Open Day & Trial Class 开放日暨体验课盛大来袭 | 邀您感受原汁原味的爱莎课堂

2023-02-13 16:05:04

We often describe spring as a time of rebirth, renewal and awakening. Like education, it brings a sense of hope and vitality, and a stronger sense of empathy for what is good.



In this beautiful season, ISA Science City International School will be hosting a grand Open Day with Trial Classes on Saturday 25 February. Opening its doors to welcome all prospective parents, students and friends. Come and meet our Senior Leadership Team, visit our outstanding facilities, experience the original IB curriculum and a fun and enriching Co-curriculum programme. You can also interact with our teachers and see for yourselves just what makes ISASC so special.

在这个美好的季节,爱莎科学城学校即将于2月25日(周六)举办盛大的校园开放日与体验课,开放校门,盛情欢迎并迎接所有对我们感兴趣的家长、学生及朋友。欢迎您到校探索,零距离与校领导团队交流、聆听校长关于国际教育的精彩发言以及K12各阶段课程的深度解读、探索坐拥顶级艺体设施的胡润美丽校园Top 2校园,以及亲身体验纯正的IB课堂和趣味盎然的拓展课程,感受充满活力的国际化学习氛围,切身体验爱莎“全人发展”的均衡教育体系的魅力与影响。



Start Your ISASC Journey



Meet With Head of School


Mr. Paul Bawden, our Head of School, will explain the vision of ISA, its unique curriculum and individualised teaching and learning, and help you understand the strengths of ISA International Education Group and its philosophy of "Holistic education, lifelong learning and cultivating globally cooperative and competitive citizens of the world".

爱莎科学城校长Paul Bawden先生在国际教育领域深耕超35年,其中包括15年任职校长的履历。开放日中,他将细致解读爱莎的愿景、独特的课程体系和因材施教的个性化教学,帮助您认识爱莎国际教育集团实力,以及爱莎“全人教育、终身学习及培养具备全球竞争力的世界公民”的教育理念。


EY, PY & SY Presentations


During the Open Day, the school will organise "Parent & Student Workshops". The workshops will focus on key educational topics according to the characteristics of students of different age groups (EY, PY or SY),

During the Open Day, the school will organise presentations for each sub-school, led by Ms. Connie (Early Years Principal), Ms. Louise (Primary School Principal), Mr. Peter (Secondary School Principal). They will give comprehensive introduction to the teaching team, the curriculum and school life, and interact with families, providing parents and students with a realistic and interactive experience, and a first-hand experience of the school"s dedication to IB inquiry-based teaching, pastoral care and universities pathways.



Explore Our Excellent Campus


One of the key components of the Open Day is the school tour. During a campus tour, our professional admissions staff will provide families with an opportunity to observe our state-of-the-art facilities and innovative learning spaces.

学校参观是开放日的重要组成部分之一。开放日中,我们将带领您细致地参观校园,感受《胡润排行榜》全国Top 2美丽校园的先进设施,以及极具设计感和创造力的学习空间。


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