闪耀时刻| 达罗捷派新年启航,囊获国际教育行业多项荣誉认证

2023-01-17 16:14:19

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“行之力则知愈进,知之深则行愈达。” 2022年,是充满挑战的一年,面对疫情的肆虐,国际化教育领域的新变化,达罗捷派脚踏实地、砥砺前行,坚持履行国际教育人的使命和担当,勇毅前行。岁末年初,达罗捷派也收到国际教育行业多项荣誉认可。


1月5日,达罗捷派受邀参加由新浪教育、微博教育主办的“新浪&微博2022教育盛典▪国际教育峰会”。此次峰会聚焦国际教育行业新时代新变化,从全球素养教育实践、校园教学变革、留学趋势、建设创新型学校等角度出发,邀请行业内专家人士共襄盛举,探讨国际教育的变革之路。达罗捷派学校凭借特色教育教学模式,深受国际教育行业及组委会认可,被评为2022年度国际化创新人才培养示范学校。达罗捷派执行校长莫单玉作为学校代表上台领奖,并受邀出席‘校长之夜 ’进行行业发展交流。此次峰会以“变革新时代重塑新生态”为主题,聚焦国际教育新时代新变化。与会者从全球素养教育实践、校园教学改革、留学趋势、建设创新型学校等角度出发。会后,针对全球变局下如何培养国际化人才这一话题,莫校接受了相关媒体采访。针对全球变局下如何培养国际化人才,莫校认为:"国际化教育这个领域是面向未来、面向世界的,是要为我们中国和世界培养能做出贡献的国际化人才。那么在全球变局以及我们面对不确定的未来的时候,我们作为国际教育的从业者,是可以为未来的国际化人才做出两个可确定的能力的培养。第一个能力就是跨文化的理解和共情能力。我们的学生将来走出国门,要代表中国发声,势必就要去面对不同国家的人,不同的种族,不同的肤色,不同的语言,不同的文化背景,甚至不同的宗教信仰。我们14亿中国人,每个人都有自己不同的想法,当我们走向世界,面对80亿人的时候,我们怎么去进行更好的交流和融合,怎么样正确的认知自然界的丛林法则,这个时候我们需要有理解和包容,要换位思考,站在对方的角度去想问题,帮对方解决问题,才能真正地解决我们的问题,避免冲突,去进行合作共赢,这样才会有长久的和平。第二个确定的能力就是解决问题的能力。我们都在讲,我们面对的是VUCA世界,是复杂的、不确定的、模糊的、多变的,作为教育工作者,我们没有办法帮学生去预测他们未来会面对什么样的世界,遇到什么样的事情,也不能预测他们会使用到什么样的知识和技能。"建校6年,达罗捷派始终坚持特色教育教学模式,培养学生创新能力,全面的帮助学生进行未来发展探索,通过PBL项目式学习、翻转课堂、多维度个性化培养、1对1精细化升学规划,引入国际先进教育教学模式,最大限度地重点培养学生自主学习能力和自我管理能力以及在不同环境当中适应能力,希望他们能够有底气的去面对不确定的未来世界。未来,达罗捷派还将在国际教育这条路径去探索更多的可能性、更多的模式,一起为中国、为世界去培养更强的更有使命感的国际化人才。



岁末,2022“回响中国”腾讯新闻•教育频道国际化学校发展论坛启动,本次论坛以“变革创新 砥砺前行”为主题,邀请到了国际行业资深人士,共同探讨新时期国际化教育的环境与体制变化、理念与模式创新、市场与管理挑战等业内普遍关心的热点问题。


达罗捷派执行校长莫单玉在接受采访中表示:“我们面临的是一个瞬息万变的信息爆炸时代,每过3-5年知识就更新一次,这促使教育者不能局限于用格式化的教育模式来教导未来的世界公民。因此,除具体知识的讲解外,还需要教授学生科学探索知识的能力和方法,培养他们的创造力、领导力、幸福力,面对未知能够敢于挑战、持续创新,成为一个富有同理心的人。这些都将是他们面对未来生存的基本技能。教育的目的就是让学生有能力去抵抗未知世界的任何挑战,为创造更美好的未来世界而不断前行。春华秋实又一载,砥砺奋进续新篇。2023年,将是充满活力和希望的一年。达罗捷派再次启航,竭力打造北三环国际教育新引擎,将更优质的国际教育资源、更多元化、更高质量的学习环境提供给每一位学生。更希望在新的一年我们国际教育行业能够保有生机活力、团结奋进,一起去探索更多的可能性、更多样的模式,一起为中国、为世界去培养更强的更有使命感的国际化人才。Whileusherinto the "line of force, know well the line up."2022 is a year full of challenges. In themidstof the epidemic and newobstacles within theinternational education,JPED gearsforward with ahumbleattitude, promisingin fulfilling its mission and responsibility asinternational educators, and forging ahead bravely.At the beginning of the year,JPEDalso received many honors and recognitionsfrom the international educationentities.

