最新快讯!清澜小学部英语组| 深耕在线课堂,赋能学生成长Empower Primary Students Online
To lessen the impact the epidemic could have on Tsinglan Primary School students, we switched to online classes for the two weeks before Spring Festival holiday. English teachers quickly prepared with skills developed over years of teaching in person and online. With many exciting and interactive activities, children’s learning continued in an effective way and made progress as planned and expected by teachers.
Making Assessments Immediate and Entertaining
To increase student interest and participation in online classes, teachers have used several engaging education tools like Quizizz, Kahoot, and Gimkit.
Quizizz is a great formative assessment tool. Teachers can present questions or quizzes as games. This significantly improves students" efforts. At the same time, students can get the correct answer and feedback instantly from the teacher and see their position on a leaderboard in real-time. For competitive players, this learning process is fascinating! As an added bonus, teachers get a clear picture of each student’s understanding.
The picture above is from Ms. Tan"s fifth-grade ELA class. Students learn about perfect tense grammar and practice it through Quizizz. This game assesses students" command of past, present, and future perfect tenses. Most of the students achieved high scores, which directly shows the effectiveness of learning in the online classroom!
In Ms. Yi"s third-grade class, students read the explanatory text and learned how people got inspiration from bats to invent something new, biomimicry. After close reading, children completed a Quizizz question-and-answer game. In the picture above, each student chose the correct answer!
In Ms. Wei’s the third-grade ELA class, children closely read for details and took part in interactive questions and answers under the teacher’s guidance. Doing so allowed them to deeply understand the author"s intention and learn vocabulary skills, such as roots and affixes. Afterward, children entered their Quizizz interactive game designed by the teacher in advance and completed the reading comprehension questions. When students were answering questions, the teacher stopped to explain. The system displayed the correct answer after each question. This not only enhanced the participation and interaction but also increased the speed for feedback.
GimKit也是非常有效的在线教学工具,其采用游戏方式让学生相互协作、巩固课 堂所学。
GimKit is another effective online teaching tool. It uses games to allow students to collaborate and reinforce what they have learned in the classroom.
上图为Mr. Smith在他的英文文学课上,通过GimKit对过去一周的学习内容进行巩固和复习。学生们需要通过回答问题获取积分才能更好地进行游戏。学中玩,玩中学,怪不得学生们都迫不及待地进入每天的在线英文文学课!
The picture above shows Mr. Smith in 4th grade reviewing content of the past week through GimKit in his literature class. Students need to earn points by answering questions and playing more intently. Playing to learn is learning through play, no wonder students can"t wait to get into their online English literature class!
As one of the most popular online teaching tools, Kahoot, like Quizizz, has built a program for testing students through games. This allows students to actively learn through game competitions.
上图为Mr. Harris的英文文学课堂,学生们在阅读了“Inspired By Nature”之后,在Kahoot上进行了趣味问答,老师以此来衡量学生对文章的理解程度。手速最快、答案最精准的小伙伴也成功登上了领奖台。是不是很有趣?
The picture above shows Mr. Harris"s English literature class. After reading Inspired by Nature, students had an exciting question-and-answer activity on Kahoot! The teacher used the Q&A session to measure student understanding of the article. The student with the fastest clicks and the most accurate answers was allowed to stand atop the podium.
Padlet tracks class performance and homework in real-time
网课期间课下作业如何跟踪?小学部的英语老师们将科技工具Padlet引入课堂,有些老师创建Padlet Bookshelf Wall,孩子们拥有自己的一列电子书架,将每日作业拍照上传或者直接键盘打字,还能及时得到老师的评语和批改哦。孩子们互相学习,与同伴共勉、进步的体验太棒了!
What’s the best way to collect homework during online classes? English teachers in the primary school introduced the tool Padlet into the classroom. Some teachers created Padlet Bookshelf. Each student has their own e-bookshelf where they can upload photos of daily homework, or directly type on the keyboard and received the teacher’s comments and corrections quickly. The experience students learning from each other, encouraging each other, and making progress with their peers was an excellent sight!
The picture above shows a Padlet of homework built by Ms. Wei’s third grade class. During online class, it solved the problem that the teacher could not collect and check notebooks effectively. At the same time, the like function is enabled, and children can learn from each other and like each other’s posts. Under the influence of peers, the homework completion rate has increased.
上图为Mr. Barger使用Padlet收集的五年级学生课堂任务。学生们可以看到彼此的课堂成果,老师也能很好地了解学生的在线学习情况,更好的把握教学进度。
The picture above shows Mr. Barger using Padlet to both inform students clearly of their homework and to collect classroom assignments from fifth-grade students. Students can see each other"s results and the teacher can better understand students" online learning and control the pace and give feedback.
如上图,在Mr. Smith的英文文学课上,每位同学选择了一位改变世界的名人并且积极探索、写下了这位名人的事迹以及他/她是如何改变世界的。自主选择权、学习主动权再此交到学生们手中,他们通过Padlet共同完成了这个项目,老师为同学们丰富的知识储备和极高的参与度感到欣喜!
In Mr. Smith"s English literature class, each student chose a celebrity or historical figure, then they researched and wrote about their deeds and how they changed the world. Students could take control of their learning and exercise freedom in choosing their learning topics. They completed the project together through Padlet. The teacher was delighted with the students" knowledge and high participation rate!
