Charity Walkathon
The third annual "Walkathon" was successfully held on April 20, 2023, which was led by the ISA Tianhe Student Council. "Walkathon" is based on the concept of "sports + charity", encouraged students to complete as many laps as they can within one hour, and encouraged community members to donate supplies by laps for charity. All the supplies raised will be donated to homeless people in Guangzhou and the charity organisation “Homeless Love”.
由爱莎天河学生会主导的第三届“步行马拉松”公益活动于2023年4月20日成功举办。活动以“运动+公益”为理念,鼓励学生在一小时内尽自己所能完成尽可能多的步行圈数,以步行圈数献爱心,鼓励社区成员捐赠物资。活动所募集的物资将全部捐向广州的流浪者和 "流浪者之家"的慈善组织。
Click the video below to review the event
The event started in the Redtory on a sunny morning. The students and teachers walked around the school, they walked with flying steps, small steps, talking and laughing. Early Years students and Primary students did their best to steps of love for charity. Every member of the community participated and contributed to the charity, and everyone actively took action for public welfare and filled the world with love.
在春风柔和,天朗气清的早晨,活动正式在红砖厂内展开。学生和老师们 绕着学校步行,他们有的步履如飞,有的步态蹒跚,有的成群结队的有说有笑。无论是幼儿园小小班还是小学五年级的孩子均竭尽全力,为公益迈出爱的步伐。社区的每位成员都参与其中,为慈善公益贡献一份爱心,欢声笑语为春日的校园增添一抹色彩。
The "Walkathon" was initiated and organised by the Student Council and led by students. During the process, the students had to think about the purpose, form, promotion and organisation of the event. Facing these problems, they showed strong organisational leadership, problem-solving and teamwork skills. With creative activity forms to call for more community members to participate in charity events and made contributions to charity.
Through these activities, children understood the meaning of charity, found the mission and responsibility, and encouraged them to contribute their love. According to the IB mission statement, "Caring" is one of the most important goals, which is to show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. It helps them to become global citizens with an international perspective and sense of responsibility. Adhering to the ISA Vision of "Inquiry·Succeed·Action", we are making a positive difference in the world.