一个年级居然要备五种不同的课?在赫德小学部,我们这样学英文!English Streamings at HDBJ Primary-当前信息

2023-04-20 10:18:31

English Streamings HDBJ



北京赫德 | 小学部英文





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At HDBJ, we pay attention to the all-round personalized development of children. In terms of English education, the primary learning purpose is to improve students’ English literacy proficiency, cultivate solid English thinking patterns, and build language application skills. For children from different grades with different language proficiency levels, how does HD achieve this teaching goal?

HD Primary’s English course follows a themed interdisciplinary approach, whereby five overarching themes provide broad guidance for the learning across the year. Within each of these themes, English objectives, which are based on the UK National Curriculum, are taught through genre studies. This ‘spiral-up’ process means that as key concepts are repeated throughout the curriculum, the depth and breadth of learning, and its application, will increase in complexity as the students grow within the school.

In Grades 3, 4 and 5, students are assessed at three points in the year, and are placed in an English learning group which best matches the learning targets they need to be working on.

We had a special conversation with the English coordinators: Ms Le- Zelle, G3 and 4 coordinator and Mr Sockwell, G5 coordinator. They took the “Let"s Celebrate” learning theme as an example to share with us the meaning and results of streaming.

Effective lesson preparation,Efficient classroom,Flexiblility to meet learning needs of different streams.

The students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 are placed in smaller English groups, within their grade. In Grade 5, there are six English groups and in Grade 3 and 4, there are five English groups respectively. Since the learning progress in the different groups varies, the English teachers are required to customize personalized teaching methods and teaching objectives according to the learning targets of the different groups.

Mr Sockwell explained: Under the recently concluded “Let’s Celebrate” theme, the teachers led the G5 children to explore and learn about festivals and celebrations in different countries, through the genre of narratives. The outcome of the unit would be an independently written story, using knowledge and applying English skills. The theme is very interesting. It is about the ancient Chinese monster "Nian" returning to the human village again. Is it for revenge? Or for peaceful coexistence with mankind? How do people respond?

The teachers of G5 set specific goals for the different groups. For example, the children in one group can already use noun modifiers proficiently, but they need to work more on the use of conjunctions, and the students in the other group are learning noun clauses, so we must highlight and strengthen this knowledge point in their work. In short, streamed teaching requires teachers to set learning goals for different students in advance, so that they can flexibly adjust according to the students" learning progress in the classroom, and truly teach students according to their aptitude.

Similarly, under the theme of “Let’s Celebrate’, the children of G3 learned how different people around the world celebrate birthdays; the end goal being a birthday-themed non-chronological report. Ms Le-Zelle further explained to us how streamed teaching is implemented in the five different English groups.

English teachers prepare a range of reading materials, of varying levels of difficulty which provides the appropriate scaffolds for all students to engage with, in order for them to succeed. In the lesson, the teacher will adapt according to the needs of the children and the suitability of the task. For students with a relatively good foundation in English, the teacher will, at times, step back to cultivate the children"s ability to think and explore independently; for children who are still laying a solid foundation, the teacher will be more deeply involved in every step of learning, so as to find small mistakes in time and make timely adjustments.

At HDBJ, every English class is unique, which is why we are proud to say that our children can achieve 100% immersion in English learning.

Regular assessments dynamically match the most suitable English teaching for children.

Students’ language skills are assessed at three points during the year. In September, students complete the baseline assessment to be placed in their first streams. They are assessed again in November/ December and for a final time in April/May.

Stream assessments are rigorous and include evaluation in Speaking and Listening, independent reading, independent writing, and grammar application.

Such a high-density assessment system ensures that each child"s learning progress will be seen, so that they can always learn most efficiently in the most suitable group.

The streamed English teaching at HDBJ Primary allows every child to accept new challenges without being overwhelmed by the emotion of fear of difficulties. Under the guidance of our teachers, they can be the little masters of their own learning.




下面,我们特别对话了北京赫德小学部年级组长:来自G3的Ms Le-zelle和来自G5的Mr Sockwell,他们以刚刚结束的【Let"s Celebrate庆祝吧】学习主题为例,与我们深入地分享了北京赫德的英语分层教学是如何在孩子们身上展开的。

有效备课 高效课堂


G5的学科组长Mr Sockwell告诉我们,赫德小学部G3与G4分别有五个不同的英文学习小组,G5的孩子们则被分成了6个不同的小组。由于不同小组孩子们的学习进度各不相同,这要求老师们需要在教研备课阶段根据不同小组的学习情况,定制出个性化的教学方式与教学目标。

Mr Sockwell给我们举例:在刚刚结束的【Let’s Celebrate】主题学习中,老师带着G5的孩子们一起探究学习了各个国家的节日以及庆祝方式,来学习记叙文相关的知识。主题课程的最后,孩子们需要独立完成一篇故事作文,主题很有趣,讲的是在中国古代的怪兽“年”又再一次回到了人类的村庄,它是为了复仇吗?还是为了与人类和平共处?人们又要如何应对呢?孩子们需要开动脑筋,将这个故事写的完整又精彩。




在【Let’s Celebrate】的大主题下,G3的孩子们跟着老师一起学习了生日相关的内容。年级组长Ms Le-zelle进一步给我们解释了分层教学是如何在不同的小组完美落实的。

现在的G3一共有五个小组,孩子们在学习世界各地与庆祝生日相关的内容,并且最终会完成一份生日主题的non-chronological reports(非时序性报告)
















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