
2022-11-16 18:02:39

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亲爱的A Level学生和家长,





Dear A Level Students and Parents,

Congratulations on completing the first online learning day this term; this will continue until Guangzhou Education Bureau informs us it is safe for you to come back to Science City campus.

We have put into consideration the mental wellness and physical limitations online lessons can have on our students. To minimize disruption to students learning and wellbeing, the A Level team have adjusted to the teaching timetable.






每节课,教师都将在课程开始和结束的时候进行出勤登记。如果学生未能按照时间表参加在线课程,我们将会将出勤情况反馈给家长。课程进行期间,学生必须打开笔记本电脑/ iPad 摄像头,以便教师能够在课堂上看到学生并与学生充分互动。

Period 1 has been adjusted to provide a reading and review time for the students before normal lessons begin at 9.25. Each morning will be dedicated to core subjects (Math’s, Biology, Chemistry, Physics). Lunch has been extended from 12.30 to 2.10.

The traditional evening study will continue but we will not be providing online observation as we feel that prolonged periods online will be strenuous. So, we advise that parents support us and encourage their son/ daughter to complete their homework, as this is an integral part of their studies, providing them with the opportunity to exercise time management. Teachers will continue to monitor and provide timely feedback to the students for online lessons and homework.

For each lesson teachers will take an attendance register at the start and end of the lesson. An attendance register will be sent to parents if students fail to show their presence in the online lessons. It is compulsory that students have their laptop/ iPad cameras on so that teachers are able to see and fully engage with the students during lesson time.



Online Platforms & Support

学校将使用包括Microsoft Teams, Managebac以及家庭微信群等,不同的平台实施在线学习,为学生、家庭和教师提供支持。


Different digital platforms will be used by the school to implement online learning and provide support to students, families and teachers, including Microsoft Teams, Managebac and WeCom.

The procedures outlined in this document serve as a guide, however it must be noted that they be updated and amended, as and if required at any time. Thanks for your support and understanding all the time.



Pastoral Care

为了更好在这个特殊时期给予大家支持,爱莎文华A Level的心理老师梦子老师将提供线上健康辅导,学生和家长都可以通过 Teams或者邮件进行预约。

To support you during this online learning period Ms Mengzi will be available for wellbeing guidance, appointments can be made via Teams or email.



Code of conduct


学生居家学习环境会有所不同,因此我们不要求学生上课期间穿校服,但希望他们穿着得体。适合在线课程穿的衣服是 :T 恤、毛衣、慢跑裤、牛仔裤、运动短裤,如果学生穿着不当,老师会要求学生更换他们的衣服。

为了尊重我们学生家的隐私,他们需要在所有在线课程中使用 Teams的背景效果(模糊/更改摄像头背景),如果他们忘记了,老师会提醒他们这样做,并且出于学生保护,所有课程都将被录制。在上课期间,我们希望学生像在学校一样行事,对老师和彼此有礼貌和尊重,保持在学校时的效率和体验。学生还应积极参与课堂,并与老师和其他学生进行有意义的互动和交流。

During this period of online learning, we still expect our students to follow a code of conduct similar to that in school.

We appreciate that students are at home and their environment is different so therefore we do not expect the students to wear school uniform, but they are expected to dress appropriately. Suitable clothing to be worn for online lessons would be a T-shirt, sweaters, jogging bottoms, jeans, long sports shorts, if a student is inappropriately dressed the teacher will ask the student to correct their clothing.

To respect the privacy of our student’s home they are required to apply a background effect on Teams for all online lessons, they will be reminded by the teacher to do so if they forget, also all lessons will be recorded for Safeguarding purposes. During lessons we expect students to conduct themselves as they do in school, to be polite and respectful to their teacher and one another, this is to maintain a formal learning experience. Students are also expected to participate during the lesson and engage with the teacher and other pupils with consideration.


爱莎文华国际课程学院A Level中心

The procedures outlined in this document serve as a guide, however it must be noted that they be updated and amended, as and if required at any time. Thanks for your support and understanding all the time.

ISA Wenhua International Centre for A Level


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