and materials to meet the needs and interests of students as they continue to learn and grow through play. Keep reading below for specific examples from our Early Years teachers.
How are student interests reflected in our Early Years classrooms?
Student Interests in
K3 students love experiencing the world with all their senses. Seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and even tasting things create deep connections in their minds. Because they are so interested in the outdoors, we try to give students lots of opportunities to learn outside the classroom: balcony play, outdoor classroom play, and rooftop garden play.
Students Interests in
Students created stories with their favorite characters. One student"s cat hopped into the other student"s car...and you can imagine what could happen in their shadow puppet show. It brought wonders for different light sources and the change of shadows as the light changed. Students interacted and exchanged their ideas, creating stories, developing communication and social skills, and integrating all their learning together in making their own stories. They all wanted to be performers. Again, their joy of play, passion, and interests posed the problems, and they solved their issues on their own. Their creativity creates new worlds and integrates all their learning together to make their own stories.
Student Interests in
K5 students are immersed in the simplicity of unstructured play offering an environment that allows them to choose, making their own –creating space where they feel valued and find ownership. They are building using 3D shapes - magnetic sets, exploring sea animals in our water table, and reading books they chose and are interested in. They are playing and learning together!
Student Interests in
Creative Arts
Students are able to choose one of three learning centers to create stories through art: CASTLE, RESTAURANT, and CHINESE GARDEN (see photo). These students had previously made clay insects of their choice as part of their materials exploration, and now they are using them in their imaginative play.
Student Interests in
K5 PE students worked in groups to create an animal dance for our Imagination unit. Students chose to work in groups with others that had a similar interest in the animal they wanted to create a dance for.
Student Interests in
Apart from learning about our current units in Mandarin class, K5 students need to learn several Chinese characters. Students have the agency to choose the activity that they are interested in to learn the Chinese characters. Students who like to draw can choose a picture frame. Students can practice writing the characters they learn along the line of the picture at first and then draw anything they want inside the picture frame. Students who like to play with playdough can choose it to make Chinese characters. Students can also choose dot stickers to work on to help them memorize those characters. They can all achieve the same goal but with different interests.
Student Interests in
It"s party time! K4 learners dance around the "disco ball" that they code by themselves to celebrate their learning. They"re given choices when it comes to coding the light, whether it is a rainbow light, or whatever color they prefer. The goal is to solve the problem: code a sequence to keep the robot blinking the color light so we can party together. Computational thinking and system operation are not easy at their age. Facing the challenge, however, the young learners didn"t give up. They practiced being reflective by going over and checking the mistakes and fixing the codes. They showed their persistence by trying repeatedly before they made it.
What do our teams want you to know from this chapter?
When people see the work of children as "cute" they undermine the intense and real effort it took the child to bring that vision to creation. (pp108-109)"Oh wow!" or "So cool!" Words we automatically say when children show us their work. But do we ever acknowledge the passion that went into it?Showing authentic interest in what interests our children helps strengthen the bond we have with our little ones. It communicates that we value them AND we value what they value.
Student interest- an exploration- inquiry...it is all smoothly making connections. We all value the importance of motivating the students. It simply explains the need to understand their interests, learning style, and strengths.
Understanding the students is one of the most important roles as a teacher. Creating data for the students" interest and choices is continuously happening at school. That’s what we can do. They all have their own path and expression. What and how to listen to them is our role.
Teachers empower children by respecting their unique passion and building supportive relationships. We should build children"s voices and incorporate their interests in many ways. We can invite children to create their environment by making special books and providing various materials based on their interests.
This student-centered environment will empower students to take ownership of their learning and develop a love for learning. It will stay with them long after they leave the classroom.
Even as teachers we sometimes forget what it is like to have the mindset of a child. If we bring ourselves back to that child-like place of curiosity and wonder, we can better relate to how our students respond to what we present to them in the classroom. We get at the heart of intrinsic motivation. For some students, activities like reading and writing can be a challenge, but if given the agency to choose what they can read and write about, children will often go above and beyond the expectations we as teachers have originally set. When a child is excited about his or her learning, the possibilities are endless!
In library class, students can choose to read any books that interests them which helps to foster a love of reading and encourages students to explore different genres. The library provides students with a variety of books for them to choose from that cater to their individual interests and needs.
Technology at an early age has always been a controversial topic. Noticing that it"s inevitable to live without it either now or in the future, the question now turns to how to guide children to form a healthy mindset of using technology. Learning to be a digital citizen takes an effort from an early age. By tapping into students" interests, students learn to use thinking skills and be reflective each time when they face a new app. While being a consumer of technology, young students also learn to contribute by creating stories and writing instructional books. Furthermore, we value using technology with positive attitudes at school. All this shouldn"t just happen at school. When your child begs you for the iPad next time, can you provide more options for them? Would you make an agreement together and follow it?
Tapping into student interest is important because it increases engagement, personalizes learning, improves memory retention, creates a positive emotional connection to learning, and develops lifelong learning habits. When students are interested in what they are learning, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to greater academic success. By personalizing the learning experience to meet the unique needs and interests of each student, teachers can create a more relevant and meaningful learning experience. This can also lead to better memory retention and long-term learning outcomes. Additionally, when students have a positive emotional connection to learning, they are more likely to enjoy learning and have a positive attitude towards school. Finally, tapping into student interest can help to develop lifelong learning habits, as students are encouraged to pursue their interests and passions, leading to a greater sense of curiosity, creativity, and innovation throughout their lives.
"When you understand your students" passions, you"ll know better how to connect with them and infuse a sense of joy into all you do. "(p118)
Knowing students" interests can help teachers plan engaging lessons and activities and support students" learning journey. While letting students choose to do what they are passionate about, it also helps them learn with motivation and joy. Students would be more open to sharing their thoughts and expressing themselves.
当人们认为孩子们的作品“可爱”时,这个表达就削弱了孩子们为实现这一愿景所付出的专注和努力。(pp108 - 109)