Sias IS Admission Monthly Newsletter- September
Sias IS held its Grand Opening/ Campus Reveal Ceremony on September 24th, 2022. It was a wonderful opportunity to gather and celebrate with students, families, teachers, department heads of all levels, principals of our brother schools, distinguished guests and all of those who have been a huge support and assistance for the development of this school since its start in 2015.
We understand that many parents have questions about theirchildren’s education pathway and college admission in the future. Therefore, wecontinued to hold the second lecture of college admission counseling series inSeptember. Mr. Stephen Rhodes, Sias IS admission counselor with rich experience,shared on the requirements of worldwide selective universities, and how parentscan help their children prepare for college. If you have education pathway or admissionrelated questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our admission teachers, whowill set up one on one time to go over those concerns with you.很多家长对于孩子的教育规划、未来升学充满困惑。9月我们举办了第二场升学系列的讲座,有丰富经验的Mr. Stephen Rhodes老师为大家解读世界名校的录取条件、家长如何帮助孩子进行升学准备等。如您有关于孩子升学规划的问题想要咨询,欢迎您联系Sias IS招生老师,进行一对一解答。
2023 Spring Semester enrollmentapplication is open.
Open House for Spring semester will be held on November 12, 2022.
You can scan QR codes below to add our WeChat “SIAS IS Admissions” for any inquiries.
A Glimpse in Class
Many parents want to know how students learn at Sias IS. “A Glimpse in Class” will take you into Sias classrooms to get a glimpse of students" daily routines.很多家长都希望了解学生们在Sias IS是怎么学习的。"教学一瞥"这个栏目将带领您走入Sias IS课堂,一起看看学生们的上课日常。PreK4 Community
The past few weeks PreK4 students have been exploring different community roles, safety standards and how relationships are built within different communities. They visited the local police station, fire station, and even set up their own small hospital to explore, inspire and learn from each other.在过去的几周里,四岁班的学生一直在探索社区里不同的角色、安全标准以及如何在不同的社区中建立关系。他们走进警察局、消防局……在班级里有了所自己的小医院来互相探索、激励和学习。
Grade 2 Communication Skills
Grade 2 students are learning about different communities and the roles and responsibilities that people have in their community. Grade 2B students used their communication skills to interview different members of Sias Community and inquired about how their roles and responsibility contribute to the Sias Community.二年级的学生们正在学习不同的社区以及人们在社区中的角色和责任。二年级 B 班的同学们运用他们的沟通技巧,采访了西亚斯社区的不同成员,并询问了他们的角色和职责对社区产生的影响。
First Economy Friday in 4th grade! Students are learning and becoming a part of the economic system. 4th graders will continue to learn about what the economy is and how it works each Friday!四年级的第一个“经济星期五”!在接下来的整个学年里,通过这个过程,学生们正在学习并成为经济体系的一部分。四年级学生将在以后的每周五继续了解经济学和它是如何运作的!
MYP Capture the Flag
The students and teachers in MYP played Capture the Flag. While enjoying a super fun sport, this game also required teamwork, communication and tactics to be successful. MYP had a great team bonding moment.初中部腰旗橄榄球师生友谊赛,同学们在体验纯正美式运动的同时还能提高的身体素质,培养团队合作精神,增强与同学老师之间的凝聚力。
Outdoor Education Week
In the last week of September, Sias IS had a 4 day long outdoor education. We had turned the park, museum, zoo and university into our classrooms. Students have worked on their own writing or drawing/painting while sitting in the quiet. Our little ones have had fun looking for insects, playing in the sand, and flying kites. Finally, these learnings aligned with students’ Unit of Inquiry. Students didn’t lose class time, they GAINED authentic, learning experiences and created memories that will last much longer than classroom-based instruction.在9月的最后一周,学校实施了为期4天的户外教学。我们的教室变成了公园、博物馆、动物园、大学……学生们在安静的环境中进行写作或绘画,寻找昆虫,在沙子里玩耍,放风筝……最后,这些学习与学生的单元探究相一致。学生们并没有失去课堂时间,他们获得了真实的学习体验,并创造了比课堂教学更持久的记忆。
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户外教学周 | Sias IS Outdoor Learning Experience 西亚斯外籍学校教室外的课堂>>
MAP 测评
MAP Testing
Students in PYP and MYP (Grade1-8) took the fall MAP test in September. This helps teachers get a better understanding of each student’s academic progress and make further instructional plans, as well as predict how much progress students shall achieve in the following academic year.小学部以及中学部的学生在本月进行了秋季MAP 测评。以方便老师们能够了解每个孩子的学习情况并能进一步制定教学计划。也有利于预测学生在未来一学年应该取得多大的进步。
Sias ISHighlights
Happy Moon Festival2022
IB strives to develop students’ international mindedness, and an important part of that is to understand and celebrate the festivals and cultures of different countries. The students at Sias IS used the Community Time to understand the customs of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival and experience the traditional Chinese culture in the forms of dance, Hanfu, poetry recitation and songs.