环球速讯:EYFS幼儿园 | 我们的超级小英雄
What is EYFS + IB PYP ?
为了传承英系教学并能更好地衔接小学IB PYP课程,华锐莱普顿幼儿园整合了EYFS和IB PYP课程,在极力发挥其最大共同点的同时倡导以孩子为主导的探究式学习。
In order to inherit the British teaching and better connect with the IB PYP curriculum in primary schools, Chiway Repton Kindergarten integrates the EYFS and IB PYP curriculum and advocates child-led inquiry-based learning while exerting their greatest commonalities.
The aim of all IB programmers
所有IB课程旨在培养具有国际视野的人,认识到人类的共同点并一同守护地球,帮助创造一个更美好,更和平的世界。华锐莱普顿幼儿园本学年的第一个跨学科探究主题单元——To the rescue 超级英雄来拯救,K3班的小朋友们拥有了自主探究的学习机会,他们在老师的帮助下成为守护地球的超级小英雄!
All IB programmes are designed to develop people with an international outlook, recognizing what humanity has in common and working together to protect the planet - helping to create a better and more peaceful world. Chiway Repton Kindergarten"s first interdisciplinary exploration theme unit this school year - To the rescue, will give the children in K3 class the opportunity to explore independently as little heroes!
Tuning in :
新学期伊始,K3- South Africa班级以英雄主题绘本作为导入,老师在双语阅读的过程中对孩子们进行预评估(Pre-assessment):你如何理解英雄或是超级英雄的?并在绘本阅读的基础上自主探究了作为班级主人应该共同遵守的规则,帮助创造一个更美好的班级小社区。
At the beginning of the new semester the K3-South Africa class uses a hero-themed picture book as an introduction. Teachers Simmi and Neil conducted a pre-assessment question for the children in the process of bilingual reading: How do you understand a hero or a superhero to be? On this foundation we independently and collectively explored the rules that the class should abide by to help create a better class commu.
Finding out - What is a superhero:
在各个区角和其他专科老师的协助下,K3- South Africa班级进行了个别化学习,集体探究课等活动。探讨他们所了解的超级英雄Are是怎么样的?Have有什么?Can可以怎么样?
With the assistance of teachers from various areas of the school and other specialist subjects, K3-South Africa class carried out activities such as individualized learning and group inquiry classes. We explored what they know about what superheroes: Are? Have? What? Can? and How?
Sorting Out—I can be a superhero:
了解了超级英雄的样子,那我们K3-South Africa的小朋友要如何才能成为小英雄呢?
Knowing what a superhero looks like, how can our K3-South Africa children become little heroes?
Self-portrait: I am super hero
Stem class:How to make superhero fly
Stem 课堂:如何让颜色跑起来
Stem Class:How to make color run
Stem Class : I can rescue Superhero
Going further — Everyday hero:
在有了更多关于超级英雄的信息后,K3-South africa的孩子们从自身出发去寻找生活中更多的“超级英雄们”。集体课堂讨论,孩子们投票表决选出了三位”超级英雄”—消防员,宇航员,医生&护士,并自行分成了三个小组绘制英雄们的超级能力!
After having more information about superheroes the children of K3-South Africa set out to find more "superheroes" in their everyday lives. In a group class discussion, the children voted for three "superheroes" - firefighters, astronauts, doctors/nurses, and divided themselves into three groups to draw the superpowers of the heroes!
Based on IB contemporary education research Chiway Repton Kindergarten hopes to make the aspirations of IB education a reality in the classroom. Centered on cycles of inquiry, action and reflection, the interplay of questioning, action and reflection informs the daily activities of teachers and children. It is hoped that through such an active learning method, children can understand and build the world together through their collective thoughts and ideas.