2022 International Innovative Talent Training Model School

On January 5, JPEDwas invited to attend the "Sina & Weibo 2022 Education Ceremony▪International Education Summit" hosted by Sina Education and Weibo Education.The summit focused on the new era and new changes in the international education industry. From the perspectives of global literacy education, campus teachingreformation, overseas study,building innovative schools, etc.Experts were invited to participate in the event andtodiscuss theblueprintof international education reform.

With its characteristic education and teaching mode, JPED has been well recognized by the international education and the organizing committee, and was awarded as the 2022 international innovative Talent Training demonstration School. Mo Danyu, the executive principal of JPED, accepted the award on stage as the school"s representative, and was invited to attend the "Principal"s Night" to exchange ideas and thoughts.

With the theme of "Transforming New Era and reshaping New Ecology", the summit focused on new changes in the new era of international education.Participants from the perspectives of global literacy education practices, campus teaching reform, overseas study trends, and building innovative schools.After the meeting, on the topic of how to cultivate international talents in the face of global changes, Mo also participated media interviews.In terms of how to cultivate international talents under the global changes, Mo believed: "The field of international education is oriented towards the future and the world. It is to cultivate international talents who can make contributions to China and the world.When the world is changing and we are facing an uncertain future, as platforms of international education, we can cultivate two definite abilities for future international elites.The first competency is cross-cultural understanding and empathy.If our students want to speak, on behalf of China when they go abroad in the future, they will have to face people from different countries, different races, different colors, different languages, different cultural backgrounds and even different religious beliefs.We 1.4 billion Chinese people, each have their own different ideas, when we go out into the world, in the face of 8 billion people, how can we have better communication and integration, how to correctly understand the law of the judgement in nature, at this time, we need to have understandings and tolerance, to put ourselves in each other"s shoes to think about the problem, to help each other solve the problem, Only in this way can we truly solve our problems, avoid conflicts, and carry out win-win cooperation. Only in this way can we have long-term peace.

The second defined ability is the ability to solve problems.We"re all talking about the VUCA world. It"s complex, it"s uncertain, it"s ambiguous, it"s fluid. As educators, we have no way to help students predict what kind of world they"re going to face, what kind of things they"re going to encounter, what kind of knowledge and skills they"re going to use."

Since its establishment 6 years ago, JPED has always adhered to the characteristic education and teaching mode, cultivated students" innovation ability, comprehensively helped students to explore their future development, and introduced the international advanced education and teaching mode through PBL project-based learning, flipped classroom, multi-dimensional personalized training, and one-to-one refined college admission planning. It focuses on cultivating students" self-learning ability, self-management ability and adaptability in different environments to the maximum extent, hoping that they can have the confidence to face the uncertain future world.

In the future, JPED Academy will explore more possibilities and more modes in the path of international education, and work together to cultivate stronger international talents with a sense of mission for China and the world.

2022 International School of Reputation and Influence

At the end of the year, the 2022 "Echoing China" International School Development Forum of Tencent News and Education Channel was launched. With the theme of "Reform and Innovation Drive forward", the forum invited senior people from the international industry to discuss together the hot issues of common concern in the international education in the new era, such as the change of environment and system, innovation of concept and model, and market and management challenges.

With its stable management team, strong teaching staff, distinctive education and teaching mode, outstanding college entrance performance, and perfect logistics support system, JPED Aacdemy has been recognized by the international industry and parents, and won the award of "2022 Annual Reputation and Influence International School".

Mo Danyu, executive principal, said during an interview, "We are facing a rapidly changing era of information explosion. Knowledge is updated every three to five years, which encourages educators to go beyond using a formatted education model to teach future world citizens.Therefore, in addition to the explanation of specific knowledge, we also need to teach students the ability and methods of scientific exploration of knowledge, and cultivate their creativity, leadership, happiness, courage to challenge in the face of the unknown, continuous innovation, and become a person with empathy.These will be the basic skills they need to survive in the future.The purpose of education is to equip students with the ability to resist any challenges in the unknown world and keep moving forward for creating a better future world.

Spring and autumn bear fruit for another year, and forge ahead to a new chapter.2023 will be a year full of vitality and hope. JPED is ready to sail again, striving to build a new engine of international education in the North Third Ring Road, providing every student with more high-quality international educational resources, more diversified and higher quality learning environment.More hope that in the New Year, our international education industry can maintain vitality, unity and forge ahead, to explore more possibilities, more diversified models, together for China, for the world to train stronger international talents with a sense of mission.


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