
2022-10-19 18:55:34



So under what circumstances does a child actively learn and love learning?


I"ve heard many parents say something similar: "Talking about study, now it"s not my children who wantto school, but I beg my children to learn!" Indeed, many children don"t like or want to study now, and parents try their best to beg their children to learn. Clearly, learning is the child"s own business, but in the end, he is full of grievances and even feels that he will blame his parents.


From the perspective of children, they think that parents "want me to learn", not "I will learn". Their learning is completely passive rather than active, which is typical manifestationof the lack of learning motivation.



If we want to change children"s attitude towards learning, we should first make it clear that if we do not awaken children"s internal motivation, no matter how much we do, we will OVERreach them. So how do you awaken your child"s inner motivation? How to give children fertile ground to develop drive? The following is a detailed analysis of the reasons for students" lack of motivation to learnby the principal of Shanghai Meidefai Moral Education, and gives the solution. Parents please make sure to read all of them.01“并非不想学,而是看不到希望”根源:不了解自身潜能优势


Suchstudents can"t see how much hope they have.They are learning on the surface, but they are on the verge of giving up in their hearts. The root cause is that the evaluation of their own ability is often not objective enough.just because of one or two failures,one totally denies one"s ability, and the ability to resist setbacks in adversity is low. Some people even despair of themselves. This kind of students need to understand their potential advantagesfully.

02“并非不想学,而是不知道为何而学”根源:目标不明确此类同学不知道学习的真正目的是什么,多数是为父母、为老师、为考上好大学而学,对自己未来的发展没有清晰思路和方向,只是随波逐流。因此,这类同学需要明确目标,需要别人帮助其专业定位,给他看得见的未来,才能重新唤起学习动力!These students do not know what the real purpose of learning is.most of them study for their parents, teachers, and being admitted to a good university. Without a clear idea and direction for their future development, they just go with the flow. Therefore, this kind of students need to have a clear goal, need others to help them to locate their professional orientation, and give them a visible future, so as to arouse their learning motivation again!为了让学生正确选择适合自己的专业和升学方向,上海美达菲学校为学生安排了详细、周密的1对1升学规划服务,自学生入学第一天开始,就有老师为他们建立个人档案,给学生制定最符合他们兴趣和发展需求的个性化升学方案。

In order toenable the students to choose to suit their own professional and entrance direction correctly, Shanghai MacDuffie schools has arrangedthe detailed and thorough 1 to 1 student planning services since the first day of students" enrollment. There are teachers establishingtheir personal files, workingout personalized further study programs for studentsthat best meet their interests and development needs.



Such students lag in thelearning skills,theirlearning methods are inappropriate,theirlearning tasks often cannot be completed,and they areeasy to fall into a mountain of questions, resulting in knowledge loopholes.


These students need to improve their learning skills, such as academic goal management ability, time management ability, classroom learning efficiency, and learning skills in various subjects.



Although such students put a lot of effort in learning, buttheygainlittle, which will affect their learning enthusiasmseriously. Moreover, this kind of problem is not easy to be found, whether it is the students themselves or the teachers.


Such students need to further improve their basic cognitive abilities related to learning, such as memory ability, thinking conversion ability, logical reasoning ability and so on.



Such students are easy to be affected by the surrounding environment, interpersonal communication and other factors, so that they cannot study with peace of mind. For example, common test anxiety, insomnia, inattention, poor persistence, weariness, etc.


So, how can we stimulate students" inner motivation to learn? I think we can make some attempts from these aspects.



有些家长、老师喜欢对比,常常会说“你看谁谁成绩多好”、“人家学得多快,你呢?”、“看看人家多聪明,一点就会”... ....这些话语,在孩子听来,我天生就比别人笨,这样孩子慢慢就形成“我比别人笨”的心理定势,甚至产生抵触情绪。

Some parents, teachers like comparison, and they often say"you see whogetsscores better", How fast others learn, how about you?" "Look at how smarttheyare, they can do itwith a little guidance" ...These words, in the childears,” I was bornmorestupid than others”, so that children gradually formed the psychological stereotype of "I am stupid than others", and even generated resistance.


Remember not to Compare, but to base on the actual situation of children.To the child who can jump 1.2 meters now, 1.3 meters is a appropriate target. Do not ask him (her) to jump so high because other students can jump 1.5 meters. You can try the vertical ratio, specify the appropriate expected development goals, encourage him (her) to take a small step forward every day, him (her) will have more sense of accomplishment, thenhis or herself-confidence and potential will be stimulated.家长和老师要善于发现学生的特点和长处。人有差异性,要承认差异,要了解学生是什么方面更有潜力,更有优势。不要只是为了面子逼着学生读书,在压力下读书是做不好的。Parents and teachers should be good at finding students" characteristics and strengths. People are different,so we should recognize theirdifferences, andunderstand on which parts students have more potential, more advantages. Don"t force students to study just for the sake of face. It is not good to study under pressure.为了让学生充分发挥自己的优势,我们学校非常注重对优秀学生的个性化培养,专门成立了牛剑班、AP精英班、美国直升班三个特色班级,对于那些想要考取世界名校的学生,采取了更加灵活的教学手段和方法,利用小班化、VIP教学,充分保证学生发挥他们的学科优势、挖掘他们的潜力,最终考取自己心中的理想大学。In order to makestudents give full play to their advantages, our school attaches great importance to the individualized cultivation of outstanding students, and has specially set up three characteristic classes, namely, Ox-Camb Class, AP Elite Class and American Direct promotionclass. For students who want to be admitted tothe world famous universities, we have adopted more flexible teaching means and methods, making use of small classesand VIP classesto fully ensure that students give full play to their academic advantages and tap their potential, and get into their ideal universitiesfinally.02


