QISS Welcomes WASC!QISS 智能启航,砥砺前行
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Last week, QISS had the pleasure of hosting the WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accreditation team, one of the six major educational groups acknowledged by the U.S. Department of Education. WASC is a non-profit and non-governmental accrediting organization, and achieving their accreditation is considered equivalent to receiving an "Oscar in Education." The application requirements for WASC accreditation are complex, and the accreditation and reaccreditation procedures involve a thorough and in-depth evaluation of the school. Elements of the reaccreditation process include the submission of a self-study report about our organization, as well as an evaluation of our school, curriculum, funding allocation, staffing, and resources. Guided by the WASC accreditation requirements for overall school improvement, the school has continuously made progress in aligning all that our organization does with QISS school values, mission, and vision.
上周,QISS迎来了新一阶段WASC(Western Association of Schools and Colleges) 认证的权威团队。 WASC 即美国西部院校协会,作为受美国教育部认可的非盈利和非政府组织的六大教育联盟之一,被称为“教育界奥斯卡”。WASC认证的申请门槛和难度较高,从申请条件来看,WASC对申请学校做出了包括规划、组织、课程、评价、资金、人员等全方位要求。在WASC对学校整体改进的指导下,学校取得了持续性的发展,我们所做的一切与QISS的价值观、使命和愿景相一致。
지난주QISS는WASC(Western Association of Schools and Colleges) 인증팀을맞이했습니다. WASC 즉미국서부대학협회이고미국교육부가인정하는비영리및비정부기구의6대교육연합중하나로"교육계의오스카"로알려져있습니다. WASC 인증은신청문턱과난도가비교적높습니다. WASC는신청학교에대한계획, 조직, 과정, 평가, 자금및인력을포함한포괄적인요구를제시했습니다. 학교전반적인개선에대한WASC의지도에따라학교는지속적인발전을이루었으며저희가하는모든것은QISS의가치, 사명및비전과일치합니다.
Following a week-long reaccreditation process, the WASC team shared their impressions of our school. They had so many positive things to say about our organisation, staff and students. They also expressed their enthusiasm about the time they spent with us. It"s safe to say that the QISS Sharks are doing an exceptional job of exemplifying our school values, preparing themselves to be life ready leaders and leading with a mindful heart.
经过此次为期一周对学校全方位深入的检查和评估后,WASC认证小组介绍了他们对QISS产生的印象。可以说,QISS"鲨鱼们 "做得非常好,展示了我校的价值观—成为生活的领导者,用心以爱领导自己。
일주일 동안학교에대한전방위적이고심층적인검사및평가후WASC 인증팀은QISS에대한인상을소개했습니다. QISS "상어들"은잘합니다! 저희학교의가치관—삶의지도자가되어자신을따뜻한마음으로이끄는것을보여주었습니다.
In other exciting news, we are thrilled to announce that during the holiday break, all of our lower school classrooms were equipped with brand new Smart Boards! These state-of-the-art boards feature their own computer system, cameras, screen casting, and interactive components. This new addition to our technology is sure to enhance our teachers" and students" learning and development by providing them with innovative and advanced tools to facilitate their educational experience.
此外,我们很高兴地宣布,在假期中,所有教室都配备了新的智能黑板! 这些智能黑板配备了自己的计算机系统、摄像头、投屏等功能,是对我们技术的一个补充,将支持教师和学生的学习与发展。
또한, 방학동안모든교실에새로운스마트칠판이설치되었음을알려드리게되어기쁩니다! 이러한스마트칠판에는자체컴퓨터시스템, 카메라, 스크린투사등기능이장착되어있으며저희기술을보완하고교사와학생의학습및개발을지원할것입니다.