
2022-11-18 19:09:35

爱文的独特之处究竟是什么?使命、学习体验、老师、教育方法与课程多方面都具有强大的感染力。在深圳爱文学生健康和升学辅导主任Douglas Ray看来,爱文不可撼动的优势从构架层面就已经体现出来,并系统贯彻在学生发展目标、师资、项目设计全方位中:



2. 全球教师团队为同一目标而不懈努力。“单一考试爱好者”不会来到爱文。



5.大学升学指导体系汇集全球力量 。


Swipelefttoread English version


By Douglas Ray

当我告诉别人爱文有意不使用IB、AP、A-Level、GCSE、US Common Core等任何一种由外部创建的课程时,我经常看到对方震惊的表情。震惊的背后是这样一种假设:要把学生送到国外上大学,学校必须选用以上课程体系中的某一种,那些课程体系的最终目标,就是让学生能够参加外部考试。


























Swiperight toread Chinese version

Different by Design:

The Avenues Advantage

By Douglas Ray

When I tell some people that Avenues deliberately does not use the IB, AP, A-Level, GCSE, US Common Core, or some other externally created curriculum, I often get looks of shock. Behind that shock is an assumption that in order to send studentsabroad for college, schools must use one of these curricular systems, which are built to culminate in taking external exams.

Avenues’ mission is to educate world-wise leaders who are uniquely equipped to solve global-scale problems. But in order to “uniquely equip” our students to engage with problems of deep complexity, we must educate them in a different way—to see these problems with fresh eyes, open hearts, skilled hands, and courageous spirits.

As a result, Avenues’ Research and Development Team has spent over a decade designing and iterating a different, purposeful school experience: a world school of globally connected campuses that uses our own curriculum, the Avenues World Elements, which includes instruction in essential academic skills but also fluid-cognitive ones like empathy, creativity, planning, pattern recognition, and abstraction.

Avenues World Elements

The value of an Avenues education is that we are different by design in order to meet our bold mission. I want to highlight a few program features that are parts of the Avenues Advantage.


We put student wellbeing at the center of education. Happy, healthy students are able to learn and thrive in the world.

In recent years, students across the globe have experienced the challenges of a global pandemic, emotional and psychological stress, and uncertainty about the future. Learning under these conditions can be difficult. As a result, Avenues has prioritized student wellbeing. In Primary School, students are cared for by teams of teachers, led by a Homeroom Teacher, who attend to the child’s overall and academic development. In grades 6-12, each student is assigned a Dean whose full-time job is dedicated to helping the student make good choices and to supporting social-emotional growth. Throughout Avenues, from our Early Learning Center to Upper Grades, we have a Student Success Team comprised of Language Support Specialists and Support Specialists who individualize support programs for different students. This team works directly with students and also with teachers to ensure that all students admitted to Avenues are set up to succeed.


Our global faculty are driven by purpose.

Teachers who join Avenues come from all over the world and with experience in a range of industries and from a variety of types of schools. I have worked in top independent boarding schools in the US and innovative start-up schools in China, while my colleagues have deep experience in reform-oriented charter schools, IB schools across the globe, renowned British boarding schools, Chinese public schools, and colleges and universities. What brings us together is a shared sense of purpose to teach differently from exam-based schools because we understand that deeper learning requires different processes. Avenues is a magnet for values-aligned faculty and it also pushes away those who only focused on single exam results.


We give students choice in order to practice more independent thinking and learning.

Our curriculum is project-based, so while teachers explicitly teach certain necessary skills and content, students also have to make choices that dictate the learning outcomes. Furthermore, our extracurricular programs give students a range of choices to explore an interest with more depth. As students develop their own passions, they are able to propose new clubs and initiatives because we believe in the power of the students’ vision and voice to shape our community. Finally, in our Mastery program in which all Upper Grades students engage, students dream, design, and execute a project that becomes their signature. Recently, several of our students submitted applications to receive support from Avenues’ global Seedbank Program, which provides financial and expert resources to help students scale their projects to bigger impact.


Global resources benefit our local campus.

The influence of our global network has regular, daily impact on student learning. Teachers not only collaborate with colleagues on campus, but across other campuses; it is common for a teacher in Shenzhen to reach out to colleagues at other campuses for insights and opinions. And the same works for other campuses who reach out to Shenzhen colleagues as thought-partners in finding solutions or opportunities. Even at a time when barriers to global travel have been a reality for Chinese students, being part of world school has opened up possibilities.


Our college counseling strategy leverages the experiences, relationships, and expertise of 23 global deans.

Just like our teachers who benefit from shared experiences across the Avenues ecosystem, our deans meet regularly to develop a global strategy for college applications and placement. The sum of our collective impact across Avenues is much greater than if we were to function as an individual school limited to one location.

The intention of

being "different by design" is:

To set our students up not only to respond to the future but to create it.

To be job creators, not just "doers."

To be people who create knowledge, not just those who know facts.

To influence globally in addition to locally.




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