This past weekend the track and field team traveled to Suzhou to compete in an ACAMIS meet. The students spent ASAP time and additional training days preparing for this competition. At this meet, we competed against some of the country"s largest international schools, such as the International School of Beijing, and Suzhou Singaporean International School. These schools bring triple the number of athletes to the competition and we as a small school had to work even harder and participate in more events! Our Sharks competed incredibly well and showed great sportsmanship and integrity out on the track. All of our athletes returned with new personal record times, and a few returned with medals. Betty Zhang got 2nd in the Girls" 15-19 shot put and Kevin Cui got 3rd in the Boys" 15-19 long jump. Many of our other athletes came just shy of the medals in 4th place. Rooney Lu, Estera Matewska, both boys" relay teams, and many more of our athletes raced exceptionally well. The Sharks made their coaches and the rest of the QISS community proud. If you see them in the hallway or outside of school, be sure to give them a high five!
上周,田径队的学生们前往苏州参加了一场ACAMIS比赛。学生们为了这次比赛付出了大量的时间和精力。在这次比赛中,我们与其他大型国际学校进行竞争,比如北京国际学校和苏州新加坡国际学校。这些学校派出了三倍于我们的参赛人数。作为一所相比较而言的小学校,我们必须更加努力,更加出色的表现自己!鲨鱼队的成员们在赛道上表现出色,展现了高超的体育精神和品德。所有的运动员都刷新了个人最好成绩,并且其中一部分运动员获得了奖牌。Betty Zhang在女子15-19岁铅球项目中荣获第二名,Kevin Cui在男子15-19岁跳远项目中获得了第三名。我们其他的许多运动员们获得了第四的成绩,遗憾错失奖牌。Rooney Lu,Estera Matewska、两支男子接力队伍和其他运动员们都有出色的表现。鲨鱼队的出色表现让教练员和QISS社区感到骄傲。如果你在走廊或者学校外看到他们,一定要与他们击掌庆祝!
지난주, 저희학교육상팀학생들은ACAMIS 경기에참가하기위해쑤저우로갔습니다. 학생들은이번경기를위해많은시간과정력을쏟았습니다. 이경기에서저희는대형국제학교와경쟁했습니다. 예를들어: 베이징국제학교, 쑤저우싱가포르국제학교. 이학교들은저희의참가자수의3배를파견했습니다. 비교적작은학교로서, 저희는더열심히노력하고더훌륭하게자신을표현해야합니다! 상어들은서킷에서좋은활약을펼치며뛰어난스포츠맨십과품성을보여주었습니다. 모든선수가개인최고기록을경신했고, 일부는메달을땄습니다. Betty Zhang은여자15~19세포환던지기2위를, Kevin Cui는남자15~19세멀리뛰기3위를차지했습니다. 저희의다른선수들이4위의성적을거두었는데, 아쉽게메달을놓쳤습니다. Rooney Lu, Estera Matewska, 두남자릴레이팀, 그리고다른선수들이탁월한경기를펼쳤습니다. 상어들은코치와QISS 커뮤니티 구성원들을자랑스럽게만들었습니다. 만약여러분이복도나학교밖에서그들을본다면, 반드시하이파이브를하세요!