The Group 4 project 活动回顾 | 科学组跨学科实践项目

2023-05-04 11:04:50

AIC The Group 4 Project



Group 4 project is a compulsory component of the IBDP that is completed by all science students. Group 4 project is planned and produced by students, and it involve interdisciplinary investigation in all sciences subjects. The students chose to perform their Group 4 project through attending a science trip atFutian Mangrove Forest Ecological Park, Shenzhen.In this interdisciplinary collaboration, students were divided into seven groups, each ensuring that there were students from each of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computer Science and ESS subjects. The project is a two-part task: one part is to act as a leader in the subject they specialise in and study, and the second part is to act as a supporter and facilitator in the measurement and experimentation of the non-major subjects.

第四组项目是所有IB课程理科学生必须完成的内容,该项目是由学生计划,制作和倡议,它涉及所有科学学科,目的是跨学科调查。学生们选择了通过参加福田红树林生态公园的科学实地考察来完成他们的第四组项目。这次实地考察的主要目的是跨学科合作,学生分为七个组,每个组里都确保有学化学、生物、物理、计算机学科和ESS的学生,他们的职责分为两大部分,一个是在自己擅长和自己主学科项目上担任领导者的角色; 另一个是在自己的非主学科测量与实验方面, 担任协助与支持者的角色。

Students take leadership and lead the group to try to solve some problems and experiments approved by the teacher, such as measuring water quality, or measuring the content of some elements in different trees, students can take leadership in their own speciality. Each student has a supporter role in the group, a recorder role, and a leader role when it comes to the student"s subject of expertise. Through this activity, students are able to apply their textbook knowledge in a very practical way. Students are able to develop their organisational, leadership and collaboration skills.

完成第一部分职责的活动中, 学生担任自己擅长或主学科项目的领导者,需带领所在小组尝试解决老师提出的问题,比如测量水质,或者测量红树林树木中的某些元素含量,学生可以在自己的专业上,体悟领导者角色。完成第二部分职责活动中,学生在做非本专业的测量时,可以辅助其他的同学去展开小组合作,帮助团队共同完成这个任务。每个学生在小组活动中有不角色的体悟,在擅长的学科,担当领导者的角色;在非主项目学科,担任支持协作者的角色及记录者的角色。通过这个活动, 学生可以将课本上的知识学以致用,实践性非常强。锻炼了学生的领导能力,组织能力与协作能力。

The Group 4 Project allow students to appreciate environmental, social and ethical implications of Science and understaning the limitation of Scientific study.


This activity helps students to improve their collaborative skills. From task allocation to implementation to conclusion, they need to work closely with other group members, which is a great help to develop their overall skills. This activity also makes students realise that in reality, disciplines are not independent of each other, but are closely linked. For example, in the process of exploring mangroves, knowledge from many disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology and computer science are used to solve problems together. This kind of interdisciplinary collaboration practice helps students to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the disciplines and to develop their integrative skills. The students were supposed to respect each other, share ideas in their respective subjects and collaborate toegther to complete the task given that is to solve various environmental challenges in our surrounding.


After the whole activity, students are expected to reflect in 50 words describing their experiences and challenges they faced during ther Gooup 4 collaborative activities.

在整个活动结束后,学生们需要写一份大约50字的报告, 反思与总结他们在第四小组的合作活动中所面临的经验和挑战。


We have greatly enjoyed this project. Despite complications at the beginning about how to collect the water sample and test for nitrates, we eventually found a way to overcome the obstacles by improvising with simple equipment and test indirectly for nitrate ions through the local vegetation. Overall, the teamwork was very cohesive, with the few of us very efficiently managing each of our parts.


-----Kenny DP1

During this project, we studied Bio, CS, Chem, Physics and ESS. In nature sciences, we’ve known the biodiversity. In CS, we learned more about sensor and different usability. By investigating, we have found a lot. In conclusion, we’ve learned different fields of science, and known how interesting the sciences are.


-----Joey Wang DP2

Throughout the project, my teammates and I communicated and cooperated with each other to finish our task and we’ve also discovered a lot of interesting fun fact . Everyone is useful and helped a lot, I really appreciate with their help and what they’ve done and accomplished in the project.


-----Lelesley DP1


资料补充 | Leo Xia


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