天天即时:Welcome Back to ISALW丨开学季,沐着春风成长
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As we start our new spring journey, teachers and staff of ISA Liwan came to school earlier to decorate the campus, preparing for the new semester with our students. Walking into the campus, the decorations and everywhere has filled with the expectations and inspiration for learning.
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On the 5th of February, Heads of School and faculty teams arrived early at the gate and greeted every student arriving by school bus or car. The smiles and the joyful sounds have made the whole campus energetic again.
During the first week of the new semester, EY students were inquiring and progressing with the joy of learning. In the classroom, all students were enjoying their learning.
The school bell rang at the end of classes in the primary building, students were eager to share what they had done and their resolutions for the new semester with classmates.
The Middle Years’ students were creating beautiful paintings describing their impressions about ISA Liwan.
This week, the school hosted a Certification Awarding Ceremony for Student Council.
All of these owe to the support and effort of members of the ISA Liwan Community. Together we start the next chapter of ISA Liwan.