
2022-11-30 16:13:22

We prepare our studentsto be



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作为以IB PYP课程体系为办学核心的幼儿园,中山市阿丁莱幼儿园致力于培养具有国际视野以及关爱情怀的世界公民。我们希望通过为学生提供了解社区、国家、世界的平台,从而帮助他们成长为一批富有同情心、爱心、且能够关注他人的新生力量。







作为全场年龄最小的宝宝,Alpha小队的摊位上却有着令人瞩目的标语——可以包容一切的包包。在简洁的环保袋上清晰地印着幼儿园核心价值:Be Ingenious,Be Generous,Be Adventures,Be Curious。它不光体现着我们所坚持的的全人教育理念,更多的是希望通过一份价格低而价值高的义卖品,向大家传达内心的信念——包容世界的一切,并赋予世界大爱!





























As a kindergarten with the IB PYP at its core, Ardingly College Zhongshan(Kindergarten) is committed to developing internationally minded and caring global citizens. By providing a platform for students to learn about their community, their country and the world, we hope to help them grow into a group of compassionate, loving and caring individuals.

Just in time for Thanksgiving, let"s take a look at another moment of growth for the children at Ardingly College Zhongshan(Kindergarten) through a charity bazaar!


A Unique Event

For our pupils, the charity bazaar not only helped them to develop their emotions and love, but also to realise the positive impact their actions and contributions can have on the community, and to develop into responsible and caring leaders in future.

Led by the teachers, the children began to use their accumulated knowledge and vision to create fairy-tale stalls with their love, leadership, creativity and imagination!

Better than a Birkin

As the youngest baby in the house, Team Alpha"s stall had the most striking slogan - Better than a Birkin. It is a bag with the core values of school: Be Ingenious, Be Generous, Be Adventures, Be Curious, which not only embodies our philosophy of holistic education, but also conveys our heartfelt beliefs through a low-priced but high-value charity item: to embrace the world and to give it great love!

A Market with Arts

The Team Beta"s quirky idea of using art and reading as a selling point for their stall was a real treat. As well as the children"s private collection of toys and reading materials to sell at their stall, the bright kids invited their teachers to help them out. Every 10 minutes you would find the Beta Team"s stall putting on a colourful show.

Mom"s Dessert Shop

The Team Gamma, with its summer picnic theme, was supported by the handy mums. The mothers made a wide range of desserts and snacks, trying to awaken the goodwill of all with their delicious food. The children, on the other hand, also promoted their shop by "shouting". The different roles are all based on the same intention, which is perhaps one of the reasons why people are buying their products!

The hand-painted signs in English, Mandarin and Cantonese are also a reflection of the kindergarden"s commitment to a multicultural and linguistic environment.

Wonder Shop

The Team Delta"s Wonder Shop was located in the best place of the canteen, with a wide range of toys and snacks that attracted the most attention from the children! They collected all their favourite toys and snacks from home and contributed to the event in a generous and gentlemanly manner. It was a great way for the children to show their love for the cause and also to practice the concept of environmental protection and sharing.

Honey Shop

The children of the Team Epsilon brainstormed ways to attach the title of "Honey Shop" to their stall, and the delicate decorations on the stall were the result of the children"s drawings, as they have made their class their "home away from home". The children also did a great job in the charity bazaar. Their warm slogans showed everyone that what they were selling their care and concern for the world and for others.

Each stall was different in shape and theme, but the children had the noble idea of "roses given, fragrance in hand.", and this kindness in their hearts infected us who have been in the adult world for a long time.

I can use the money I earn to help others!

I hope that what I like others can like too!

I can help people like this!


Statement of Donation

Whether you are a child, a teacher or a parent, all of you have expressed your passion and respect for life in different ways at this charity bazaar, and we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your recognition of school"s education philosophy and your support for the event!

We invite homeroom teachers and parent representatives to count each hard-earned donation to ensure a high degree of transparency and openness throughout the process, and the total amount of the donation will eventually be formulated and shared in the PSG group.

There is also the question of where the money will go. At Ardingly College Zhongshan(Kindergarten), we consider charity education as an important part of the children"s social development. We will organise parent representatives, PSG members and children"s representatives to exchange the proceeds from the charity bazaar into goods such as fruit, food and household items to be given to charity organisations such as homes for the elderly and orphanages, and to donate the remaining money to families in need. We believe that the best interpretation of education is to start by paying attention to the underprivileged around us and being grateful for the little things around us, and then participate in the world public welfare projects.



IBOepn Day

In conjunction with the charity bazaar, there was a unique IB themed open day. After exploring the themes since the beginning of the school year, the children have followed their teachers in developing their self-awareness and knowledge of the world from the IB teaching, so it was time to invite their parents to join them in this amazing journey!

The interlocking yet energetic design of the classroom is a result of the teachers" deep understanding of IB teaching. Starting with a warm-up song in English about "family", the parents who were seated at the back of the room got into the theme of the day with the dynamic beat of the children"s bodies dancing.


In another hand, the PE teacher also brought a game for the parents and children that focused heavily on tacit understanding: the rainbow umbrella game. Keeping the sponge balls on top of the rainbow umbrellas from falling easily was not only a test of the children"s gross motor skills over this period of time, but also required them to demonstrate a high level of team spirit.

To give the children a deeper understanding and help them make connections with the real world, interactive parent-child games were played to bring the class to a close. The children were able to participate with gusto, whether it was a race-like card game, an immersive role-play event or even a sensory battle with a detective element. The non-formal exploration activities also quickly allowed them to complete their "mini-goal" for the day: to deepen their knowledge of their parents" characteristics.

From learning to life, from individual to collective, from small family to big love, this is another warm education that Ardingly College Zhongshan(Kindergarten) brings to the children.

Whether it is the awareness of the great love of the world, gratitude to parents, care for others and empathy, or the goal of developing a broader perspective, we are confident that this enriching experience will be an important part of helping children build a world view!


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