填字游戏,加深文本理解Crossword Puzzles Help Deepen Comprehension
在Mr. Hubbard五年级的英文文学课上,学生们协同合作,共同完成填字游戏。这确保了学生充分阅读并理解文本的关键细节。在完成填字游戏的同时,他们还各自分享了对文本的解读,学生们的分享见解深刻,大大超过了预期!
In Mr. Hubbard’s class, students were able to collaboratively work on a crossword puzzle that ensure students had read and understood key details of the text. As they worked on the puzzle they also shared their understanding of the text and shared ideas beyond what was required.
有趣的线上拼写测试Interesting Online Spelling Test
相较于传统的听写,五年级的颜老师也想到了好办法!她在课堂内设计了在线拼写练习,学生们通过即时的互动,将听写的词汇短时间内打在对话窗口内。这一在线听写方式新颖有趣,学生们参与度非常高。原本略显枯燥的听写因为能够与其他同学竞相互动而显得生动有趣。不以打分为目的听写,目的在于通过形成性评价(Formative Assessment)让学生与老师都能了解其学习进度,从而激励孩子们自发地学习与提高。
Compared with traditional dictation, Ms. Yan in 5th grade also thought of a good way to teach! (pictured above) She designed an online spelling exercise for the classroom, and students quickly typed the dictation vocabulary in the dialogue window for instant interaction. This online dictation method is novel and exciting. Participation of students was very high. Dictation is not always the most engaging activity for students. Online, however, it becomes lively and exciting paired with the ability to compete and interact with other students. This dictation method allowed students and their teacher to use formative assessments and encouraged children to learn and improve spontaneously.
在线不记名投票,选择题还能这么好玩!The online anonymous ballot and multiple-choice questions can be so fun!
In Mr. Ye’s 4th grade ELA class, they adopted a secret ballot to let the students choose the article"s central idea. Voting helped increase student excitement and the screen almost overflowed with emojis and likes! The same learning goal, but in a novel way, the secret ballot activity not only helped the children understand the article"s content but also made them shout, "It"s so fun!"
共享白板,连接师生A shared whiteboard connects teachers and students.
In Mr. Ye"s class, they opened the shared whiteboard function while teaching vocabulary. This allowed students to connect appropriate phrases together. The children actively participated, effectively increasing their interest and participation. The students achieved their goals of understanding and using new vocabulary.
在四年级的精读课上,Ms. Griffin老师提出问题并鼓励学生在文本中查找细节、引用文本证据来回答。通过腾讯会议的批注功能,学生可以用不同颜色的下划线标注出答案的出处。这种以学生为中心的课堂活动,让孩子们感受到了主动权,他们享受可以自由选择颜色并被激励仔细阅读寻找答案。可以说,此时的线上课堂将线下不容易可视化的思想碰撞与讨论变得高效而便捷。
In the fourth-grade English Literature class, Ms. Griffin asked questions and encouraged students to find details in the text. Then they cite textual evidence to answer questions. Through the annotation function of Tencent Meeting, students underlined their evidence in the text in different colors. This student-centered classroom activity gives children a sense of ownership, allows them to choose any color they want, and motivates them to search carefully for answers. Currently, the online classroom alters the way students and teachers approach learning. Could you imagine asking every student in the classroom to come to the blackboard simultaneously? What would otherwise be impossible in an offline setting is made possible in a virtual world.
分组讨论,协同探索Group discussion, collaborative exploration
A major challenge in online classrooms is putting students at the center of the classroom and encouraging them to take the initiative. To address this dilemma, some upper-grade-level teachers used online tools to conduct group discussions. Students were divided into several research groups, and the students in each group discussed and recorded what they needed in their individual roles. Students led group activities and the teacher entered each group to provide the necessary help and suggestions. When we give students the initiative to learn, they discuss and seek answers.
上图为Mr. Barger五年级的在线英文课堂,学生们学习了一篇说明文,并就三个核心问题进行分组讨论。在讨论的过程中,他们需要将结果整理、总结并分享到屏幕上,每个人都有机会贡献自己的想法,群力群策地解决问题。
The picture above shows Mr. Barger"s fifth-grade online English class. The students studied an expository text and had group discussions on three core issues. During the discussion, they must organize, summarize, and share the results on the screen. Everyone could contribute their own ideas and solve problems as a group.
叶老师四年级的ELA英文文法课上(如上图),学生们在学习一篇传记作品时也被分配到不同的群组进行分组讨论,共同探讨研究炸山采矿(Mountaintop Removal Mining)的影响。虽然学生们身处家中,仍有机会与同伴隔空交流、分享见解,从而对复杂的议题获得更加升入的理解。
In Ms. Ye’s fourth-grade ELA class (pictured above), students were assigned to different groups for discussions and learned about biographies. They discussed the impact of research on Mountaintop Removal Mining. Although students were at home, they still had the opportunity to communicate and share their insights with peers remotely and gain a more advanced understanding of the complex issues facing our global society.
With the help of technology, the goal of education is achieved.
Whether in offline or online classrooms, Tsinglan Primary School teachers have been thinking about and improving their teaching methods and practices in English classrooms. The ultimate goal is to establish an effective and meaningful connection between teachers and students and between students so that students can obtain a meaningful education. Students can feel the care and enthusiasm of teachers in class and build a bridge of collaboration, communication, and mutual assistance among peers who study together. Children can learn happily in an active and efficient online classroom!
撰稿人Editted by:李奇Ms. Cleopetra Lane审稿人Reviewed and proofread by:魏方Marybell Wei and Mr. Caleb Barger