【报资讯】Event Review | 春季高中入学招生评估回顾

2023-01-18 10:08:34






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On a sunny and peaceful day, January 8th, ISA Wenhua Wuhan High School successfully held admissions assessment. As one of the reference standards of the "Talented Youth - 10 Million Scholarship Programme", it grabbed a considerable amount of students’ attention and parents’ participation nationally.

ISA Wuhan has always implemented the concept of holistic education, and this assessment was comprehensive and innovative. Therefore, it was not only a student’s participation in a test, but also an opportunity for students to gain a learning experience. Let’s look back at those marvelous moments.


Setting Up for the Assessment


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At 7:30 a.m., in addition to the teachers who were setting up the test center, there were also lots of students from AP Centre who served as volunteers. They were responsible for being ushers today. One student in particular, Rosy, insisted on being a volunteer despite the burdensome preparation for next week’s final exams. She wanted to ease the anxiety of the prospective students by reassuring them and wishing them all the best of luck.

笔试评估 & 家校面谈

Written Test & Interview


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The examination officially started at 8:50 a.m. As part of the evaluation, students would take a written test in Math, Science, Chemistry and English. Meanwhile, parents would have a face-to-face interview with the principal. The written test was designed by the provincial special-class teachers, and Mr. Dai and Mr. Xu. They noted the assessment was extremely difficult. Some competition-level questions required students to be equipped with a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The exam not only measures their comprehensive knowledge but also, their analytical and critical thinking skills.


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The face-to-face interviews were counted as an imperative part of this evaluation. ISA Wuhan has always placed great importance on forming a parent committee. The committee helps parents support their children"s learning and development by implementing the school"s educational concept and teaching methods. Hence, parents could become educational partners of the school gradually.

办学理念 & 课程特点介绍

Educational Philosophy & Currriculum Feature



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Principal Juliana Jia provided parents with an elaborate introduction to educational philosophy of ISA Wuhan and the characteristics of the mainstream international high school curriculum. She emphasized the same importance among different curriculum systems, and students are the ones who need to select the corresponding courses.

In fact, high school is also a preparatory school for university, where students are not only able to learn basic knowledge, but also develop their time management skills. In ISA Wuhan, they can learn pre-university courses, determining the field of study they are interested in, and preparing for more in-depth studies in the future. The purpose of ISA Wuhan’s differentiation teaching and personalized class schedule is to allow each student to develop under the most suitable circumstance. Thus, they can learn actively by being confident, and achieve individual development.


Sharing the Experience


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During the preparation period, parents from the AP Center Family Council also shared their experiences of school selection, and other parents nodded their heads to show their agreement. Li Yingzhang’s mother’s eyes are always filled with tenderness and happiness, as she recounts her child’s immense progress in the past six months. Her child seldom smiled when he came home from school, but now he smiled more. He exhibits a positive attitude while he shared stories of his school life. What’s more, his initiative of studying has greatly improved due to the love and care given by the AP Center teachers. His mother has deeply touched and is grateful for ISA Wuhan.




Campus Tour


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After 12:30, the test ended. Parents and students feasted on a delicious lunch in the cafeteria and then visited the student dormitory, the auditorium, the black box theatre, the gymnasium, and the soccer field in turn. These places all received lots of compliments from prospective parents. The initial concept of ISA Wuhan was "construction for learning", which regards the curriculum needs and educational philosophy as the origin of the architectural design.


Comprehensive Assessment


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The test in the afternoon was the highlight of the evaluation. The students had a presentation of two products over two hours through team participation, brainstorming, cooperation, and an on-spot report. Through the students" performance, the teachers assessed them comprehensively in terms of field knowledge and innovation capacity, etc. The evaluation of the integrated inquiry not only focuses on the results, but also on the formative assessments of the students in the activity. This is a manifestation of ISA Wuhan"s practice of holistic education and the comprehensive development of students.




To be continued


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Although the evaluation ended, students still lingered around. It was a competitive examination, but through the group activities, they turned from strangers to acquaintances and, even, friends. We were able to take on multiple tasks and responsibilities, which is a sign of growth and transformation. Despite thorns and bumps on the path of education, we hope all students could achieve their goals with great passion!


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