到底什么样的学生是好学生?是不是只有100分的是好学生?如果学生为人很好,动手能力很强,常爱提问题,那也是好学生。要寻找、激发学生的优势项目,在这方面多鼓励学生。What kind of students are good students? Are those with only 100 points good students?If a student is nice, has strong hands-on ability and always asks questions, he or she is also a good student. We should find and stimulate students" advantageous projects, and encourage students in this respect.我们要想明白,你是要培养一个装知识的“箱子”,还是要培养一个完整的人?或者说,你希望学生是知识型的还是智慧型的?We have to figure out, are you going to cultivate a box containingknowledge, or a perfect person? Or do you want students to beknowledge-based or intelligent?如果是要培养智慧型的学生,就少一些灌输,鼓励学生多问几个为什么,对学生的问题千万不要回避,甚至学生不问,你还要启发他问。If you want to cultivate intelligent students, you should instill less, encourage students to ask more questions about why, and never shy away from students" questions. Even if students don"t ask, you should inspire them to ask.02



Personally, I think parents and teachers should make conscious efforts to cultivate children to be confident and self-reliant.莫言为什么会喜欢写作?他自己回忆说,就因为小学三年级的语文老师很喜欢他,把他的文章当做范文在全班学生面前读。从那之后他的自信心越来越足,走上了作家之路。Why does Mo Yan like writing? He recalled thatbecause the Chinese teacher in grade three liked him very much, he read his article as a model essay in front of the whole class. Since then, his self-confidence has grown stronger and stronger, and he has embarked on the road of being a writer.其实我们很多人都有过类似的经历。这给我们一个启示:学生要鼓励,要给他成功的体验,培养孩子的成就感。有成就感才会有兴趣。Many of us have had similar experiences. This gives us a revelation: students should be encouragedto havesuccessful experience, so thatchildren"s sense of accomplishmentwill be cultivated. You will be interested only if you have a sense of accomplishment.家长方面,培养孩子的自信心还有一点可以做,就是让孩子做家务,自己的事情自己做。

As for parents, there is anotherthing that can be done to cultivate children"s self-confidence, that is, let children do housework and do their own things.

04要为孩子解决具体问题对学生来说,只有鼓励是不够的。在孩子遇到困难时,如果家长或老师只是在旁边说“我相信你”“你一定可以的”也意义不大,要帮助孩子解决一些具体的问题。Encouragement alone is not enough for students. When the child is in trouble, if the parents or teachers just say "I believe you" and "you must be able to", whichdoesn"t mean much to help the child solve some specific problems. We need help the child solve some specific problems.可以用“限题计时”提高效率,譬如每做对5题的时间记录比较,或者“限时计数”的办法,给他10分钟看他做对几道题。这方法同样适用于抄写词汇等作业。You can improve the efficiency by "timed questions", for example, record the time of every five questions doingcorrectly, or by "timed counting"by givinghim 10 minutes to see how many questions he does correctly. This methodsare also suitable for copying vocabulary and other homework.这样把一个比较困难的大任务分解成若干个小任务,化难为易、化繁为简,是帮助孩子克服畏难情绪,体验成功、提升自信心和兴趣的有效方法。It is an effective way to help children overcome their fear of difficulties, experience success, and enhance their self-confidence and interest by breaking down such a difficult task into several small tasks, making it easy and simple.05给孩子树立榜样一个人的成长需要三条途径:自我学习,同伴合作,专家引领。自我学习和同伴合作刚才已经谈到了,“专家引领”的这个“专家”对孩子来说,包括家长和教师。A person"s growth needs three ways: self-study, peer cooperation and expert guidance. Self-learning and peer cooperation have just been talked about. This "expert" in “led by an expert” , for children, includesparents and teachers.最好在孩子学习时,家长不是跑去看电视、打麻将、跳舞,也不是站在门口看孩子是否在写作业,而是坐在孩子身边一起看书学习。It is better when the child is studying, parents do not goto watch TV, play mahjong, dance, nor stand at the door to see if the child is doing homework, but sit beside the child to read and study together.现在流行一句话:一流的家长做榜样,二流的家长做教练,三流的家长做保姆。Now there is a popular saying: First-rate parents should be role models, second-rate parents should be coaches and third-rate parents should be nannies.研究发现学生当中凡是发展的比较全面的,有自己想法的,都是家庭比较民主平等的,家长和孩子是讨论式的、启发式的,不是灌输式的、压制式的。家长有什么事情会和孩子讨论,家长是作为孩子良师益友,陪伴孩子一起成长。这样的家庭氛围起到的作用是潜移默化的。同样上海美达菲老师,在日常教育教学中与学生一起互动互助,充分尊重学生天性,真正做到教学相长,尊重学生的个性差异,以良好的道德示范做学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。

The study found that students who are well-developedandhave their own ideas,live in more democratic and equal family. Parents and children are discussion, heuristic, not indoctrinationand repression. Parents will discuss things with their children. Parents are good teachers and friends of their children, and they will accompany their children to grow up together. This kind of family atmosphere plays a subtle role. In the same way, Shanghai MacDuffy teachers interact with students and help each other in daily education and teaching, fully respect students" nature, learns from each other in teaching, respects students" individual differences, and act as a guide and guide for students" healthy growth with good moral demonstration.


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